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Everything posted by apsham

  1. The Hitman series has replayability though, it's fun to just stand there, pull out a gun and watch the rag doll physics take effect.
  2. I don't have DSL online connection, wouldn't it be worthless offline without a headset?
  3. I'd like Contracts for the replay value, I still play Hitman 2 to this day just to mess around. Any reccommendations?
  4. So I havn't purchased a Playstation 2 game for a while, but am going to do so today. I'm thinking of either: Hitman Contract because I loved the previous game and think it would be great. or Champions of Norrath because i've heard great things about it, and i've wanted to get into these kinds of games. Question is, do you need online play to use the game? Can anyone answer my questions/give any other suggestion?
  5. That CD, and Mitch himself is great. It's just constantly annoying to hear the bass playing in the background during the routine. One of my favorite things happened on a comedy show here in Canada.
  6. I was just watching this canadian based comedy show out of Toronto called "Comedy Now" and i've heard the most hilarious line that i've heard in a while. It went a little like this: and this was pretty good too. What quotes have made you crack up?
  7. You mean, to get through to you, they should use bands you like. This CD wasn't about entertaining people as much as giving artists a voice with other artists to express their thoughts on Bush I echo FunkAsPuck on this one. BTW, Punk In Drublic is the best reverse NOFX reference.
  9. Hey, cut me some slack, it's 1:20 am and i'm running on nothing, and typing in the dark.
  10. Yes yes, what I said was stereotyped and wrong. I'm sorry if I actually offended anyone, however I refuse to now before TrisNik\Beasty.
  11. It's probably been debated about a thousand times over, but i'd like to do it again. In here make cases for\against the three major consoles, i'll start us off. ---------------- Microsoft's X-Box (X-BOX) I'll start out with the console that i've played the least, and i'm glad about it. I don't own one myself, but have had many chances to play one, and i'm not impressed at all. I'm very aware of the advanced graphics capabilities, as well as the advanced everything on it over the competition, but I think that all those bells and whistles are overrated if the games aren't good. For one thing, I don't see as much selection with the X-Box as I do with the other systems, this could be just because I don't actually own the system, but whenever i'm in a video game section, the Box always seems to have less of a selection. As far as I see it, here are my Pro's and Con's PROS - Halo, and soon Halo II. - It's the system with the most advanced hardware. - Plays DVDs, which is a big bonus CONS - The controller, as well as the controls. - Bad game selection - You have to pay for X-Box Live - The size of the friggin' thing My ending place for the X-Box is a third place. ------------------------ Nintendo's Gamecube (GCN) This one, I own. It was my first of all the first generation systems, and I bought it at first for only one reason. Super Smash Brothers Melee. The Gamecube has been an up-and-down ride for me ever since then, it's given me a lot of gameplay, but i'm not really sure if it's worth it. Nintendo has the credit of being the first company to ever really get me hooked on anything (the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) was worse that anything else I could've got hooked on) But I think they're losing their standing in the gaming world. The Gamecube itself is amazing, mainly in size of the console itself and the size of the discs. It's a technical wonder, however that also makes it hard to find the discs when you want them. The controller is decent too, and very durable as is with all Nintendo products. The games themselves are.... not what I hoped. All of them are cartoony.... even if it's a conversion. The graphics on the Gamecube are in no way bad, but there's just no way that they can match up to what's on the PS2 or X-Box, but that's ok, some people like it like that, i'm not one of them however (for the most part). Many of them are also set on multi-player-ness, something that i'm not that big on either, unless it's something that can be done in one sitting (ex. Mario Party) PROS: - Unique titles, that are Gamecube only. - Unique, fresh design. - Can make very well defined, nostalgic games. - Has frickin' Harvest Moon in a great form. - System and controller durable. CONS: - Too cartoony for some peoples tastes. - Not as much power as the other two. - Many games are worth less without multi-player. - Small discs can be easily lost and\pr destroyed. - Can't play DVD's To me, the Gamecube will always be second place. ------------------------- Sony's Playstation 2 Stand back, as you may think that this review is biased, and it may be a little, but it's just what I think. I also own this console, obviously, and at first this time, it was for the Grand Theft Auto series which I followed on my computer, but when it broke into full-3d, I just needed a PS2. And the system has continued tobe faithful to me. It's impossible for anything to compete with the Playstation 2. Seriously. I'm speechless in what to write for it, and if you've ever played one, then you'll know what I mean. I mean, where to start? Perhaps with the hardware. The system itself is very well designed and good looking, especially in black, and the controllers in my opinion are flawless, and very durable as long as you treat them correctly (READ: Don't drop them in water) Ah, and now the games... the games, where do you start? Well, the Playstation 2 is the premier console on which to play all the great series of games which are contained in it's massive library. While these games may be on other consoles, the controls, controllers and overall feel of the system make it a much more enjoyable experience. Series such as Metal Gear, the Hitman series, the Final Fantasy series, the Gran Turisimo series, the Smackdown! series. There's something for everyone, and the PS2 is very willing to share. PROS: - Very nice looking, feeling console. - Durable, like the GCN. - Vast game selection. - DVD capabilities. - Has many great series of games. - Online play is fun and addictive CONS - ........ As you can probably tell by now, the Playstation 2 is, in my mind, the dominant console. Now, what do you think?
  12. It could be good, for people who like those knids of movies. I'd see it as a striaght-to-video release, and then turn out to be a cult-favorite until you came out with better movies, then once again a cult favorite afterwards.
  13. If you liked the Metal Gear series, definatly pick up Twin Snakes, I don't own it yet, but plan on it sometime.
  14. I'm glad I have a Gamecube for two reasons, Harvest Moon and the new WWE game coming out, but it's only getting better I suppose. I neglect it to my Playstation 2 though.
  15. Tonight i'm going to watch the DVD from the CD, Rock Against Bush, Volume One. It sounds good.
  16. Rupert is more than likely going to win. Anyways, I don't watch Survivor, but my aunt JUST made me vote for him, so meh.
  17. apsham

    Music Survey

    Fave Chilli Peppers Song?: Don't really have one. Fave Muse song?: Don't really have one. Fave Radiohead Album?: Don't really have one. Pearl Jam or Nirvana?: Neiither. Favourite Chill-Out album?: I usually burn an MP3 cd with all my songs. Favourite Solo Artist?: ummm... William Hung? Pop or R&B?: Pop. Indie or Metal?: Netiher. Rap or Rock?: Rock. That was rather uneventful.
  18. The last one that I bought I believe was for my girlfriend was Deja Entendu by Brand New. Me and a friend recently co-bought Rock Against Bush Volume 1, it's good. Just becuase in the book it lists 20 reasons why Bush is the worst president of all time, two of them are funny: 13. John Ashcroft and 20. He dropped his dog on his head.
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