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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham


    You're really close to the end - well one of the three I suppose. All depends on what you choose to do. Unless you were actively pursuing it and know what to do, you'll likely miss out on the hardest to get ending. If you want a spoiler free guide, I'll put it below.
  2. apsham


    Now I have Dark Souls II: Sins of the First Scholar to finish!
  3. apsham


    Finally beat the game! Took the easy ending and skipped Eberitias but I finished it - making that my first in the Souls lineage.
  4. That was exactly what I thought. It was like George Miller said "fuck it, I've got the money now. Let's just redo the whole tanker scene the way I wanted it". Pretty sure that's exactly what he did. There are so many god damn characters in this movie that I want to know more about. I got lucky enough to stumble upon some more backstory on the guitar motherfucker, but.. holy shit. I want to know more about Immortan Joe, Furiosa (well, the next movie is going to be focused on her I think anyways), the War Boys... every faction. Lordy lord.
  5. Arcania is not very good. Not very good at all. With the Witcher 3 coming out, you can get a taste of that FAR better even if it is a bit more.
  6. Such an amazing season too. Holy hell those guys can write.
  7. apsham


    He has little purpose - he gives you the badge that you would've got from killing him and once you go through the steps of making him friendly, you can't kill any of the beasts around there or he'll go aggro on you again.
  8. Which is exactly what I said at the very start that I wanted it to do.
  9. apsham


    As in you are going up to him and trying to fight him and he's taking you out? You CAN make him friendly but it's ultimately pointless and takes some time. He can either roll off the building OR you can target him (preferably with a pistol) the second you come off the ladder and shoot him until he falls off. His item will likely be in an unreachable place BUT if you leave and come back it'll be right near his gun.
  10. ...fuck. That's awesome. Besides the fact that even if I could pre-load now it still wouldn't be anywhere near ready. But shit.
  11. Uhh no, its about an a capella group. Hey man, those things are like 10 percent singing, 90 percent costumes and set pieces that the group could never afford.
  12. apsham


    Chalice's are partly for new gear and stuff mid-game but I feel like the random ones are what the developers wanted to get to, for end game obsessions and such.
  13. I wanted to sit back and enjoy Dagon but that was something that just couldn't happen because I don't think I could dislike the actress who played Barbara any more than I do now. I ended up having to fast forward through most of it.
  14. But does Anna Kendrick get strapped to a giant drum-mobile with a double necked electric guitar that shoots fire?
  15. If you've seen Fury Road and want to hear the backstory of CLEARLY THE BEST CHARACTER: Jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus. https://www.yahoo.com/movies/mad-max-fury-road-guitar-player-actor-doof-warrior-118997835292.html
  16. I grabbed Terreria because I've been meaning to, not a bad sale.
  17. You know what? I didn't even know George Miller did the original movies (I didn't pay much attention to them) so even more props to the guy for doing this updated version and doing it with insane justice.
  18. Looks more like a dumpy, pale Josh Koscheck.
  19. Motherfucker. Why are you reading this and not watching Mad Max right now. GOD DAMMIT. Go watch it.
  20. Just in case anyone else was wondering about Marvel Unlimited there IS a free one month trial, but you have to use the promo code ULTRON.
  21. apsham


    You just explore until you find stuff basically, the is really most of the structure as it ends up being. The mind behind the Souls series is all about vague storytelling.
  22. That's really cool... thanks! You've convinced me to get Marvel Unlimited. I knew that people telling me it was jump-in-able with ease was too good to be true, articles reviewing the damn thing even said so. Even though, after a quick history lesson I'm kind of good after my second reading aside from anything going on in Ultimate which I never paid attention to.
  23. apsham


    Which makes me worried because some of the bosses I beat, I feel I got lucky on - instead of actually hammering down the pattern.
  24. apsham


    Hurrah! I did the same - it's crazy how well you can do the first time around and then when you KNOW what to do it can become a pain in the ass.
  25. I did some reading and yeah - I was excited to see that a lot of the others haven't started yet. I'm going to try and see what I can do to get my hands on those New Avengers and Avengers series. Book #1 of Secret Wars was.. really confusing. I was told that it was going to be easy to slip into as that's the way that it is being sold, but I couldn't tell what was going on. Is this the general consensus? Aside from that I have a few questions because I REALLY want to get into this but it feels really overwhelming. 1) Looking into the new series coming out, I wrote down the ones that interest me but I saw a lot of them were still stuff like Old Man Logan, Zombies and worlds that I thought had ended. Are those stories taking part on that clusterfuck Battleworld? The idea of one solid world to follow is what drew me in, but when I see titles like that exist in other continuities I'm really confused. 2) Is there a name for the style of art/writing that has a lot of frames with no dialogue? I was reading the Comic Book Day preview edition and I saw it in a couple that are in there - specifically Old Man Logan. While I like that storyline, I find stuff like that really hard to follow. 3) The guy at my local store told me something I know, follow creators and not characters, and I was wondering if any one had anything good to say about the people behind these series that I am interested in. Deadpool's Secret Secret War Uncanny Inhumans Inhumans: Atlian Rising Guardians Of Knowhere House of M Hail Hydra Thors 4) How is that Marvel Netflix type thing? How recent is the stuff that goes out on it? Can I catch up on that Hickman Avenger/New Avenger stuff there?
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