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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Is it controversial to say I greatly prefer the Quiet Riot version of Noize?
  2. For what it's worth, being a Paradox game it has free weekends every once in a while and then the base game goes on sale for something stupidly cheap so you can give it a try then. And also because it's a Paradox game, you're looking at expansions that greatly improve the game and add more to it... but unlike most of the other titles I've played I would actually say that the base game is quite playable as is, and if you don't like it from that point - layering more on top probably isn't going to do much for you.
  3. It's really a shadow of the game series that it used to be. It's pretty much on rails from what the older games in the series were, and the difficulty comes in the form of how janky the controls and systems in the game are. Even for $1.99 I think you could skip it.
  4. You can play as a human or human-ish race. Or is it just the existence of aliens that bothers you, space xenophobe.
  5. https://itch.io/b/520/bundle-for-racial-justice-and-equality Itch.io's massive bundle goes towards the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and Community Bail Fund and has more than 1,000 games in it right now including Celeste, A Night In The Woods and some other big name things... along with whatever else is on itch.io. But the most import thing that it has (besides you know, a good cause) is highlighted below;
  6. Never got the chance to play Bumbo yet since I only have a Mac for Steam and it's a windows only title sadly. I'm hoping it comes to Switch one day.
  7. Their whole current strategy is to make games similar to other ones, but slightly worse so there’s that too.
  8. Some have memories, some do not remember. Reed essentially has the power to shape / recreate worlds at the end of Secret Wars and pulled some of them in. And their world can be rebooted at any time now that this power exists.
  9. With the development history these guys have, it's going to take... a lot to get me excited about this. Game released and raving reviews level stuff.
  10. Anything Jonathan Hickman. House and Powers of X blew me away for what he did for the X-Men universe but his Fantastic Four, Avengers, Secret War rum etc - if you even just read his stuff you’d be golden. History of Marvel mini series stuff is really cool too.
  11. Sony have always been a meh for me. Nothing about their systems or time spent dealing with their customer support has been close to anything that I'd rate 'adequate' and with the value that I've gotten out of Xbox's Gamepass and what they've put out as their goals moving forward with full compatibility for titles and equipment - the Series X is a definite buy for me. I picked up a PS4 to play some exclusives but regretted it and got it out the door after finishing God of War. Some good games - but I don't think anything's really going to change my life if I can't play Spiderman 2 on the Series X.
  12. That dude is straight up “but why isn’t there a WHITE entertainment television amirite?” levels of cringe.
  13. Aye. Picture a day split up into something like: - Morning - Afternoon - Evening And during each time period you have infinite time to decide what to do. Go here with that person, go here and raise a stat, etc. and only by confirming that choice does it play out and then it moves on to the next time period. You can do stuff like shop, etc without changing time frames. Some story days will have these choices made for you. Some people get caught up in doing everything perfectly. There are guides that will tell you that it’s optimal to talk to this person on that day, but you don’t really need that to enjoy the game.
  14. And you can date your teacher who also works on the side as a maid and implies that... other services are available. Persona is weird.
  15. I was always getting fouled when I tried to steal - I guess I was out of position and the game thought I wanted to, so I just kind of let the AI handle that stuff for me.
  16. I never really figured out stealing myself - I think there's an assist that'll flash when it's viable to help give you an idea, but it goes so fast I never actually learned or was able to handle it. If you don't like the shooting system I think you can switch to a more stat based approach - but if you're playing a MyCareer that isn't going to swing in your favour too often.
  17. Dicey Dungeons is on sale and it's totally worth it, reminds me of a lot of dice placement games that I have.
  18. They've already done a few sessions that focused on different parts of the game directly I think. The series sorely needed it, and at this point I don't think it can be anything but good coming out of the whole process - it was getting dire.
  19. I greatly enjoy Canadian Highlander but more recently, Keyforge has taken over my interest.
  20. Battlefront 2 got its last update and it's in a good place. You can even do instant action now and there's a lot more of the stuff that was missing initially. Well worth a play even if you aren't doing multi.
  21. Audio-Technica M50x is the gold standard for me. I've owned three pairs now (one originally, one now and a limited edition pair as a backup) - that's usually the only device that I use but recently for when I'm outside of the house, in bed or doing some house work I picked up a pair of Air Pod Pros and they're actually really great quality as well. We also have a Bose Home Speaker 500 that gets some use when both of us are doing stuff... but usually we just use it for the built in Alexa despite the fact that it's a top notch speaker. She won it from work.
  22. Because he's going to play, and you're going to float there and like it.
  23. Ahh! I keep seeing this online and I really wanna play it but it's sold out everywhere. There's two sites that I go for in Canada as they seem to be pretty legit and I have notifications for it if it ever comes back in.
  24. But for real, it's pretty neat that they're adding Pyramid Head, Cheryl Mason and Midwitch Elementary. Dead by Daylight is certainly not a game for me, but they're still pumping out content pretty hard years later.
  25. MK11 Aftermath has been pretty great so far, pretty good that anyone jumping into it now gets it as the whole package experience. The story elements were great, got some great looking gear out of it and I went in to do some Friendships which I've enjoyed greatly.
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