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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Yeah, what Sousa said. It plays great with the joycons and even has touch screen support as well.
  2. Bargain Quest has arrived! It even includes an extra game store themed storefront as an early launch bonus, amazing!
  3. Pre-order bonus goes on sale by itself later for a couple bucks usually.
  4. If no one else is interested.. I've been interested in getting back into it.
  5. Oh I... already want to go back down tonight.
  6. So today I did two things; Played my first game of Terraforming Mars with my girlfriend, who was totally into it. Took just over 2 hours and I finally understand what people mean by engine building games. It's so satisfying - she did a better job with it as well, and won out in the end. Found an even better board game shop in town, they have almost my whole want list - so I picked up Viticulture: Essential Edition and I'm super pumped to play that as well.
  7. Oh yes for sure, he's the Lorenz of the Blue Lions when it comes to depth past the surface
  8. I always get really caught up and lost in the different districts and it feels like I just end up building stuff without a goal in sight.
  9. On the Blue Lion side, Dedue/Annette/Ashe/Ingrid are probably the stand out characters for me.
  10. Popped down a pre-order on Bargain Quest. They said they put in for some pre-sell copies so it might be here Friday.
  11. I'm really surprised that people end up liking Lorenz so much... but then again, I didn't put him on my team and most of my interactions with him are down to pretty much what you'd expect on the surface. There's a chance that people feel like that about some Blue Lion members as well possibly. I'm still just... entirely put off by Edelgard. Then again she might just be bitter I took... at least half of her house.
  12. That is so awesome, I really hope that mine comes soon... although there's been problems with Canadian shipping apparently, and I don't even have my tracking number yet. At this rate it's going to hopefully ship next week.. fingers crossed. I used my credit over at the local hobby/games store and picked up Terraforming Mars tonight. I've been hunting down bigger single player experiences that can also be played two player, but shine in some way as a one player as well and it was near the top of the list of a lot of people's stuff along with; Lord of the Rings: LCG (which I desperately want to find) Scythe Mage Knight Robinson Crusoe Friday And a few others that I put on a wish list.
  13. I just decided to go ahead and grab Avenger's current and classic wrestler sets. Might as well have everything from the same person - but my lord, do I have a lot of sorting in front of me.
  14. Oh man a guy at the local store was trying to sell me on it... said it was coming in at the end of the month. Interesting. I'm thinking of picking up Terraforming Mars. I want something I can solo play and also 2-player. And also, by gawd... Trogdor is FINALLY shipping in Canada. Still waiting on my notice.
  15. DUDE. Huge thanks, I ended up getting the new wrestler pack, Fire Promoter and the Junior's pack for 10 dollars CAD. That's a steal compared to their sales before.
  16. Yeah I haven't really touched Mario Maker 2 in quite a while, partly because I've had other things to play but mostly because most of levels of people make are just nonsensical. Even for good levels that are super hard, it sucks that the best way to play those is to run through it multiple times and do trial and error but finding stuff on endless mode like that is counterproductive to actually continuing to play your run.
  17. "Four arms and less toes! Just what I always wanted!"
  18. I want it in Canada so fucking bad.
  19. Oh man, that means Yukes is going to be able to put full focus into their own property. Very interesting.
  20. Oh yeah, I 100% agree with that.. there was a cancelled fighting game with an over the top look not too long ago - that was what I was referring to more than anything, I really miss Allstars myself... especially since you can't buy it digitally anymore and haven't been able to for quite a while since the 2K sale.
  21. Might be shoved into "bonus additional content" or something, but yeah that'd be the first year in a while if it doesn't happen.
  22. I mean, it's still a possibility - it's not like they've finished announcing stuff yet. They're getting the surface selling points out of the way first, and then I imagine will go into gamplay changes later. Not really expecting much there, but last years speed up of the in-ring stuff and talks about people enjoying a more arcadey feel stemming from that have me a wee bit hopeful. I played 2K19 far longer than any other that I have in years just due to the quicker pace of it, and I hope it just keeps getting quicker from there.
  23. Looks like it's putting stars that are in the game into different themes. They showed supernatural versions of Braun and Bray - kind of reminds me of the line of zombie/monster figures that they have out. Although if they wanted to say.. I dunno.. fuck it, and make a new game with that concept I could go for Goro Brock. Or even this abomination.
  24. Excited for female career, mixed match challenge and as far as showcases go - that'll make for some good stuff as well. Originals just seems like the 'why bother' aspect this year, like the stupid Minecraft bodies from last year.
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