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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I'll throw in on liking the original way more than the Run DMC remix, yeah.
  2. Let's Go versions of Johto are the front-runners here - due to the all the Gen 2 Pokémon on the shelf of the last video.
  3. Found this channel that has been pumping out medieval covers every week.
  4. A friend of mine was watching it at the time and I caught bits and pieces of it, liked what I saw. Oddly enough something in the same vein that I really liked and binged on YouTube was the Barbie - Life In The Dream House series. I don't know who they had writing for them, but that she was hilarious and stupidly self-referential.
  5. Some games wouldn’t work in first person in much the same way that some wouldn’t work the other way around. Design choices are made for a reason, not every game can have it every way and instead of doing something 100% you could end up with a half realized version of each. I wouldn’t call this lazy by any means. Games aren’t created haphazardly (most) of the time. There are people with visions who study this stuff. Resident Evil was known for keeping the camera close to the character because it enhanced the feeling of being in a tight corridor, of knowing that something could be right behind you - and if you could adjust that, you would lose part of what makes it so. When they jumped to first person for RE7 - they adapted their design and it worked for that game. I can’t see that game being half as good in third person, and having to sacrifice bits of it to make it feasibly work like so would’ve been an unnecessary time and money drain. I know for Cyberpunk, they ran tests and gauged how people felt. The vision with The Witcher was that you are Geralt, who existed as his own entity. You are playing as Geralt, you are not him. When you are playing Cyberpunk - you are your own entity and it just felt right that you experience that from first person.
  6. It was pretty much the reason I bought it on the next-gen consoles, since it was one of the additions that came from that. I thought it was pretty neat - and it especially made sense to experience it in a game that already had so much detail in it, way more than any other game at the time to be able to properly see the interiors of cars and such. Was pretty cool as a use in some of the online maps as well. But saying that it should be the only mode in any future game of its sort is moronic.
  7. The very best part is that they treat people falling in as if they actually landed in lava.
  8. This came out on Friday and I love it.
  9. That’s the very self referential and tongue in cheek show, yeah?
  10. Earnest reviews have had issues with certain things about the game that I think are fair - I haven’t waded all that much into the user stuff since that is kind of expected. Legitimate complaints have to do with pacing, overall theme and how it’s delivered on, etc. These are all fair things that don’t touch on the MAGA angle and are instead aspects you could have an opinion about in most any game. But yeah, if you’re hearing about it on Twitter or Reddit, it’s probably the MAGA crowd.
  11. This is my thing - I wanna do another playthrough but I inevitably never go full bastard. But I want to do all the robbing side missions, etc - and with my post game on my other one, I just don't feel right doing them as John.
  12. It's made by Taylor so you're essentially paying for the real thing. Just with a $300 dollar premium because it's from your vidja game.
  13. It's actually hovering around the normal asking price for that specific guitar.
  14. His is double or triple the length of most the other ones and I just found a 2 and a half hour (!?) cut of it as well.
  15. This is great because I'm on a massive Crash high after grabbing the remakes and watching this video. Andy Gavin is god damn amazing to listen to when he's talking about this game.
  16. I believe that this is because someone streamed/speed ran the game to get to the ending and the community isn't too happy about it.
  17. Yep I see it there now, 23 Canadian is a damn STEAL for that game.
  18. This is where that Persona announcement is supposed to come down, with instant purchase afterwards yeah? God that's tempting. Even if it doesn't come to Switch.
  19. Yeah this is a day one purchase for me for that battle system alone.
  20. Oh weird! I didn't search, I just went from the front page that says Event and scrolled down from their. Search might be buggered.
  21. Bwah? Seemed fairly straight forward to me when I went through it - just found the event, tapped it and then the list of preludes, suggested order and follow-ups were right there. Marvel Unlimited is a breeze compared to anything else I've tried.
  22. The prelude to the current X-Men series is pretty much his return to the boy scout attitude - but with far more weight on his shoulders. The mission that they undertaken to make Krakoa possible and his understanding of what he has to do in that situation was the ultimate example of that.
  23. I just looked this up and what the fuck.
  24. I must have heard it a thousand times over because it was for sure the version that was in GTA: Vice City and I don't think I really knew it wasn't their song originally for a very long time, and before reading this post today I had forgotten again that it wasn't and was kind of confused when I didn't hear those heavy drums.
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