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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham


    The thing about him is that there's no direct shortcut to him (other than taking the elevator and just running to the rooftops) which can be a bit of a pain in the ass. He's easy enough to stun lock apparently and that's the route I'm going to take tonight.
  2. apsham


    The hammer IS pretty much the reason to use it since it pancakes and is capable of stunlocking enemies. Ludwig's Holy Blade is much better at that though in my opinion, because you get a staggering thrust attack BEFORE the pancake. Ohh.. you just messed up an important quest line. That's Eileen the Crow and you're supposed to talk to her. At this point you have pretty much no chance of killing her.. you're supposed to talk to her at 3 or 4 different locations. If you can't target something, it's an NPC that you can meet in the world.
  3. The Skyrim marketplace was full of clones of other mods, impossible to tell on first glance which one actually worked, if there was a better one, if one mod was going to break another. It was a huge pain in the ass. And instead of improving their system like the Nexus did - they decided to add money into the equation which will only guarantee more bullshit, more people trying to cash in and more confusing junk.
  4. Holy fuck. There's a picture of Kevin Nash playing it on that page. Everything else aside, it's still pretty god damn sad they can't even update their friggin' website with anything to do with the game. Interested in seeing what kind of DLC actually comes out for it.
  5. apsham


    I'm on a roll today - though I am very mad that my Eileen the Crow quest line got hit by the bug and I ended up having to kill her after taking out Rom.
  6. apsham


    I beat the Chalice dungeon in one go, and wrecked Amelia in a single try as well - really digging the Holy Sword and I'm in the swing of things today.
  7. So still nothing on any of their social media sites for over a month - some of them linked off their official website (which doesn't even list 5 Star Wrestling) don't even exist anymore. Yikes.
  8. Someone made that chart purely to make the new game look underwhelming. 33 maps total? A great number of them recycled from a previous game in the same engine - not to mention that space maps are the exact same. "Loadouts only"? There isn't even any information I've seen like that. And besides, that's all the "classes" were in the first two.. layouts that you couldn't customize. 2 heroes... for now.
  9. The campaign in these games was never anything more than "this mission, then this mission" with a few sentences at the start that led into the mission to begin with - and with it moving to Dice I guess I should've saw the multiplayer focus coming.
  10. It's no where near as easy as that. It's absolutely asinine to think that 'the same title so it has to be the same game' is as far as you need to go when thinking about this.
  11. There's offline missions that you can play by yourself, with bots or with other players - but it's not framed in a campaign mode.
  12. Picked it up too and I'm in the same boat. Aside from story mode (well, at least in the towers) you can favorite Kombos that will show up on the screen just under your health bar.
  13. Going back to Maxx's point - this being an entirely new iteration which is just flat out in your face with the fact that it isn't Battlefront 3 - it would be nice to have it, yeah. But at the same time that's a little bit outside the scope of what they want to do if they want to have the game out in any kind of reasonable time. What they have and what they're showing already looks and sounds promising. I'm not going to begrudge for space combat when it was only in one previous game, and was treated as an "oh here" kind of thing.
  14. I was going to say that it was only likely because the NBA 2K series has a rather large modding community, but if they're trying to get rid of that...
  15. Was space combat that big? Was it even in the first one? It was boring and samey and it didn't matter where the map was, it was always the same thing and the dog fighting was kind of bullshit. It was just rush to the other player's base.
  16. apsham


    I beat the Blood Starved Beast on my second try! I was pretty pumped last night, I killed the two hunters in Old Yernham and lost to the beast once in what turned out to be a one hit kill move. I almost put down the controller but the evening didn't feel accomplished enough, so I said I'd try him one more time. He poisoned me a split second before I killed him so I died instantly after but thank god it still counted.
  17. apsham


    I just shot him off the roof and came to the room with the Blood Starved Beast and turned around to make a save. I don't even know.
  18. It's the interest in doing so that makes me wonder.
  19. Nope - no support. It can be patched into Mass Effect but the devs seemed to go out of their way to take it out of ME2 and ME3. No clue if it was patched in there.
  20. apsham


    I thought I saw a huge beast being dangled from something - might not have been a chandelier. Here's what it was:
  21. That is god damn brilliant.
  22. apsham


    Nope. You'll find stronger versions of enemies the further in you go, but the ones from the first area will always be at the level they were.... unless an event happens in the game to add more enemies to an area that they weren't initially, I wouldn't put it past the game to do this.
  23. apsham


    Been splitting time between this and Xenoverse. I'm in Old Yarhnam and mostly just leveling up right now. I try to shoot the bastard off the top of the tower every time but he gets the best of me and lunges forward just before I take him out. It's a vendetta now... I'm figuring I should grab the repeating pistol to take him out easier. I made it along the rafters of the cathedral that he's on, but left before I dropped down into the main room because I didn't know if the monster hanging from the chandelier would wake up and I had way too many echoes to think about losing them at that point.
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