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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Looks to be full price on Steam. Anyways, from what people are saying it doesn't seem that impressive. Buggy and weird limitations like only 6 wrestlers until you upgrade at the start, etc.
  2. Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield. Looks fucking amazing.
  3. It's great! It has a Twin Peaks/X-Files vibe and is seriously old school.
  4. Yeah, I still have only run into a single cougar and it happened in the epilogue.
  5. Yeah, I'm really interested but... not quite excited with the development history on this. Hoping for some good reviews.
  6. I still cannot fathom why they bothered with Saints Row for the Switch. Might as well have just done the fourth one since it had the over the top superhero fun bullshit.
  7. Hopefully he just goes back to Pizza Hut and makes the Big New Yorker again. ❤️
  8. No problem! I need to get back into it, excited that they announce intentions to bring the rest of the expansions to the Switch version.
  9. Here are the two resources that I used to get going;
  10. I was actually going to suggest that as I had just played it, but I thought the non-party version of that was only good for 5 people.
  11. Are you paying with PayPal in the first place or just straight through with your credit card?
  12. I dunno, maybe I just played it more - but I adore Destiny's story and I'm actually pretty salty that they didn't put out novels like the million that they had for Halo. I actually have the Grimoire collection that they released recently.
  13. There's no way around here for me to rent, otherwise I still would for sure. I could use the mail services but I don't really trust the mail system to not put me in a situation where a game gets lost, etc.
  14. If you're going to pirate a game, just say that you wanted a thing for free.
  15. Ah, that was Maui just messing around.
  16. I have no interest at all in the game because the BR format just doesn't appeal to me. What I do love is how the developers just dead dropped it out of no where instead of announcing it and letting people shit their pants about EA changing things, blah blah blah and half-dooming the game before it ever came out.
  17. NBA Live is leagues above NBA2K this year in terms of gameplay and actually offering you modes that don't require a fuck ton of VC. Tons of offline modes, the Ultimate Team doesn't use contracts and it's just all around a breath of fresh air after the stranglehold 'make this game your life' shit that NBA2K has become.
  18. Horizon 4 let my character visit many historical landmarks. And proceed to dab on them.
  19. Streets of Rage 2 is for sure one of the best video game soundtracks of all time.
  20. Yeaaaaah, I wouldn't get excited or anything like that. It's going to focus on Fire Emblem, maybe some DLC like Hollow Knight and Shovel Knight and I dunno.. Smash Bros character updates?
  21. apsham

    WWE 2K19

    One of the big things I loved this year was the ability to delete resources WITH a CAW if they weren't shared with anything else and the ability to go in and mass delete anything that isn't currently being used.
  22. Well... they tried with All Pro once they lost access to the license and that didn't quite work out for them. But doing it without the expensive contracts might fare a bit better than that... but regardless, I could see them just sticking to the NBA - especially with their recent billion dollar expansion there. And that's especially since their entire revenue model seems to revolve around bleeding people dry for VC in that series, and with the unstable nature of that kind of stuff right now with people growing tired of it and it starting to get on shaky legal ground I don't know if they're going to want to go directly for an entirely new franchise unless they need to.
  23. Hey Riddle Riddle and Hello From The Magic Tavern are my two new faves.
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