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Everything posted by apsham

  1. It's even worse, I mean - the broadcasters didn't even technically DO anything.
  2. The best matches I've played are the ones where both wrestlers are exhausted and you pull a kickout from no where.
  3. Not that it was a high bar to clear, but that looks way better than Suicide Squad EVER did - and it includes skitching so that's nice.
  4. I wonder if the Yukes shakeup effected them quite heavily this year.
  5. So I know I mention a lot of card based games in here, but since they aren't really LCGs and are more boxed things like deck builders... I think I'll keep posts of that nature in here. Speaking of deck builders, while Dominion is my absolute go-to I heard some good things about Ascension and put it to the side when I found out about all the expansions and... being a completionist and having a hard time finding anything but the base game around me, I kind of just let things be. I find the app for it the other day and was kind of blown away by the cost of the expansions on that... you get the base game for free and then the expansions after that were under 3 dollars. Then last night I found out it's on Steam, and currently on sale. For $8.63 CAD I was able to pick up the game and EVERY expansion except for the latest one and that one is ALSO on sale for $4.34. Factor in that the base game alone in my local shop was $44 and good lord that's a deal. It has pretty great local play, online functionality and plays great. It's for sure something to look into.
  6. Story essentially goes that there's a valley where forest animals have lived for years but now it's time for them to spread out and make new cities and towns, so you get a hand of cards and slowly gather resources to play the cards either from your hand or the 8 that are in the 'meadow' or the middle section of the board there. Your town ends up looking like the section below the board as it can only have 15 cards in it, and after the end of three seasons you score and see who wins. From the first game, it's really strategic and fun - but what puts it over the other stuff we've been playing recently is yeah, the board. Different aspects have different places on it... you put workers that you get in the coming seasons at the top of the tree, events you can claim in the middle, the draw pile goes inside the tree... it's really thematic which totally makes a game for me. Plus those little blueberry resources look and feel dangerously close to the real thing to the point where I almost tried to eat one last night even though I knew it was just rubber.
  7. Excited to start Dragon Quest 11 this weekend. Waiting for the Switch version with its expanded content seems like it's going to be well worth it.
  8. My girlfriend had this happen last night. Pause and hit 'Reset' and it'll save your progress but put everything back to how it was, fixed it for her.
  9. Lack of gameplay changes is terribly disappointing. They took a great step last year by it playing a little faster, and if they don't keep with that direction or fall back it's an easy no buy.
  10. Short answer; not right now. Mildly longer answer; maybe if you are playing on harder difficulties and the missions they provide would help you since they reward better. Story and character DLC are the next two.
  11. I tossed a big list of Last Podcast recommendations a page or so back. If you're interested in any of those topics, give them a go. Omnibus I only listened to a few times but the 1904 Marathon episode was pretty good.
  12. I physically squealed when I saw a new one of those was up.
  13. Every time I see a trailer for this I get more and more interested. Without looking too much into it - I'm hazarding a guess that they've covered up Rorschach's message to the press at the end of the original and the Calvary are the people who know about it?
  14. Is anyone else getting dropped out of online every like 15-20 minutes or so? It happened last night, this morning and tonight... it's impossible to get anything done when I lose anything that's on my horse because it's constantly crashing out.
  15. Meme heavy, co-op shooter that just came out today? Seems like Twitch bait to me.
  16. Sinking City is out today on the Switch and seems to be a pretty good port.
  17. I fired this up this morning and luckily I had around 20 gold bars from what little online stuff I had already done. Started the Collector path and I really like the vibe. Gives me an excuse to do exactly what I wanted in terms of just messing around, and clearing markers on the map. Still wish I didn't hand to clench and hope that every person I go past isn't about to fuck with me, even on Defensive and low hostility.
  18. I think they hold up - and there's a silver lining with these remakes. I've played through all of them that have been done so far, and with 8 recently out I'm going through that too. The speedup options the exist in all of them (except for X and X-2 unless you're on PC) are a godsend, so that makes grinding 10 times easier to get out of the way if you need to. And then if you kind of get tired of the gameplay and just want to experience the story again - you can use the other built in assists that give you health or turn off random encounters, etc.
  19. Ahh yes, I figured that would make sense but with me only just starting out I was unsure. Thanks!
  20. Re; junctioning So FF8 kind of slipped past me as a kid because I only played a demo and didn't at all get what was going on. I now mildly understand junctioning, but I'm also just getting into the game as well. One thing that I am not entirely clear on is this. When I junction magic to a stat, does it matter what that magic is or just purely the quantity of it?
  21. There was a whole generation of young gamers very upset when they found out that real women don't give out nude trading cards of themselves after you have sex with them like the women do in the first Witcher game.
  22. Nothing like running down a hill, breaking both my ankles and bleeding out/drowning in a river as I try to go for help.
  23. Holy shit. Collector might be what I want to do... if I 'm reading it right, it sounds like I can just exist in the world and explore around instead of doing pointless deathmatches and PVP and stuff?
  24. Woah, professions and stuff? What's this update all about? I'm thinking about getting back into this (or trying to) as a solo, relaxing kind of experience.
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