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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Ahh, it's good that the revert is in there. It really changed the way that you played the games and I could never go back to just a pure experience from there. Still greatly prefer the more open ended gameplay of the sequels though - tricking to and from different scenarios and exploring was a fun way to see everything on the map and find hidden areas, etc.
  2. The original creators left the Avatar remake for Netflix and the current rumor is that their issues were: - Wanting a bigger budget to properly pull the show off - Not wanting to cast any white actors, with Netflix not wanting to limit auditions at all - Not wanting to age up the cast in order to add more violence, sex and romance into it Oh boy. Really looking forward to this now. 🙃
  3. I didn't realize until partway through that they were auditioning for the opposite parts in this, nice!
  4. These generations feel different than others - the backwards compatibility is a big part of that. I'm currently out an Xbox, so when the Series X releases - I'm excited to get one even just to 1) Play the better version of Cyberpunk on it and 2) Experience all the upgrades that my back catalogue is going to get.
  5. You got me wanting to play Cuphead again so I had to grab it on Switch.
  6. apsham


    It was the proper UK series. But yeah, they barely touched advertising and were kind of fighting and uphill battle anyways sadly.
  7. Came here directly to mention Vigilante 8, I see that work is done so I'll just post the theme music because it fucking slaps.
  8. If you sign up and then go to https://www.journeyofwrestling.com/free-trial you can get a five day trial of all the features. I think the full version is 19 dollars - after my trial I think I might grab it. It's something different that isn't as friggin' buck wild with complications versus something like TEW which I don't have time for at this point in my life.
  9. apsham


    I can't believe (no wait, I can) the CW did Taskmaster dirty like that. Glad everything is still going up fine on YouTube.
  10. I dipped into it last night and did a roster draft with the Attitude Era scenario between WWF/WCW/NJPW/ECW, it's been pretty fun!
  11. Has anyone else seen this? I remember it being brought up a year or so back, but it was kind of bare bones then. More recently I've seen the guys at nL Live playing it and I guess you can pick up a trial of the full version of the game. Seems like it's just what I'm looking for - a light booking game that exists purely in browser (so you can play it on pretty much anything) and has the potential for multiplayer and some cool features.
  12. It sucks that there's this thing where the fans overhype on everything, but then Nintendo just kind of soldiers on and doesn't do much to temper those reactions. They shouldn't really have to, but I have a feeling some companies would - there's not much that they can do when everything leaks, leakers only get partial information and stuff like "holy shit, that studio is announcing a new game? I'm hoping for... {every singular Nintendo property here}" and then it turns out to be a Bakugan game.
  13. There was also speculation that they'd move away from Directs and I think their issue is, essentially, that they announce too much stuff in some of the bigger ones and then there's little else to trickle out through the year which puts people in a tizzy. Doing smaller more focused stuff is something I think they're trying to ease people into, but the people crying about Nintendo not putting anything out either have entirely forgotten about the Wii U era or they're deluding themselves.
  14. One of the prominent leakers stated that there's a direct mid-month here in August sometime. I don't live and breathe on their existence like a lot of Nintendo fans seem to - but I always liked the shadow drops on them.
  15. Even if you tracked it down, I don't think it'd be playable under Windows 10 due to it not supporting certain drivers anymore. Best I could figure would be finding it for PS2 or something.
  16. Huh, yeah. Bronies never really came to mind because it's been years since I've heard or seen tell of one.
  17. Yeah, if you try to examine any "statement" trying to be made in that game you'll just drive yourself crazy in all honesty. That's without really getting into the whole "hey, here's an assault rifle" versus what the main story is trying to say.
  18. Oh hell yes. I heard that was a rumor - but I was hoping that it would be a lot sooner than the end of October.
  19. apsham

    Cover Songs

    Really dig this, I had never heard the Post Malone original when I found it. Found a live version with live strings which I'm always a sucker for as well.
  20. Ahh fuck. Now I have to sit here for 15 minutes and make sure I remember all the lyrics to Rapper's Delight again.
  21. I know how Star Wars fans can be, but all of the ones that I know personally are perfectly fine. Rick and Morty on the other hand - mostly insufferable. But in terms of "crap opinions" the fanbase for a dude like Joe Rogan has more real world implication than someone who really likes a cartoon. I guess that's extending it a bit - but Rogan has kind of become an entity unto himself and I'd lump podcasts in there, especially since he has such a heavy video component.
  22. Ms. Marvel is the only surprising playable character I can see from the list of included characters - but it looks like others will be added over time.
  23. It's basically just fight everyone and then fight the boss, bare minimum that's needed because yeah - ARMs is really game where it's best to have four nunchucks and multiple people. It isn't much for online or solo play.
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