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Everything posted by apsham

  1. So when I say "the Wren" I'm just generalizing that birds of the same family tend to have the same powers, Wrens the power that moves them after you activate a row if they're the last bird in the row, so I was just generalizing that. And yeah, there are a ton of people who have this game down PAT as far as a strategy goes. There's a site called Wingsplaining that covers it quite a bit, but I don't really tend to look THAT deep into it.
  2. It can be for sure! If you're just getting into it, here's some things that I'd probably start out with as advice; At the start of the game, look at your bonus cards - you don't have to break your back to work towards them, but they might help you form an initial strategy. Also look at the round goals that are coming up. If your starting hand of birds helps you do the first 2, that's cool - but you should focus on the 3rd and 4th round ones because that'll be more points in the end. Only focus on a couple of habitats, don't try to do all three. If you can get birds that will handle the other habitats, go in on those for sure. There are birds that you can play in your grasslands for example, that let you discard eggs to draw food. That means you can focus LESS on putting birds into your forest and just lay eggs, and then get to do the power to get food. You've basically taken two actions with one in that sense. This is something I NEVER did until I played the digital game - remember you can trade ANY two food to replace one food that you need as a cost to play a bird. It doesn't have to be two of the SAME food. In round 4, laying eggs and tucking cards can help you out massively. If you go too hard to get the food to play a bird you might be missing out on points. For instance, that late in the game if you spend 2-3 rounds getting the food, getting the eggs, and then playing the bird you probably would've gotten more points by just laying eggs all three rounds if you had space for them. If you're working on a couple of habitats at a time, don't undervalue the birds like the Wrens that move AFTER you activate that row. You keep doing that and you can cheat one level ahead each time you use them if you don't trap them behind another bird card. ALWAYS look for the 2 Ravens, the Killdeer and the Franklin's Gull - they're the Power 4 and they're really overpowered. If there's anything else you're wondering, let me know! I've heard a TON of good things about building a "tucking engine" or one that allows you to draw a lot of cards, and then also put a lot of cards underneath others to score a ton of points. I've seen games where people have 50+ cards tucked under a single bird.
  3. Wingspan is probably my favourite game of all time - and I'm actively involved in the community for the digital game as well!
  4. I just remember flat out saying somewhere around what must have been the 3/4 mark of the show "wait, this is only 34 minutes or so?" and it still went on to feel like it packed so much into that space. I'm excited to watch it as it comes out if I can keep it up.
  5. I watched the first episode of the Book of Boba Fett today, and holy shit am I all in.
  6. IIRC, Kaidan is only xenophobic if you make him that way as a FemShep conversation option. He flat out initially doesn't think that humans deserve a place on the council yet, and disagrees with what the ambassador is doing. As mentioned it's conversations that you take with him as a FemShep that can cause him to become more pro-humanity - if you don't do this, he'll even lobby for saving the Council at the end of the game versus saving all the humans.
  7. What you're looking at are; Crisper colours, black is actually full on black on the screen The dock has a built in ethernet port so if you're docked, you can download/be connected at something other than wi-fi (and the dock will be/maybe is available separate anyways) There's a better kickstand if you're going to play it undocked, but sitting up on the table - the one on the original Switch is pretty bad overall I'm happy with mine, but I only really have it because I wanted to upgrade my partner's Switch Lite and she wanted my all red standard edition, so I ended up with the OLED. Without having them side by side you probably wouldn't know the difference in the first place though if you didn't know how things looked originally / with the OLED.
  8. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    Yeah, 2K19 is widely considered the best that you can grab before everything went entirely to shit.
  9. The things that kinda sucks about FPWW is that you need most of them in order to actually use the full compliment of created wrestlers that people have out there. It kind of sucked to log in and find out that Jon Moxley's leg is missing because it uses a piece from Stadom Pack 2 for instance. There are a ton of high quality edits out there right now that use upwards of 30 or more custom parts all from different creators. This is also when I found out that FPWW has a limit on how much space you can use in order to store these edits as well. When I was heavy into this a few months ago I gave up because some creator out of no where deleted his account and all of his parts and over half of my wresters stopped working. I spent more nights on this game trying to piece everything back together versus actually playing it - so if you get into it beware of all that. You'd be fine if you stick to the edits that have been around a long time. I hope for another iteration of this that learns from everything that FPWW did and makes it a lot better.
  10. They've been able to take it since May.
  11. What We Do In The Shadows I Think You Should Leave Taskmaster (UK) I honestly don't know if my list is going to grow that much, but I'll post this here just in case it doesn't.
  12. They said at least half the show was game announcements.
  13. Had a long day so I'm still waiting for the install to finish - but I do know it was at least 4 levels of difficulty and you can change it before you load into a save file if it doesn't suit what you're expecting.
  14. State of Decay 2 is pretty great - I'd call it a bit more open ended than the initial game for sure. There's a dedicated story mode, but then there's also just "go to a map with 2 random people and do your thing" - there's a narrative to follow re; destroying the plague hearts and eventually facing a final scenario (in my instance, a ton of people came to join at once - and I could only accept so many - the others that I rejected led a bunch of zombies to us and then attacked us after we cleared them out) - that led to a nice ending with my leader talking to everyone, and from there all of the people in my group entered a "legacy" pool - meaning that you can start a new game and use them, or have them show up - and you can keep a legacy pool of a certain size - it's really cool! There are also a decent number of maps that are quite different overall - and unique places to set up your camps that come with built in advancements that are either entirely unique or cannot be changed. There are multiple ways to deal with or clear some hazards, and your group members will randomly come up with storylines that you can choose to follow or not - whether it's a one shot thing versus a chain of stories that leads to a bigger reward. I think it works specifically because you're talking about a gameplay loop that would get boring after just surviving for a bit - so you can spice that up by ending the "cycle" when you choose to (you aren't forced to at any point, IIRC) - the game also has really great options for scaling not only difficulty but how you want to play. Do you want resources to be more plentiful but keep combat hard? You can do that - all the difficulty options exist on their own scales. It's the closest thing to a Walking Dead game that there's ever been proper in my estimation.
  15. I had a picture of just his haircut floating in my head, that's about it though - haha.
  16. That's the one that people compared to Mega Man Battle Network in terms of combat. Man I miss those games.
  17. I nabbed it because I caught a good deal on a double pack for the fiancée and myself and because I haven't touched a more traditional Pokemon game in what seems like an age. This is one that I played on emulators and blazed through as well, didn't give it the proper attention and the Grand Underground stuff interests me so I figured why not. Plus being able to get a full Pokedex and only having to worry about 400 and something sounded pretty fun for Christmas break as well.
  18. Oh yeah, you can tell straight up from the faces - they remained true to the Skyrim mod in that sense.
  19. I'd normally pick the fire starter but they fucked up so bad with this one they needed to make another fire monkey in the next gen.
  20. I'm not exactly sure how to do it, but when I go to My Games & Apps -> Manage there's a setting called Network Transfer that says it lets you copy games and apps from this console if you're on the same network - so I assume you just hook them both up on the same internet connection and start a transfer like that. Both consoles have to be marked to allow it but it's probably pretty straightforward.
  21. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    I think that AEW game is at least still 2 years away, but we'll have to see I guess. Sounds like they're really taking their time with it.
  22. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    They'll be fine if they bring in some default CAWs.
  23. If you thought the over top accents were bad in Watchdogs Legion, I'd love to see what would happen if Rockstar decided on a modern version of GTA London.
  24. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    At this rate it's going to be one of those SNES era games with like 8 people on the roster.
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