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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Already posted, wasn't it?
  2. Keep wishing boy, keep wishing.
  3. I don't agree with the Yellowcard on there, but rip into blink and New Found Glory and you've got a problem with me buddys. Nah just kidding. Half kidding, but there's some pretty good stuff heavier stuff. Like Senses Fail and Alkaline Trio on there too.
  4. So i've got one of the only working burners in my town which obviously makes loads of people do "Hey man, will you burn me a CD" etc. I always accept them, but never do any except for one of my closer friends, and only because we have the same taste in music. Anyways, he kept adding and adding songs to the list that he wanted and i've finally got them all burnt, I was just wondering what other people think. Here's the track listing: 1. New Found Glory - So Many Ways 2. Alkaline Trio - Jaked On Green Beers 3. Midtown - Like A Movie 4. From First To Last - Such A Tradgedy 5. Senses Fail - Buried A Lie 6. Alkaline Trio - Radio 7. Fallout Boy - Dead On Arrival 8. The Used - Just A Little 9. Thrice - Artist In The Ambulance 10. Sugarcult - Memory 11. Autopilot Off - What I Want 12. Alkaline Trio - Warbrain 13. Senses Fail - Bite To Break Skin 14. Yellowcard - Finish Line 15. Midtown - Just Rock'n'Roll 16. alexisonfire - Waterwings (to make fun of heh) 17. Billy Talent - River Below 18. blink-182 - Not Now 19. Story Of The Year - And The Hero Will Drown 20. Alkaline Trio - Hell Yes 21. Hidden In Plain View - The Chaser 22. Autopilot Off - Nothing Frequency
  5. I know they're not classified as rap, but didn't Outkast do the same thing? Or was that a double CD, Speakerboxx\The Love Below?
  6. Are you talking about burning movies onto DVD-R's and playing them in your Playstation? While that's most likey.... illegal, i'm pretty sure you'll need a mod chip for it.
  7. Go ahead and re-buy the Playstation 2, and forget about the X-Box. You'll thank ME later. With so much interesting stuff coming out, the PS2 is the best system to buy, what with the Smackdown! series and Grand Theft Auto series being big up points for me.
  8. What rap song DOESN'T go on like that.
  9. Urgh dammit, sorry about that I messed it up.
  10. Fairly Odd Parents rock! The Fairly Odd Parents (Cosmo and Vicki ) were acting like adults to distract Timmy's parents, I think so he could have a party or something. They dissapeared under the table to talk about something for a while, then Timmy's parents made a remark that'll always stick out in my mind as a classic. Father: They've been down there quite a while. Mother: Do you think they're dead. Father: Quickly! Let's attain an allaby! Then they both run off.
  11. Never...everrrr compare Kill Bill in anyway to an old Kung Fu movie. Yeah, as you can see I hold a grudge against the film, and i'll be the first to tell you that it's for no real reason. I just hate it.
  12. Kill Bill slaying the awards is bullshit. They won best Female Performance (my fucking ass), Best Villian and Fight Scene (wow the moive was all fight scenes holy shit! amazing) The Kill Bill movies are shite, and the only award that matters is the Best Movie.
  13. I change my mind, Frank Costanza all the way. What can you say about the inventor of Festivus and The Feats of Strength. Bump him up to 1, put Homer at 2.
  14. 1. Homer Simpson 2. Frank Costanza 3. Archie Bunker 4. Peter Griffin 5. Heathcliff Huxtable 6. *mumble* Seinfeld 7. Fred Sanford 8. George Jefferson That's all I could think of.
  15. This is crazy, there's no way that they could make a game this good.... open-ended games are the basis of my dreams.
  16. Yeah, it came in some Microsoft Entertainment Pack or whatever, it also had Ski-Free on it.
  17. You're looking for Ren & Stimpys appeal? IT'S LOG! IT'S LOG! IT'S BIG, IT'S TUMBLY, IT'S WOOD! I found it for you.
  18. Easy solution for that would be to package Pac-Man with another lower calss game from the series, say Ice Climbers.
  19. Perhaps it's Pac-Man.... with improved super DX graphics. Oh wait they've already tried to do that. Multiple times.
  20. I've got the game, and at first I thought it was awesome, realism like cops pulling you over, etc. The storylines great, but there is stuff that pulls down the game for me. Like the graphics, which are kind of repetitve. My control seems to swtich out of focus at random times too, and the game itself just feels too stiff and forced. Load times are shite also. All in all I like the game... it's just frustrating to play at most times.
  21. I've got Mafia... it feels too stiff and forced to me. Plus load times are shitty.
  22. Well, I got Contracts and holy shit, anyone who was considering it go out and get it right now. For some reason, it just feels so much more realisitic, it's amazing how many little extras they've added, like in the mansion level where you can suffocate a sleeping target with a pillow while someone lays beside him, or going to a closed off pool in a hotel, shoot the guard and then drown the sleeping man floating in the middle. The hotel level itself is amazingly realistic. Another great addition? Sniper rifle-in-a case.
  23. I've sent the money along already, i'm getting Hitman: Contracts for sure and then if there's enough money left over, SOCOM II because DBD told me that there was good space for a single player mission. Thanks to everyone who replied.
  24. apsham


    My friend calls alexisonfire, From Autum To Ashes (great band) etc. Scream-o. I mainly listen to New Found Glory, blink-182 and The Starting Line along with Senses Fail, Autum To Ashes, Early November etc.
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