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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I love how they're doing the updates this time around, makes me excited to play again every time.
  2. So uh... https://www.gog.com/partner/konami
  3. I think it's at least worth giving a shot - the definitive edition goes on sale for super cheap, and although it plays like a wildly different game I really like the dynamic that it sets up and you get some cool moments.
  4. GOG which used to be Good Old Games is a site that originally offered old games that were pre-packaged to run on modern hardware. Everything was DRM free and you got stuff like scans of the original manuals, etc. along with them. They branded to GOG and eventually started offering modern games as well - though they kind of fall behind Steam in that regard because a lot of times developers will get patches and patches behind on submitting stuff to GOG vs. Steam or just forget about it entirely.
  5. There are five classes and if a wrestler is the same class as another, they'll have the same base moves - but different finishers/specials and the such depending on who you are.
  6. I think it's fun, been plugging away at it for a few games here and there. I'm taking it for what it is - a WWE All-Stars revival and not something to do with the main series of games. That series NEEDED this time off.
  7. This is absolutely happening because - leading up to pre-order launch time - there were a ton of people listing the One X for 699 dollars or so and every time I refreshed the page, they'd sell out and then go back in stock after a while.
  8. Don't games have to be supported first, and then yeah - the lag factor is going to be pretty huge. I will never in a million years be comfortable with game streaming as a reliable method to do most things. I think it's a neat diversion but without having the files sitting there on my machine whether it be in disc or on the harddrive I just don't know. Even with great internet and the like - I just can't see any cloud device getting the most out of the most impressive titles. But for some things, yeah I think it'd be fine.
  9. 100 down, but you can refund that once it goes to financing.
  10. Oh darn, my girlfriend went to EB and put down a pre-order on the Series X and they said that we could come in once they figured out the financing and we'd put it on that system.
  11. I made it to checkout in Walmart, and then realized I don't quite trust them. I'm just going to wait until the financing can happen here in Canada and do it like that. Most of the other sites including Best Buy were being pretty smooth but it's really the best thing to do.
  12. Yeah, resalers have essentially ruined my resolve at this point - and I'm just going to get a new system whenever I feasibly can. I don't have it in me anymore to go out and line up at EB this afternoon to try and get a pre-order, and EB Games is the only place that they are allowing the financing to happen in Canada - and they have put out basically ZERO details about that so I don't even know if that's a thing you can do with pre-order or if you'd actually need to wait for the console to come out and do it as if you're going to purchase.
  13. In very short (for you, or anyone else unfamiliar) Scarlet Witch when she created was very loosely defined. They kind of gave her some direction by having her tap into chaos magic (which itself is loosely defined in a sense) but a comic event at one point gave her reality warping powers and she's kind of jumped around since then - but it kind of defines her character in many ways. House of M was a comic event where in short - Scarlet Witch had a mental breakdown and created an entirely new reality to cope with it which is pretty much what it looks like is happening here.
  14. I don't really think you'll have much of a reason for a title like Fallout. If ANYTHING it will be a timed exclusive but Xbox isn't quite as harsh with that stuff as Sony is, it seems.
  15. Hades is top shelf stuff. It's on the level of Hollow Knight for me.
  16. Bonus: You now have an excuse to start spending a lot of time in the cupboard.
  17. I really, really hope for news on the Battle Brothers port. And perennially - Silksong.
  18. So it looks like following places offer it in the US: Best Buy GameStop Target Microsoft Store Walmart I know here in Canada, only EB Games is doing it - and they haven't really said much about it yet. Theoretically you'd just go directly to the store and set it up through them. Probably the best option would be a Microsoft Store if you have one near you. Go here and it's showing links for BestBuy, Walmart and Target. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-all-access
  19. What is upsetting is that I didn't realize what they're probably doing and figured it had something to do with "Walking On The Sun" because of Sunshine/Galaxy.
  20. Well, I'll say this. I've owned a copy of Dune for years now and I've never really even started to read it - even as much as I love sci-fi it has always been a blindspot for me. I think I just always had the perception that only the first book was worth anyone's time and I've been sinking a lot of my time and energy into series so I didn't bother. Anyways. That trailer is going to make me break that book out here ASAP.
  21. Just the idea of the campaign being in that format instead of the way those games currently play is a god send.
  22. I think I just realized that the only Replacements song that I've heard before now is Alex Chilton.
  23. Yeeeeeah. I mean it's silly... but it's silly because that is a clearly photoshop and it doesn't make any sense to have that variant and not have it announced at this point in time with the other two.
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