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Everything posted by apsham

  1. They'd be on entirely different versions and likely will be for a while so I don't think you could even manage that at the moment.
  2. Which is pretty cool because Patient Zero and all were pretty fun, the special contracts for 2 were pretty awesome AND I think there's a lot of room for some fun stuff in the big maps that Hitman 3 has.
  3. Streaming is fun man, just do it. I can barely stream at all anymore and I've met so many awesome people just through doing it that even that has made it all worth it.
  4. Woo woo! I think that's at least four or five of us that are affiliates on here now?
  5. I need 1.5 to come out on the Switch dammit. I have it on the PC and all but I'll never leave my bed if it lands on the Switch soon, I check Twitter once every couple of hours.
  6. This should be common knowledge. There's been a movie out about this for decades now.
  7. It was a pain when the game was constantly updating - so I guess the kind of up-point to the fact that it's getting close to the end of the developer doing much of anything with it is that this process is going to become more stable over time.
  8. I am so excited for the 1.5 update to land on Switch soon, I've been playing it on PC as well. But yeah. It's so easy to get into - there's always something to do, and you don't really have to worry about missing anything. There are no real time limits, if you miss something in one season you just play through until the next year and then by the time you're at the end of the game you're trying new things you never tried, maximizing your output, etc. I recommend it to everyone. It's so cheap for what you get on every platform it's on.
  9. I actually really like the fishing in Stardew, but I have a countless amount of hours into that game and while I hated it at first it's pretty fun now.
  10. I just finished it tonight after picking it up on Friday. I love, love, loved it. Even with the different mission structure on some of them, especially because of that actually. It let them investigate some new mission structures. Glad to have a proper resolution to the story and I am pumped to go through it again with the different starting points, etc. So cool to have access to the whole trilogy in one game.
  11. Absolutely not, I played it a bit this morning!
  12. What? It's going up 1$ for a month and $5 for one of the multi-month ones according to Polygon.
  13. Woah. Weird as hell - I had heard about "bean dad" as a concept from... something recently but I hadn't looked into what it was for a while. MBMBAM has been using that song for years, it'll be weird to hear anything else with it. I mostly knew Roderick from his collaboration with Jonathan Coulton otherwise.
  14. I find it amazing that we're at the point where we're trying to defend TEW by calling something that is looking like it's actively trying to use less stats a "spreadsheet parser" when you might as well enlist a small nation-state and train them in CSV data entry if you want to get data up and running for a TEW mod in any reasonable amount of time.
  15. I honestly don't think I can say or think much about the game - even outside of all the bugs. A few major things stuck with me and I don't think any amount of patching or bug fixing is going to solve the issue. For a world and genre that is so focused on how things look - the game really doesn't give a fuck. For everything that was said about the character creator, it was limited as hell and ultimately it really doesn't matter what you make your V look like. So weird as well that there is no way to do something as simple as change your haircut - even if it is a first person game, you do get to see what your character looks like and that should be a much bigger part of what is there. Outside of that is gear. I could find an outfit that gels with my character, but really - what does it matter? In 1-2 missions or just while wandering around my kick-ass boots are going to be dwarfed in stats by... a pain of platform heels? Well alright I guess. Unless I want to gimp myself, there's no reason to stick with anything. And that rolls into the weapons as well. I had some genuine good moments - but then it was a pain in the ass finding the kinds of guns I was using, my game play loops was handing me other stuff and eventually I had to start using it which was less than optimal for once again - making me feel like I was in control. These two things in particular might have been a pain in the ass because I was also playing Valhalla at the time - which has done an amazing job of saying "okay you like this weapon (which defines your combat style) and this gear (which defers bonuses, but also your aesthetic) - well just level it up. It remains relevant far longer and becomes a part of the character. Besides "why the fuck are we just helping the cops for no discernable reason" every single one of those missions for the most part is the same. You show up - someone is dead or being held hostage - you kill a bunch of mooks and then it's over. It's so samey and it showcases another issue. The world is beautiful but it's so empty in a way. I don't feel the want or need to explore because after a few outings, I really never found anything at all and knew that it wasn't worth doing. That being said, I was really down on the game for a bit until I decided to continue on and play the hotel mission. After that I was telling people that I got it... but then it was kind of back into the same loop, and personal preferences out and on the table - I hated the Johnny stuff. I honestly think they felt like they needed to make the game as open world as it was to be a prestige thing - and the game would've been better served if it was a more expanded version of Deus Ex in terms of what the world was like. Everything in those games was packed so tight with content, world building and reasons to explore. You didn't need a shitty auto-nav that barely functions in order to get you anywhere if you didn't want to... and if they could've expanded on that and made big, gorgeous and densely packed sections as full of the same personality as certain parts of the city have now? They could've had one hell of a winner on their hands. Instead I just feel like I exist in a big, open world and I'm bored because I don't really see anything to do.
  16. Do it do it do it do it. I'm getting good enough to do curving multi-room shots and room jumps.
  17. Most excellent Brodie Lee reference when first booting up an AEW game. 👍
  18. Okay so, hear me out. I think these MDickie games are legitimately some of the best wrestling games ever made. Not because they look good, not because they are technical masterpieces, but because absolutely every time I play one of them I have a stupidly good time. For the previous game, people make save edits with proper federation and character names and the like - but it all has to live inside the world of this game made by one absolute nutter. That guy fell off the cage because randomly that happens when you're climbing things. The earlier games had explosions and people losing limbs mid-match and still carrying on like nothing happened, just because. You'll be playing and Doink The Clown will show up backstage and offer to sell you steroids so you can bulk up and if you say no, he'll hold it against you like you stole money from his dying mother. Nothing makes sense, ever - and the career mode is god damn beautiful for it.
  19. I don't really like Buckley's version of Hallelujah at all - it's hard to do anything to beat the Cohen original in my mind, but I've never minded the Kate Voegele version either.
  20. I saw the on sale on Switch, good game huh?
  21. I'll be the third on that. It's great to play an X-Com-y game without all the overhead.
  22. I scrubbed through that and only saw cutscenes and cinematic camera for most of it.
  23. apsham


    From the most recent episode.
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