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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Well, that sounds like a nightmare, haha - thanks for the heads up! I'm going to go around the reddit and see if anyone's asked questions about how that stuff is handled.
  2. Interesting. I could grab it on PC (I did on launch but performance didn't seem, great?) but I preferred the Switch portable route. I already play Afterbirth+ on the Switch but if there's something I don't know about I'd be interested in finding out. I could get it on Series X as well but... then I'd have to buy the whole package for full game price which isn't the best.
  3. This month (hopefully) Repentance is coming to Switch so I'm hoping to play it there.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    GM Mode might be coming back, but it looks like this is when the WWE game is going to fully lean into the NBA model of micro-transactions so you can probably assume a ton of GM actions are going to be gimped by needing VC as well. Since the concept of playing a wrestling video game online is kind of broken in the first place and from practices in the past - earning that VC is likely going to be one hell of a struggle too.
  5. The Gom Jabbar scene was of course what I was dying to see and it was pulled off like I'm pictured it in my mind when I read the book. Watching the director go over it affirmed that a ton of care was put into it as well.
  6. I'll add a voice to that, Dune was everything I was hoping it was going to be from when I saw the first trailer.
  7. I still liked Solo in the end - but ultimately I wanted to see the movie that Lord and Miller would've made instead of what they rushed to put together in the end.
  8. I could only think of the Panda Cheese commercials. Especially because I just picture Danny DeVito in the costume.
  9. There's just no way it would feel good in modern hands - especially stuff like targeting made the game harder than it ever needed to be when shooting, etc.
  10. It is re; PS Now but most newer things are downloadable too.
  11. The supremo with the backpack rockets? If that isn't charged then I think your best bet is to level up until you can buy an RPG at a weapons dealer and have that as a stand-by. You can shoot them down with regular weapons to but you have to hit certain spots for maximum effect. Oh! And EMP grenades disable them as well and you get those early with the supremo.
  12. apsham

    FIFA 23

    Yeah the last thing that I want to see is 2K jump into that space. Being synonymous with "healthy competitor" is something from an age gone past. I think someone entirely new has to jump into the game here with resources to back it all up.
  13. I finished Metroid Dread and was able to return it for full price due to the gameplay guarantee I have at Gamestop, so I decided to do this as well since I had to return for store credit. I'm enjoying it so far! Pretty much perfect video game fast food. It's so over the top chaotic and I don't know if it's meant to be like that or it's just weird AI - but man, it's tough to be on the road as ANYTHING in this game as everything in or near it is constantly getting hit. Enemies will also attack aggressive wildlife with whatever weapon they have (they made a big move to categorize enemy types in this one, including making some weapons less effective against certain types) - and it's very evident when a lone coyote shows up in the middle of an enemy base and a dude with a flamethrower or rocket launcher panics, runs two feet and fires at it.
  14. I've got this pre-installed but never had a chance to get into it yet.
  15. Jenny continues to blow me away with hour long, engaging videos on things that I never knew existed and wouldn't have cared about anyways.
  16. Always download, GamePass has always been about downloading versus streaming. There's a separate Cloud service for that.
  17. I'll wait to jump to conclusions - that site is ALSO taking pre-orders for Marvel: Wolverine which is god knows how many years off and doesn't have a proper listed date for the collection either way. I wouldn't be shocked though honestly if it ended up being full price.
  18. It's High Dynamic Range and it has to do with colour more than it does framerate. It's supposed to provide better contrast and more accurate colours in combination with other features of higher end televisions and monitors. It's supposed to make visuals more realistic and accurate.
  19. Don't die on the hill of HDR - most games don't do a good job implementing it, and honestly you have to go pretty high spec to get the most of of it. I have a 4K tv - but at this point I always prefer to play on my cheaper and better looking 4K monitor. Way better refresh rate and HDR at a fraction of the cost.
  20. Yeah, once you get the weapons you like - you're pretty set. When you kill a visionary it gives you enough to infuse their upgrade/slab anyways.
  21. That's the thing for me - after a while I was like "I'm in this loop again... and I don't think I'm making progress" which for me, kind of started to suck some of the fun out of it. If you spend time trying to get all the leads you can - your next time through you might be spoiled for choice where to go, because you'll have like 2-3 leads to follow in an area, and you can do them all in that go, and then 2-3 individual stories will progress whether they're Visionary or Arsenal ones.
  22. Oh! And another thing for Deathloop - if you're in an area and you wanna explore it to find leads, etc. - it's pretty easy to wipe out all the enemies (because of how dumb they are) and then that's it for that area, you can pretty much walk around freely. There's only a few areas with A LOT of enemies that make it a chore and even then, with some of the abilities where they can never - it's just something that takes a while versus something terribly hard.
  23. You can also do a trial of PS Now I believe, the service has added the ability to download games - and they just put stuff like Last of Us 2 on it, that you can get the PS5 patch for. If you missed any PS4 exclusives, PS+ members have a big section of them for free if you have a membership as well. Deathloop gets easier once you get certain abilities (the Dishonoured styled teleport for instance) and the AI in it is VERY dumb for the enemies. It kind of makes up for the lack of difficulty.
  24. It's well within their standard process of doing something good, but fucking it up in a major way. Sometimes they get around to fixing it - so we'll see I guess?
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