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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I agree with RPS - and yeah, while the 3DS has a lot of amazing games and the ability to play DS games the situation at least in my area is that a lot of those games are impossible to find, prohibitively expensive or digital only. And these days 3DS digital sales are deader than a doornail.
  2. Nor I, unless I want to spend more money on my connection - which'll be spotty at best anyways. Besides that, I'm shaky enough with most of my game library being digital - but being entirely locked away from stuff if the service was attacked/went down/was in service is top tier annoying as well.
  3. Absolutely zero excitement for a pure streaming platform, eh.
  4. I had to ask this the other day at work - and from my understanding it's a system put into place to track your progress throughout the 'season' by completing challenges, getting XP and all that jazz. I think the general idea is that it rewards you with bonuses and skins, stuff like that - and if it works like Fortnite does there'll be a free tier and then one that you can purchase (or earn) that comes with more opportunities.
  5. In general, Carly Rae Jepsen is fairly underrated - as most people likely only know her from that. Josh Ramsay is one of the writers of Call Me Maybe and his band Mariana's Trench aren't all that heard of outside of Canada either, and he writes some really catchy stuff.
  6. My biggest barrier so far was Crab Storage. Also;
  7. Take Two's value as a company is derived almost entirely from being a third party. Some of the licenses they hold wouldn't be overly excited about their sales being cut due to a move like that - while it would drive sales, something like that probably wouldn't make up for what would be possible across Xbox/PC and in some cases the Switch. If it were as simple as that, you would see stuff like this a heck of a lot shots at acquisitions like this.
  8. https://www.businessinsider.com/sony-buying-take-two-interactive-rumors-2019-3
  9. What's it got going for it? I saw some screenshots but I dunno what the gameplay is about. Edit: Read a very brief overview, bought it. This had better be good!
  11. It is VASTLY better than it originally was. Hell, at first you couldn't even build a base.
  12. I watched it that very night. The recordings of those conversations between McNamara and JFK and Johsnon sound so eerie. And the moment where he talks about how close 'rational people came to world annihilation' is so gripping as well.
  13. I love how that reads like they've switched basketball teams.
  14. Dipshits who don't care about the movie sure care a lot about it. I groan to think of the ad revenue the pathetic shit got though.
  15. And the Junior Heavyweight DLC is out on the 13th, but I don't even know. Now with everything planned out of the way I'm kind of waiting to see what happens - if they decide to go back and take another look at Promoter or just leave it as is. After doing some research here and there, it seems very limiting and light in its approach which is fine and all, I might pick it up if the DLC ever goes 50% off or something like that but it has kind of taken the wind out of my sails.
  16. I've been watching all of his videos the last few days, awesome stuff.
  17. Well, I just discovered RimWorld. I'm pretty sure my productivity time is now shot.
  18. Steam doesn't offer an easy way for you to see any logins or active sessions as far as I'm aware - so even though you're probably fine, the best you can do right now is go to https://store.steampowered.com/account/ and make sure that you have Steam Guard on and configured.
  19. Damn, now I have to go watch Fog Of War again.
  20. So shockingly - Just Cause 4 is on Gamepass now. And god damn, it's good.
  21. I am all aboard the Brooke Lynn Hytes bus and I'm never getting off it. But my god, I think I want to skip until Silky is out of the show. Legitimately not fun to watch whenever they were on screen.
  22. I can't imagine playing it for the first time now and finding it all that jaw dropping, unless maybe it was with 4 player co-op or something along those lines.
  23. That just makes it sound like you HAD DLC in that save, and now it's uninstalled or something? Does anyone have some hands on impressions of the promoter mode? I've seen a little bit of NL playing it and I'm still kind of on the fence at the moment.
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