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Everything posted by apsham

  1. If they solved the "fucking hell, the end of this game is a hot mess" problem with it, I'll be happy.
  2. I'm hoping that this is happening because they are going to do paid DLC and know that people wouldn't give a shit otherwise. Some people are even hoping for Avatar crossover boards it seems.
  3. 2001 was a huge influence on my tastes
  4. Look, I really like The Buggles but I was listening to Elstree earlier and now all I can hear is. Elstree, remember me I had a part in the Bee Movie And this is just something I want to burden on everyone else.
  5. apsham


    Finally got around to starting to watch this series. Loving Mike and Sarah, and no one I was watching with could stand Jamali and I think I tend to agree there.
  6. It doesn't quite do that. It starts with reducing a certain amount of damage and each time you die, it ups that by 2% - the enemies will still attack for the same amount, you'll still hit as hard as you normally do, everything else is just the same as is - but you'll be able to take more damage each time. I turned it on after beating the game for the first time to try some new weapons and strategies - and I really like that way that the game handles it. By changing ONLY that and not punishing you in any way (eventually you can unlock the ability to see all your previous runs, and if you did it on God Mode there'll be a mark on it - that's it) for using it is pretty neat.
  7. They absolutely abandoned the Switch version. They put the DLC out, sometimes, but otherwise just ignore it after the fact and provide little to no communication.
  8. Xenogears, Xenosaga and Xenoblade are all their own series and even within the series there's only (I think, not specified because it can be seen as a spoiler of sorts - albeit a well known one now) a single case of the stories actually connecting. It's more of a thematic tie in the overall series that get even deeper if they're in the same series.
  9. Haha I did pick it up on launch and I've played up until the second kingdom and all, I just kind of stalled out there because I ran into other things to play. I'm at a point where all I really need to do is just Brave everyone at the start and spam attacks to win.
  10. Every time Ruki posts about this game, I feel more and more intimidated about playing more of it haha.
  11. YouTube content is kind of hard to keep up with when your coming from just starting out. I know a lot of people who started with YouTube content but ultimately, the time and effort spent on editing videos would be better spent going back into their streams and they either dropped it entirely or updated it infrequently. Content on Twitch is different than content on YouTube - and the audience is rarely the same too - so unless you've hit it really big (enough to probably have an editor or such) I don't know if it's going to grow you all that much unless the streams that you are doing are informational or something along those lines. Networking is the thing essentially. A lot of the times in my communities, we got lucky because someone discovered a member through a raid, because they noticed they were playing a game that they loved, or through a recommendation and from there things would just kind of spiral. Raid people playing the same game that you are around the same channel size or a bit higher - that's how your going to find people at the start. You might get 99 followers that just pop that follow and never come back to your stream, but then the 100th might be someone who has an entire community around them that will bring 5 or more active community members to your stream and that makes them worth more than the 99 that came before them.
  12. Probably makes sense with the cost of the expansion passes.
  13. I just put Monster Hunter Rise down for the night and saw that I have 30 hours in it already, have completed most of the single player content and have plans to move into high rank tomorrow. Oops.
  14. If it isn't, hit start and go to the "see game" section where you can see that it's downloaded and all the DLC and stuff. There's a thing call "compatibility options" in there, that's where I turned it on.
  15. Did you turn on the FPS booster for Fallout 4? MAN ON MAN.
  16. So my experience with it before was pretty smooth until you hit certain kinds of areas. And then it wasn't really grindy per-say - it was kind of down to how the battle system worked. It's very rock/paper/scissors and when you don't have the right thing that an opponent is weak to, sometimes the fights just take a bit longer than they might otherwise. And yeah as Ruki said, there are some reasons to grind if you're going after some secret or extra stuff but I don't think it ever gets TOO bad.
  17. Just a reminder that Octopath is out on Gamepass today, and even though they give you the option you are meant to start as Tressa and don't let anyone tell you any different.
  18. Yeah he said it's basically BOI2, and it adds as much content as the initial switch from Flash to Rebirth did.
  19. I am considering it - I already have SO MUCH TO PLAY right now but it's too tempting.
  20. This is the one that I picked up and I quite love it.
  21. Yes. You read it right. Me and ElTibs BOTH stream under Thrillhaus/Thrillhouse derivative names. And no, it didn't happen on purpose.
  22. You shut your damn mouth, you get in my Persona 5 prayer circle because there's no way I'm getting a PS5 even this year it seems. 😩
  23. Some big ol' rumors flying that Persona is coming to GamePass in some form or another. Whether it's Persona 5, Persona 5 Royal, Persona 5 Strikers or what not hasn't been specified but there's been a couple of writers/leakers talking about it - including the guy who leaked the Yakuza stuff along with the notion that Microsoft was looking for more SEGA titles to add to the platform back in February. Yesterday morning he just tweeted Joker with an Xbox logo.
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