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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham


    Ahahaha what!? That's amazing.
  2. EB just called me to confirm as well, AND they are setting pickup times... which I love as an idea. I'm getting mine at 9:05 for instance... they're cutting down on the volume of people trying to mash through the doors to pick them up at once and forming separate lines for people trying to buy without pre-orders. He said with All-Access, I'm just going to walk in, get my box handed to me and then I'm out the door.
  3. Ah, haven't heard anything about them in a while but GOG is owned by CDPR in general so I think there's probably room for some jankiness in general. For its intended purpose (play old games) I think they're fine. But man - once it started to become a place for modern games it started to become a pain because it gets updates so long after the Steam versions of these games.. if they get continuous updates at all.
  4. What was this? I did a search and I found only news about them removing things and people bitching in their forms that they were caving into 'SJW bullshit'.
  5. https://www.thegamer.com/gamestop-black-friday-hours/ #BoringDystopia
  6. Depending on where you are set up as well, it actually supports mouse and keyboard.
  7. I don't really see how Benj was misquoting anyone... in any sense. Regardless of whether or not it was his partner, she was still a woman. His initial comments were about it being fine to hit a woman "just not in the same way you would hit a man" like it was some kind of gallant statement and it happened in the 1970s. It was in 1993 that the famous line came from, and that was based on the idea that women argue because they are asking to be slapped. There's nothing to misquote about what he said. He said it, that's about it. Gotta deal with it. I think we all understand why he believed that and why it isn't shocking that he did but at the same time, there were other men born in the 1930s that would never hold that opinion. By the by, if you're going to bring up wives might want to talk to this one first.
  8. Yaaaay! New SummoningSalt! He does amazing, detailed videos on the history of speedrun records.
  9. So uh, Michael Bay and company are real pieces of shit, huh? For fucks sake.
  10. Yeah, in the game you can play as pretty much any NPC on the streets if you get them to join DeadSec.
  11. This is absolutely amazing. And the opening voice clip? Choice.
  12. TMBG are pretty amazing - everything about them is fascinating in one way or another. Dial-A-Song was such an innovative idea at the time. These are still pretty shallow picks, but some of my fave of their songs that get top playtime on their albums. They're GREAT with their fans and many of them (including my ex) get yearly memberships that get them swag and 1 free concert ticket, though many of them still follow them city to city and see multiple shows in a single shot. And regarding Birdhouse In Your Souls - I absolutely have a blue canary night light because of that song.
  13. I read someone doing an article on whether or not they'd hang out with the people based off their profile's and it was pretty good.
  14. Speaking of the Series S - I was blown away by how small it actually is. I watched the Giant Bomb unboxing and when Jeff took it out of the box, everyone couldn't believe how small the dang thing actually was.
  15. I haven't watched the channel since everything else went down - which is a shame, but now the only people that I truly care about there are James and Elyse. I can't say I am shocked - Alannah never really felt like she was going to be there long, and then she basically disappeared from the videos once they relaunched Inside Gaming and her personal stuff has been doing pretty well. At this point I'm okay to call it a day as long as James and Elyse can land somewhere safe.
  16. I'm starting to think that ORO is just the intertwined spirts of a demolished stadium and a meat stuffed pastry dish given access to a keyboard.
  17. Hot off the heels of the Animaniacs re-launch, it looks like HBO Max and Cartoon Network are going to be doing Tiny Toons Looniversity now as well.
  18. It's a pretty shit situation to be in, trying to call them out on it too. They have tons and tons of good will for The Witcher series and then piled on top of that they have the "well, the workers are getting paid overtime!" which is Polish law anyways and "well, they have profit sharing!" which yeah, that's cool and all but maybe that's something that would be nice to have even IF you were able to get this out after Christmas, huh? Combine that with the "well, they can go and find other jobs" and "no one is forcing them to" bullshit from manchildren who can't wait to get their hands on their new toy and it's just a depressing topic. Maybe it's just because my industry can face things like this - but man, it's so lame to see "yeah, well you don't have to" when you KNOW if you don't do it, you're going to be out the door or passed over for someone who destroyed their personal life so CDPR can make more money.
  19. For the most part, the label that did this is mostly for self-contained stories. I don't think it's going to impact proper canon.
  20. I don’t think I’ve ever wavered in my favourite Pixies song and I don’t know exactly why.
  21. I think the hype train has pretty much fully derailed for me - combined with the stuff that people are letting them get away with because it's CDPR. I'm probably just going to take my pre-order off it when I go to pick up my series X and put that money down on something else.
  22. Cyberpunk pushed back to December 10th now.
  23. I think there are a few small, isolated cases of that - but they were mostly for games that had editions that weren't worked in properly. The one that I always remember is The Witcher 3. Save data from buying the base game and the DLCs separately doesn't work for the GOTY edition for instance. But that is the exception and not the rule.
  24. apsham


    Thanks Keith! I might have seen Vegas on these shows now that I think of it yeah, he looks so much different now with the beard I guess I never put two and two together but then again, a lot of shows that these are from I've yet to get very far with full episodes and I usually just caught on YouTube with clips that kind of just connect to each other with the same kinds of people due to YouTube recommendations.
  25. apsham


    Same. These have been some amazing episodes so far, strongest start of any series and this is the group of people that I personally knew the least about going in. To be fair, I've watched IT Crowd a million times but I didn't recognize Katherine at first. Every other season has had someone I've seen on other panel shows or in a Big Fat Quiz, etc.
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