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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I ventured a look onto the Pokemon subreddit and good lord. I don't even think pathetic is enough of a descriptor.
  2. Anyone who doesn't buy the game because of the size of the friggin' Pokedex is just missing out on a good time for no reason. It was bound to become unmanageable at one point and they decided to draw the line now, simple as that. I'd prefer a more tailored experience to a "let's just get everything in there, sure why not?" approach. It does kind of suck that you can't bring in Pokemon that you can't find in the games but... eh? Doesn't bother me that much.
  3. I assume you don't have to if you use the Accelerator?
  4. I finished the game tonight.
  5. So based on my interest, I went out and bought Excalibur #1 and I really like the vibe of it. I might need to find a primer and see if I want to look into anything else, but I'm so glad that dinky little marketing cards worked on me.
  6. So my local game shop was handing out these promos - apparently this month and last month there are six X-Men adjacent comics starting new runs? I just have little cards that are the covers of each of the first editions and who is involved but it looks really neat! There's; X-Force with Black Tom, Beast, Colossus, Wolverine, Domino, Marvel Girl, Sage & Kid Omega Excalibur with Captain Britain, Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee, Rictor & Apocalypse Fallen Angels with Cable, Psylocke & X-23 X-Men with a rotating cast Marauders with Storm, Pyro, Iceman, Kitty Pryde, Lockheed, Bishop & Emma Frost New Mutants with Mirage, Cypher, Karma, Chamber, Wolfsbane, Mondo, Magik & Sunspot They all look kind of neat but since I've been away from books for a while uhh... why is Apocalypse on a team with people?
  7. Luigi's Mansion 3 came out yesterday and my god is it a reason to own a Switch as well. Nope, it's a standard Yoshi platformer but everything is made out of craft material and it's REALLY great to play with two players. Lots to do and costumes are not only adorable but they give protection. And when one player is having problems, the other can carry them around in their mouth to get around rough obstacles.
  8. If there's one good thing I'll say about Sony, it's that exclusive titles like this goes into the greatest hits area of pricing relatively fast. It happened for God of War and Spiderman in recent memory. Not sure what it's going to look like now that it's multi-platform with the PC at least though.
  9. Giant Bomb had a video up where they played that very pizza mission. Geoff said that he pretty much couldn't get past the initial 1/4th of the game that was essentially hours of stoner level "you know like, phones are bad and like... it's like we're more connected than like ever... but like... we're not connected at the same time, y'know?" kind of stuff that was so blatant and shoved in your face that it got to be annoying. Brad said that he was consistently annoyed and wondering why he was going back, but he kept going back anyways. He seems to be drawn to the "they thought of everything" nature of it in a morbid way. I kind of get that sentiment but... I just don't have any interest in putting time into stuff like that. They say in the game that the rain causes those structures to deteriorate over time and get destroyed.
  10. I don't think that's a bad call especially when you keep things like Bianca's hair physics in mind.
  11. Do you have a 4K television or play on a monitor/closer to your screen? You should be fine. Font is a bit small for some people (fine on my end) but it's getting priority patched.
  12. Death Stranding is coming to PC early summer 2020.
  13. Yeah I would if it was an option around here.
  14. They've openly stated that it's not quite as open as previous games that people are comparing it to - certain planets are gated behind story beats and the areas themselves are smaller. But they're packed with a ton of content personality so that offsets it. I finished the first area almost completely in my first evening with the game - there weren't a ton of quests, but at the same time all of them were enjoyable and there were other stories that weren't guided at all. For instance...
  15. 100% - it gave me a feeling like I had when I played Fallout 3 or New Vegas for the first time... and I thought that games like that were honestly done.
  16. This is more the truth. I've had "one time courtesy refunds" happen for Sony.. more than once. And I've also been shut down between actual uses of them, depends on the agent and whoever they might have to approve with I think.
  17. I fucking adore this game. I set my region to New Zealand last night just to get a chance to start it right after work and I played for six or so hours. There is so much personality it isn't even funny. Also it took like 2 seconds to make a character who doesn't look like they've lived through a fire or two. My biggest gripe is that the talk button also whips out your gun. Feels like it's a mistake waiting to happen.
  18. I feel like that happens whenever there's a game that is released in a broken state. I recall it happening for Fallout 76 and it happens for smaller titles on an (obviously) smaller scale as well.
  19. On the err, plus side I guess... loading times are like... 10% of what they used to be. Which is good when the game is loading like, 10% of what it used to apparently.
  20. Hey yo, do you like word games like Scrabble or do you like deck builders like Dominion? Pick this the fuck up ASAP. Every player starts 10 cards in their hand - the first 8 are always the same and they're worth 1 cent when you play them, and then each player is dealt two random cards from a deck that contain different letters - and those two cards are worth one victory point. You play your hand of cards like you do in other deck builders, but you're trying to make words. For every letter you use, you get cents to buy new cards or points to move yourself up a board. When you buy new cards they can be from 4 different genres (Horror, Crime, Romance, Adventure) and if you use two cards of the same genre together in a future word - you get additional benefits besides the ones that they offer by default. There are a few extra rules (like buying little ink tokens and using them to get more cards in your turn, but you HAVE to use the card that you pull) but they're not all that confusing. And then past that, there's extra cards that allow you to play cooperatively against an AI called Penny Dreadful or add new features to the game. I cannot recommend this more.
  21. I am certainly seeing more about it this year than I have most, re; attention to the game this year.
  22. I don't think there's been absolutely anything in regards to Yukes working on an AEW game - especially when Yukes stated specifically they didn't want to be tied to a license.
  23. It was a fucking awesome book and this looks like the closest thing to True Detective season 1 I'll be getting so I'm all on board.
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