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Everything posted by apsham

  1. https://clips.twitch.tv/WrongBlitheInternSSSsss
  2. I've done a few but the last one we did was prohibition themed and it was an absolute blast. We did really well with a team of 6 or so - two couples and two of our friends. A big part of it turned out to be code breaking, and the guy in the other couple and his friend are both trained in code breaking so we made really short work of that part. And I was finding stuff and sorting it out for others to puzzle out... the best part of it was that there were multiple rooms and the final one was secret and cleverly opened up by placing your hand over a certain part of a painting for a few seconds, which made the wall slide down and open up.
  3. Holy fuck I miss Final Fantasy Theatrerhythm so I am absolutely fine with that Kingdom Hearts game even if I would prefer a re-master or release of the FF one. I am also fully on board for Fuser because hunting down Dropmixstuff got to be a pain in the ass.
  4. Venom is silly, yeah - but they embrace the silliness and they know it's silly and that is one of the big parts of their appeal.
  5. Oh yeah, there's no way that he wasn't involved but that's a good thing in general because maybe now he understands that some of his stuff is stuck in the era that it was made in if it doesn't change slightly.
  6. https://www.twitch.tv/probablyoliver/clip/PlayfulSucculentZucchiniVoteYea
  7. When it comes to Futurama it has to be this for me.
  8. I'll mirror that Pattison just doesn't work as Bruce Wayne at all for me, but it's a very damn good Batman to cancel that out. And as much as I couldn't care less about the Suicide Squad - this is pretty much a gazillion times better than the original. All in all a much better direction then they've had in years.
  9. That makes me want to play Gears Tactics because I don't have time for all the extra shit in Xcom.
  10. I’ll agree with the comments that say de-edgelording Miller isn’t a bad thing.
  11. I think this was one of the moments where I knew I was going to love Always Sunny forever and greatly appreciated Danny DeVito getting involved.
  12. Battletoads and I’m on the road!? God dammit.
  13. Here's a few things to have in mind and keep on the horizon. Quirky Circuits goes 7+ and is a pretty neat little game about programming robots and having them complete a task. Essentially, everyone has to play cards in a line, and a certain number of cards HAVE to be played and then they're flipped over and the robot performs what was laid out. There are rules for younger kids to play some cards face up to make it a bit easier to understand, etc but it's honestly a game where even if someone fails it's kind of fun. Carcassonne is honestly something I would say for just about anyone, especially if they don't have it in their collection. Icecool is a VERY fun dexterity game about flicking penguins around a school to collect fish to score points, with one player being the hall monitor trying to catch the others before the turns rotate. My Little Scythe takes the wildy popular game Scythe and redesigns it for kids and families. It's actually pretty fun to play regardless of age because it's simplified down to "complete any four of these objectives" but it's probably the most daunting thing on this list just because of how huge it looks on a table. But if you're thinking about Ticket to Ride, they're in just about the same "weight" class in terms of complexity so you should be fine if interested. Dungeon Drop is about taking a bunch of cubes into your hands, dropping them down onto the table and making a dungeon out of what lands. You then basically draw triangles between the different "pillars" to make walls and take everything inside, which might mean damage for you or other similar things. Cat Rescue is a small personal favorite of mine. Comes with great component and is basically just about sliding cards off a grid in order to collect them, with only a set amount of turns to get the highest score. That's just a few off the top of my head and in eyesight of me at the moment.
  14. Yeah, Marcus Parks from the Last Podcast network noted at one point that he grew up near a town that had "Don't let the sun set on your black ass" as a sign up during the sundown times.
  15. Has anyone messed around much with Parsec? I've been on and off doing some test streaming some Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 on Twitch and figured that I could get some multiplayer sessions going if it works as well as it does for the NL Live guys.
  16. Belinda Carlisle 😍 I've never heard that Japan song before and I am totally here for it as well. Awesome.
  17. Yeah I think someone pointed out that Rhea is the only NXT talent that hasn't come back from the main roster at this point. Hoping that the subject to change bit brings more of them over at some point.
  18. The roster is out - and even the base game is about double what I expected in turns of size.
  19. Has anyone else heard tell of or played Battle Brothers? I saw that it was on sale this weekend and looked into it - decided to pick it up and I have been liking it so far. It's brutually hard and even feels unfair at times, but it's pretty wide open about that being a feature of the game - and it IS something that you can get good at with time. A lot of experimenting and playing around, but the game feels like it's made with a proper vision and that's really nice to see. I love that you can build this small ragtag band up, go through all the trials and tribulations of something straight out of the Black Company and someday maybe end up working as a unit for a Kingdom. The changing economy, keeping of the character's history and the story telling that happens through parts of the game is really fascinating.
  20. That was fun @Ollie - and everyone should join and keep a watch out for Tricky Guerrero next time.
  21. Yeah but I found out that ElTib's uses Thrillhaus on Twitch so I'm going to have to change it again in 30 days.
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