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Everything posted by apsham

  1. It has the catch mechanic from Pokemon Go, but battles are like normal. You can trade and battle with other users, and otherwise it's a remake of the first games. I find it massively refreshing and I hope some things (like visible Pokemon in the field) carry over from it. There are version specifics as well like normal. A mainline game is coming next year.
  2. Red Dead Redemption 2 - bar none. I've played so many others, but after Red Dead their seams were just so much more opened up.
  3. To be fair - RDR2 and BOTW both guide you along in places. BOTW doesn't let you get off the starting plain until you've done enough tutorial to get the glider and at the start of RDR2 you pretty much have to follow along, although it does open up much quicker. I don't remember being that far into Origins until I was able to go wherever I wanted to (avoiding guards of course).
  4. I see those creative writing classes are paying off.
  5. Man, I wish rentals were still a thing around me. I really want to experience it for at least an evening.
  6. It's already $30 off in Black Friday sales, which must be fun for the people who bought it a week ago.
  7. I'm at a weird point with the game where I'm just trying to max everything out. I come out on top for shows, can afford the best arenas, etc - so I just use the favorite/bookmark system to note the wrestlers I haven't maxed out in skill yet and spam them over and over again. Really cool to see a lot of things I've suggested and gone back and forth with the devs make it into the game too.
  8. God dammit. I can't name a horse Prickly Pete because of a profanity filter. I already named the other one Snoopy!
  9. Not that card specifically - but there'll be other cards through time eras of that same character that can have higher values.
  10. I never had the chance to make it terribly far - so I've got Eevee, Pikachu, Ekans and Bulbasaur locked in. Everyone else is just there to evolve and move on - though I'll probably keep Nidoqueeb around once my Nidorina evolves.
  11. We're coming up on episode 4 of 'Til Death Do Us Blart, so get caught up before Thanksgiving.
  12. @DMN Not robbing the bank is factored into the story, didn't miss anything there.
  13. I marathoned through the last chapter tonight.
  14. That is also pretty awesome, yeah. I feel like it's just what I needed for a bit of a break.
  15. Switch has an online service, yeah. It covers online play for games, access to a library of NES games and backup saves (though it's opt-in and Nintendo doesn't seem to want to do it for any of their titles that touch multiplayer for fear of save hacking) - it's QUITE a bit cheaper than other services, something like 20-25 dollars for a year.
  16. Picked it up, amazing remastering of the game in every way. There's just so much more direction than the other platformers of the time - wonderfully designed micro-worlds that you can 100% pretty much your first time through, great controls and nothing about it really seems all that unfair.
  17. I'm playing Let's Go with my girlfriend and having a great time with it. And yeah, it's easy as hell - it's way too east, but it's the perfect way to replay Gen1 without it feeling too tedious. You get to see everything redone and can kind of just cruise through.. I like it. And it adds some things to the series that I hope stick around.
  18. I don't have the time for this, I don't have the time for this, I don't have the time for this.
  19. After watching some gameplay and reviews, I'll back up what Ollie said - because the way that it looks now is totally the way I remember it - and then you look at side by side gameplay and kind of get blown away by that.
  20. If you haven't picked it up yet, you can probably hold off for a version with all the DLC eventually.
  21. I really want to grab it myself - but if I'm not playing Red Dead right now, the girlfriend pretty much wants to so I don't have any time for it. I really, really wish it was on the Switch - and I know it'll probably come in a year or so, but dang it's just so fitting for it.
  22. I 100%'d it in three/four gameplay sessions but they were marathons to be sure. If you weren't going for 100% and just wanted to experience the story, you'd probably have no problem getting back a decent amount for it to go towards RDR2. I was able to get it done and back in my 10 days for a full money return through EB Games and my Onyx membership.
  23. WHAAAT I literally just found that mask too.
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