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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I've been tempted by it, and it's going on Gamepass soon so yay!
  2. I broke down and got a set of vouchers since I'll for sure make use of them. I might even buy a second set, because originally I was going to use the other one for Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but now I want to get Ultimate Alliance 3 as well.
  3. Mario Maker 2 in less than 3 hours. Get hype!
  4. Sweet holy christ, I was just coming in here to post this actually - been on my mind (and in my head) for a few days now since I've been listening to the String Theory version that they put out a year or so back. But a year or so back I found it again, actually found out what the lyrics were and I think it's a song with a good message for what many people think of as just a catchy chorus.
  5. You pretty much just described Sheriff of Nottingham, here's a short synopsis. And the longplay that got me into it.
  6. I mean, they literally had to... the licensing rights for that show were a total mess, and the rights to the original English dub didn't come over. It does kinda suck that the original VAs weren't asked to get involved though. They also put the time into a full retranslation for the sub as well - which is pretty cool. For someone watching for the first time, I don't think it will matter. The original dub wasn't exactly amazing. It's not like it's a series direction thing either - I assume fresh licensing will be available for the 3.0 + 1.0 should it make its way over here.
  7. Horizon Chase Turbo is one of the funnest games I've played with my girlfriend recently. Made by huge fans of Outrun to the point where they hired Outrun's soundtrack guy to make music for their game.
  8. I've... never actually gotten the main story to the point where I met Paarthunax. My longest running game, I spent all of my time on guilds and the Civil War storyline.
  9. I used Another Life to start out as a vampire - how do you start the Dawnguard stuff on the vampiric side? If I remember correctly, normally a vampire hunter runs up to you and asks you to join their side - but that might be an issue as I am now.
  10. ...shit, I just realized I've never done vampire or werewolf in Skyrim.
  11. Naw. Wasn't anything to do with Fire Pro.
  12. They generally only do multi-part series on things that actually need it, and the multi-parts that go past 2 episodes usually happen because they literally couldn't fit all of their content in. First and foremost, Last Podcast is generally a comedy podcast more than anything - even with the content it's a bit of a lighter take, with only one of the hosts generally doing deep, deep research - with another one of them helping and/or doing more esoteric research for comedic talking points - and then another guy who purposefully doesn't read up on a lot of it so he can react to it. It's a great format.
  13. I listen to at least two episodes of this per day... lemme see. I really like them all and I'm leaving out some of my favorite series here - but I'm going to stick to the ones that have great voices by Henry or comedic bits that really stick out to me. Satanic Ritual Abuse (68/69) Regional Monsters II (109) Satanism In The Government (118-120) Ted Kaczynski (135/136) Charles Manson (147-149) Hollow Moon (161) Ed Gein (172-174) Amnityville (175/176) Mysterious Sounds and Recordings (177) Henry Lee Lucas (182-185) Hollow Earth (192) Aum Shinrikyo (218-221) Witch Hunts (223) Bigfoot Hunters (232) Billy Meier - Alien Collaborator (239) Black Monk Of Pontefract (240) Serial Killers and the Women Who Love Them (241) Enfield Poltergeist (279/280) Travis Walton Abduction - Fire In The Sky (284) Norwegian Black Metal (285-287) Robert Pickton (288-291) Casey Anthony (307-308) The Jersey Devil (314) Flat Earth (334) And then there's my favorite - I have Henry's impression of the Chupacabra as my ringtone. Puerto Rican Chupacabra (259) And then past THAT there are all the creepypasta/listenerpasta episodes where they read stories and make a big deal out of how Ben is a terrible narrator. I can't pick those out specifically because they all run together but they're good fun as well.
  14. I finally caught an episode of this - the mother and father go out on a double date with his Chinese friend and the Russian hairstylist that he's interested in - and damn, I really need to watch more of this.
  15. Oh man, I am a massive fan of the black & gold box POPs that they put out for Batman not too long ago. I was able to snag a first appearance once and it's the only one that I think I'll keep in the box.
  16. It has already been confirmed that you can't use the Pokeball Plus as a controller - it wouldn't work because you need a second stick for the camera controls and I assume more inputs than the Plus has. You can use it to walk around with a Pokemon however. Sword/Shield will have Pokemon visible in the field, but it goes back to battling and throwing Pokeballs to catch them.
  17. No, that's just how the math is done. So for instance, I had 1 month of Gold and 1 month of Game Pass left so when I bought the Ultimate deal at $1 - I got: 1 month of Gold + 1 month of Gamepass + $1 dollar deal = 3 months of Ultimate Gamepass You can still do like: 24 months of Gold + 0 months of Gamepass + $1 dolalr deal = 25 months of Ultimate Gamepass
  18. It's going to be; Remaining Gold + Remaining GamePass + 1 month = Ultimate Gamepass time - and yeah, only up to 36 months. Anything past that is ignored.
  19. If you were playing the campaign, that would be it because scenario 1 and 2 are linked, yeah. Girlfriend is playing the Cragheart. I'm the Scoundrel.
  20. Yeah - I'm just happy that when they do remasters now, I tend to read/see the things included as features that I was most miffed about. I think the FF12 remaster blatently said "nothing is missable now" etc.
  21. The boss in the Barrow? Yeah it was looking bad for us too, but I managed to compound enough damage with the Scoundrel from my attack + poison + a status effect card that game me +2 more damage, along with a combat modifier to do the boss's entirely pool of health in one strike. I didn't make it through the first scenario because we did a road event that removed 2 of my cards beforehand (and the scoundrel only has 9) - I had to bum rush into the final room to do as much damage as possible.
  22. Speaking of playing through the original VII and materia - just recently when I spent time with it, I realized why I had so many fucking problems when I played that game growing up. I didn't understand materia at all initially and constantly had low HP. It only happened to Cloud this time and that's when I realized that if you have summons/magic materia it almost universally lowers your HP pool. Compound that onto the fact that I just threw all summon materia on every character and... well yeah.
  23. You can turn off their battle talk I think.
  24. In the end, I'm hoping that $150 Canadian isn't going to be too big of a folly. It's essentially 1 and 1/2 new, full priced video games... and the backup plan if the girlfriend and our friends lose interest is apparently that it's still fun to play solo. So there's always that. Got through the first stage today with just her and I so we can play test it and help everyone along the way. I got fatigued at the very end, but she managed to end it with a success. Took about an hour and a half and now that we get it a bit more and can prep better, we can probably (hopefully) cut that in half.
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