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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham


    At least I went to the nightmare frontier and killed the two hunters and can kill everything pretty easily there. I just can't kill Martyr Logarius!!! I know how you feel. I know what to do, I know his patterns - he just spams his skull bullshit with me WAY too much and I'm having a hard time getting my viscerals to trigger. He eats up a lot of blood vials before killing you too, so I never get the chance to go back to back on chances to kill him.
  2. Modified my batting settings a bit, started over as a center-fielder and I'm enjoying it a lot more now. I actually got moved to designated hitter for quite a bit which suited me well - but the team I'm on is still the pits.
  3. So they're still supporting this well, huh? It's a decent price on disc in stores, I might just pick this up!
  4. I'm quite sure it did, I remember that being a thing.
  5. I thought it was next week - what a weird day to come out! I'm interested.. a bit skeptical but interested.
  6. In fairness, they're correct. Not when he buys the thing like an hour before the murder and other details that never seem to matter in LA Noire. It's just annoying when the suspicion response is the one they actually want you to use even though you can actually place the guy at the scene of the crime with witness statements that aren't put into evidence and other factors. Plus blowing it off is hardly a realistic reaction unless you're a mob guy. Stuff like that just annoyed me. IIRC, the doubt/suspicious choice was written and recorded as "Coax" instead which caused a lot of weird confusion like this.
  7. So what's the funnest mode to play? I always assumed it would be RTTS for me but that's really getting boring - I've heard that the mode where collect cards to make a team has been fun, but in the past I always hated how the cards had "contracts" - it just reeked of money grabbing and stuff like that, but apparently now they removed that particular restraint?
  8. Bushido Blade 2 was PS1 so that'd work.
  9. I understand that Mayweather fought the way that boxing matches are supposed to be scored - but for fuck sakes, I do agree with Manny that he won that fight as most people should define a fight. Just complete and utter tripe, dancing around the ring, throwing on fucking headlocks. Blah. It was never like I was a boxing fan, and as Branch said - where the he'll do they go from here anyways? Boxing has got to be dead.
  10. It's going to be glorious.
  11. I wouldn't exactly call Twisted Metal a racing game. The are cars, sure - but it's more of a destruction derby on steroids.
  12. Or to have drunk friends! Same thing.
  13. apsham


    Heh. I got put down there too due to the hunters. It wasn't fun and I lost a tone of Echoes down there.
  14. apsham


    If you lose sight of one of the giants to kill something else, those rocks can REALLY sneak up on you.
  15. I on the other hand would like to get something that will likely not go down in price that I'm interested in - but would never buy at full price.
  16. I'll say Persona 4 as well. I can't remember the last time I wasn't able to even think about putting a game down until I was done it.
  17. Not to mention the guy has money pouring out of his ears and likely a skewed image on the world from all the success he's had. Discipline in no way stops people from being stupid - maybe it helped him when he was younger, but fighting and staying in shape is what keeps him rolling in the cash and who knows - motivations switch and maybe that is what keeps him doing those things these days? And the UFC did the right thing but I don't see a reason to congratulate them on it. I don't really think they had a choice once it all came down and once he's rehabbed (legitimately or not) he'll be back for a crazy hyped fight.
  18. apsham


    So if you've fought the Blood Starved Beast at this point (and he's entirely optional) - if you're looking to do some leveling up, I would highly consider letting one of the sack guys wandering around (there's one right outside the Catherdral doors if you turn to the right, fight the mask guy and move into the corner) kill you.
  19. apsham


    I defeated Amelia pretty handily with one of the slowest weapons in the game - I don't know if I got lucky or just that I stayed close to her and got some good dodges in.
  20. I wanted to pick up a driving game - however Project Cars IS coming out soon...
  21. The belief is, they generally can do well without the video games section and there is speculation that they'll just cut that out completely soon.
  22. That basically means nothing and has a ton more to do with the price of listing overseas, apparently than anything else. It's a rather common practice.
  23. apsham


    Ah, that's step 3/4 in her quest line. If you help here there you can find her at the Grand Catherdral later - you go in and fight a guy who has the Chikage and once you defeat him you get her item set AND a kickass rune.
  24. apsham


    I'm honestly shocked you managed to take her out if she fights like she does where I got stuck being forced to fight her. I was around level 80 and she was taking me out in two hits.
  25. apsham


    Byrgenworth is tinnnnnnnny.
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