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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Well fuck. Does this make his last official cameo the Spider-Man game?
  2. That's an illicit business - so now that you know about it, you can rob the store with zero repercussions. When you highlight the owner, now you'll have the pull out weapon prompt and you can have the scene play out without anyone on the outside knowing about it. This has happened for all the illicit businesses I robbed EXCEPT for the one in Valentine which gets the law on you pretty much instantly. Normally you get a tip from someone you save but then you also have to go and do something like try to get access to the backroom, etc - and THEN you'll have an extra option when robbing. In regards to this;
  4. For @Arjen Robben or anyone else who is on to the epilogue...
  5. The two locations I've found them is outside Valentine at night - in a cluster of trees across the way from the house that you help the father/sons build over time and then in Rhodes close-ish to your camp during the day.
  6. Real good fast travel system for my horse here.
  7. Crave - the subscription service here in Canada that contained HBO shows in a limited capacity just updated to a $19 dollar model that includes movies, all HBO shows (including new episodes the day after) and some series that were left off before. Is Deadwood worth picking up a sub for a month?
  8. That's 'Prominent Americans' and there are three presidents in there who are men in that set - otherwise I think the multiple missions around women's suffrage would seem a bit odd, haha.
  9. They're giving you the base game, because catching up with DLCs now essentially costs the same or more as the full game.
  10. I can't leave my camp without wildlife literally ramming into me, the hell were you doing trying to skin and cook a dog?
  11. A little late, but fuck it.
  12. Yeah the Polish guy was just... yeah. Didn't enjoy that.
  13. I've played for.. longer than I'd like to note at this point, and I've barely done the little things like clean your gun, etc. A lot of it that seems stressful (like bringing stuff to camp) really isn't all that much once you get used to doing it and see that it doesn't effect much if you fail to do it. I love that the game knows the difference between defending yourself in a fist fight, and then looting a body after the fact - and just starting a fight for no reason. Defusing situations that could go bad or working them in your favour - that's something that barely any other game has done and it's the reason why I am so into this game.
  14. There are some items that the trapper needs to make items - perfect pelts of regular creatures, though.
  15. Arthur Morgan, the stealthiest bounty hunter in the world;
  16. Yeah at this rate, I can't picture the game being anything but a flop. I haven't talked to anyone who had a good beta experience yet.
  17. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    This time it's more clearly defined I'm pretty sure - it's for sure a step up over what it was in the past.
  18. You can also make running a toggle instead of a hold from the options.
  19. Space is a big thing too. If the thing only has enough storage space to store what is in there, you'd run into some issues with modding it (easily as well) and might need something like the USB hard drive options that existed for the SNES classic - which is just more of a pain then would be needed, if even possible.
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