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Everything posted by apsham

  1. https://twitter.com/DaveBautista/status/1168916756100014081 Hell yes.
  2. I've been a Lauren Lapkus fan since here bit in the characters where she played a stripper who came out to the stage with 'Brick' by Ben Folds Five. I don't think I've had a quicker turn from realization to on the floor laughing quicker. Since then I've listened to her podcasts and stuff, great stuff.
  3. Dorothea is my dancer. Just... kinda made sense to expand her theatrical abilities.
  4. Oops, I meant that in a personal sense. I didn't really enjoy rewatching a lot of stuff save for this era of Ben.
  5. Man, most of Parks and Rec didn't age well for me. But Ben is evergreen.
  6. Let me tell you I read Child of God in almost one sitting and I couldn't it it down I always meant to read another so I have Blood Meridian that I picked up around the time that Red Dead 2 came out but I ever got around to reading it because I started to read an anthology of Elmore Leonard stories instead and recently I tried to start up Blood Meridian but McCarthy's specific writing style is something I have to be in the right mood for I think that I have written in a run-on sentence enough to get this bit across
  7. They added in friggin' Great Balls Of Fire post launch so hopefully they could handle some music. 😛
  8. Yeah I found that the other day too! It's super neat, and you can get access to the expansions for a small monthly fee. I love it. I now physically own the Intrigue, Seaside and Prosperity expansions.
  9. So it looks like 2K is really leaning into the lootbox = gambling thing before it gets regulated away. NBA 2K20 has literal slot machines.
  10. Prince didn't either, that's why he turned it down.
  11. I will always love that one segment with the sniper at the end of the lane in the unfinished house though, I'd play through that by itself multiple times.
  12. I'll double down as well and say that The Last of Us wasn't all that great... or maybe I'd qualify it and say that playing through once was a great experience, but once I went to play it again and all the story beats were known to me... it was pretty dull.
  13. Obligatory tip; when you drive the Batmobile, go into first person mode.
  14. We picked up Intrigue as a first expansion, and the local shops all have Seaside constantly in stock so I got a shop to order in Prosperity. That's all the first expansions and the ones that don't add too much complexity so I'll probably be good with them for a bit. But yeah, I love the heck out of it! I was looking for a deck builder and I didn't realize that it was the game that coined the term.
  15. My recent haul of board games includes; Barenpark Dark Souls: TCG Hive Pocket One Deck Dungeon: Forest of Shadows Terraforming Mars: Prelude & Map expansions Trogdor Viticulture Essential Edition And the two big ones I want to talk about; Wingspan Look at those birds! Look at how well created and put together it is! This game is actually stupidly fun and all of the bird cards are unique which is super cool too. I've yet to win but I've had fun every time we've played. Plus it came with a dice tower shaped like a bird feeder with wooden dice, so that's really neat. Dominion The fact that this card game has been out for over a decade now and I haven't been playing it sucks. We've played it every night since I picked it up, picked up one expansion to it and have a few more planned or on the way. It seems slow at first and then by the time that you're chaining like 7-8 actions in a row and doing a bunch of crazy stuff, it really starts to take off. And there are so many cards that make for so much variety. It's awesome.
  16. Giddy fucking up. And holy shit, I just found out Canada is getting Disney+ the same day. Hell yeah!
  17. Nope. They built the game so anything physical is also digital. It gets dicey when you mix them in some ways I think... my whole set is digital.
  18. I guess at this point they might as well have.
  19. Eastward, Torchlight II and Risk of Rain 2 are looking pretty damn good.
  20. Stellaris, hell yeah. Game Pass is paying off in DROVES.
  21. It's a bit too much for me but I'll get it eventually - no experience with Grandia 2 but I have fond memories of fucking around with a demo for the first one... for like, ever.
  22. So that was a really fun game. I ended up winning because I essentially took the customers with the most money, jacked up prices and literally stole from them while my girlfriend got really attached to the Young Hero and spent her time trying to outfit her and have her survive.
  23. The Dallas Diamonds is a lock, yeah?
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