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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Ah. I figured she was done after her whole homophobic slur business. More Open Mike Eagle is never a bad thing, yuss.
  2. I picked up a PS1 classic when they went on super sale last weekend, and managed to get some more games onto it. This is all a pretense to say; NHL Rock The Rink really needs to make a comeback.
  3. Ronda Rousey as Sonya Blade is the worst possible voice acting, oh my god.
  4. Watching people speedrun it is amazing.
  5. Good for sure. Each level offers a 'simple' difficulty version that allows you to learn the patterns before you take on the levels as they are meant to be played. Levels are mostly just boss battles that go through stages, whereas there are some other levels that are straight up platforming that are short and meant to give you the chance to make some money to buy optional upgrades.
  6. I really need to make an MDickie diary one day. I fired up a new career as Luke Harper and after my first match, Paul Bearer and Kane sell me steroids, followed instantly by Road Dogg asking me to make him his mentor (so Harper comes out in Road Dogg's attire and uses his moves), I beat Mankind in a first blood match that world champion John Cena is using to pick his next challenger, beat Cena for the World title in week 3 and then Stephanie instantly changes me into a Dan Severn clone. That was THREE SHOWS in that game.
  7. For sure, it's awesome and Mooncrash - the DLC is amazing as well. Prey just got announced as going onto Gamepass as well, along with Monster Hunter World and some others.
  8. Are you mostly playing solo or in a group? I'm tempted from hearing a lot of positive personal experiences - but I know I'll never really get to play with a group.
  9. apsham

    Theatre Chat

    I only stop listening to The Schuyler Sisters from Hamilton on repeat to take a break to listen to You'll Be Back from the same album.
  10. I ended up doing something similar and made a playlist that I called This Playlist Is For Anyone Who Successfully Got Out Of Their Hometown as it is... almost entirely pop punk.
  11. Barenaked Ladies Rock Spectacle is pretty iconic for having songs from that live album become the defacto version of a lot of those tracks.
  12. Colonial Marines was a Sega induced fuck up with a terrible development history, and also a game that Gearbox outsourced in the end. It's also not their flagship series - I think this'll be fine.
  13. Yoshi's Crafted World is stupidly fun, especially with a second player.
  14. Hell yes that's what I wanted to hear.
  15. April 3rd will see the release of a remastered original Borderlands as well.
  16. Naw, it was always going to be DLC.
  17. Warcraft 1+ 2 are out as a bundle of GOG now.
  18. It's like most other games of the type, fiddle around with the sliders to get a good experience. It's initially balanced with teamwork in mind - and it's a lot to learn. It took me a few times of trying it to really get into it, but when I did I was golden for a while.
  19. Conan Exiles can be pretty fun solo, ten times the game that Ark ever was. Surge is a wannabe Dark Souls in a sci-fi world - pretty good as far as I played.
  20. ...what? This is a thing? That's so odd. I've been watching old College Humor stuff on YouTube and because of that I get recommendations every once in a while, and this came up from 2012 just tonight.
  21. NBA Live this year was ten times the game 2K was in my opinion - IE; it was fun and I could progress without spending ONLY my time on the game. The systems for single player were so awesome as well.
  22. There are level scaling options. Before you go to an area, you can see what the minimum level you SHOULD be at is. On most difficulties it then would allow some levels to have enemies 2 levels below you at all times if you were a set level higher than the medium, and in the January update they added a menu option to changing level scaling to Heavy to allow it to be 4 levels below you. And then honestly, if you aren't already - you should just play on Easy. You'd still get recked in the systems within the game that are meant to mess with you - like other high, high level mercenaries. But the only thing it really alters is time to kill on the enemies closer to your level.
  23. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is pretty buck wild amazing.
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