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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Some of them aren't even really graphics issues, it comes down to control schemes that are massively dated and just.. not fun to mess with anymore. Syphon Filter has its place in history but man, throw me a Suikoden instead.
  2. Yeah the guy says he wrote stuff on the back regarding their last known location.
  3. The trapper was a hop, skip and a jump from where you get the bear. I don't know what happens if you lost that pelt actually.
  4. The guy who runs the Hotel at Valentine is totally voiced by Jack from Achievement Hunter and I'm quite sure that Geoff is sin there as well - either at a bank or post office.
  5. Ho-ly fuck. A bird flew into the side of my horse and died. It happened earlier too, but the other one flew away.
  6. He mauled the fuck out of me, but I got one single last saving shot and managed to end it. Now I wear his head on mine.
  7. It's technically a prequel, so story wise you are fine.
  8. I really liked it when a game would ask you to look up and set your controls based on that, etc.
  9. Naw, I actually love the sound of that. A lot of this game is going to be getting a feel for the characters and their situation and a big part of that is the struggling to survive aspect of it. I'm super excited for that whole bit of it.
  10. God dammit, it's minor but it has the same issue that Odyessy has - ironically with horses. That being that the same button that you use to mount the horse is the same button that you use to do something you probably don't want to do. In here it's rob people, and in AC it's assassinate.
  11. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    This is probably the most I've ever put into Universe mode in one of the 2K games, getting an equal amount of enjoyment out of it. I'm also still working through towers, career and showcase mode - and I've found some really good edits so far.
  12. This dude and Mario games, I swear.
  13. Looks like it's pants and a university t-shirt - I didn't really know that was a thing.
  14. How Long To Beat has the original pegged at 18 hours, main + extras 28 hours and completionist at close to 50 hours.
  15. I'm going to try and hold off on buying this until I've fully completed Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Try.
  16. Secret photo ops don't count towards platinum, fyi.
  17. Wishlists on the consoles themselves are pretty neat though, as you can just go look at them and you can see at a glance if anything that you have been eyeing up is on sale or has dropped in price.
  18. It does have one, yeah - but maybe only on the web-store. Name changes incoming for PSN accounts as well.
  19. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Woah, holy shit - when did they make cage matches fun? I'm going through the daily MyPlayer Tower right now which is a pretty awesome series of matches versus all former Wyatt family members. Rowan in a Last Man Standing/Extreme Rules match Harper in a Tables match Braun Strowman in a Ladder match Daniel Bryan in a Cage match Bray Wyatt in a HIAC match All the matches have been nail bitingly stressful and awesome at the same time due to my low levelled by comparison character. But back to the main point, during the DB match in the cage I noticed that you can call for the referee to open the door now and you have a bit of time to get of of the cage/be stopped. I started with a finisher and nearly made it out but DB stopped me and he wasn't injured enough for me to win the mash contest so we continued on in the match. So now when you try to climb out there's a few states; Standing on the ropes, you can be struck or grappled here from the ground On top of the cage, you can only be struck or grappled if the other person gets up on the ropes now On the way out And DB almost escaped but I managed to strike him as he was just getting out of the cage (and you can reverse those strikes if you are on the receiving end) but I pulled him back to the top of the cage, then I pulled him down to the ropes and managed to get him back in the ring. It happened back and forth a few more times and made it feel way more dynamic than years past. I managed to win by hitting my finisher again, going for the door (which opened quicker this time) and winning the tug of war as Daniel tried to stop me again. I had both feet on the outside of the ropes, so when I won - he guillotined me and I fell out of the door for the win which is another cool touch.
  20. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    In my universe, Lince Dorado upset Seth Rollins for the IC title in a replacement match on Extreme Rules after Rollin's opponent was injured - but after the match he wasn't even shown in the post match as Dolph Ziggler came out and had a staredown with Rollins who acted like he won the match anyways. Poor Lince.
  21. I'm sorry if this was too scary for anyone.
  22. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    Agreed, especially on the ring entrances. I think a lot of it has to do with Corey Graves and the way that his lines are structured. Usually by now I'm already tired of the commentary, but when it's not Jerry Lawler spouting the same inane lines over and over again, I can at the very least tune it out.
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