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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Oh that baby keeps going and going and branches into other longer ones, haha.
  2. Yeah the digital version is 29 dollars as opposed to the 39 dollars for the Collector's Edition yadda yadda so they factored that into the price I guess.
  3. Should I buy this in store or am I good with the digital version?
  4. That's odd - I have never had that happen to me. Well at least while using the Android app or the desktop application. I don't mess with the web player because that's a bit too based on your browser and the 1,000,000 variables that could mess with that.
  5. So there's a rumor going around that Microsoft is in talks to buy the Silent Hill franchise from Konami and turn Silent Hills (in the same breath, rumored to be about 80% done) into an XB1 exclusive game for "billions". The whole "billions" part is throwing me off, but oh boy has this raised some ire.
  6. apsham


    That gear will do you a while, but it should be noted that it is referred to as Fashionborne for a reason. Armour rarely matters, except maybe for specific resistances in boss fights.
  7. They announced that support of Witcher 3 with free DLC and paid content is going to last two years, which is amazing.
  8. Spotify is the only way to go for me. I tried Google Play Music a couple of times but it was awkward and I had issues with it deleting the music I had downloaded to my phone and meh. Spotify does absolutely everything I'd want it to, has a great interface and has given me some amazing recommendations.
  9. apsham


    I'd focus on only one of the Shadows at a time too - and use the rock in the middle to get them stuck or block line of sight. You should do it one by one as they move through their three phases based on how much damage in total is done to them.. so if you only do a bit to each of them it's possible to have to fight all three in their final crazy snake forms.
  10. Went and saw it again last night. Still awesome.
  11. I ended up winning the first Blitzball game 3-1 - I had the luckiest game possible or it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be.
  12. For the benefit of anyone who doesn't want to have to deal with some pretty shitty and very dark situations visuals coming up, that occurs during your search for your friend in Novigrad. At some point throughout that you'll have two quests - Gangs of Novigrad and Get Junior. If you go all the way to complete Get Junior by: You end up going to Junior's hideout where: Doing research it seems to be an inevitable thing so.. just thought you might want to be ready for it. I know that by getting to the final point of Get Junior cancels out Gangs of Novigrad. I don't know if there's a way to bypass the graphic stuff but maybe you can do so by doing the Gangs quest line instead? Doesn't seem likely though.. some people online are saying you get better gear and stuff by NOT doing the Gangs mission.
  13. Even though that was yesterday it feels like a million years ago - I was trying to see if you've been to that area yet. Basically follow the path to find Siri - I remember now that the quest you should be following has to do with finding a witch that may have had contact with Siri. It's one of the main ones.
  14. I wouldn't blame you for feeling like that - it was made very openly with older RPG sensibilities that we don't see a lot these days. Doesn't make it bad, but it makes it a lot less like anything else that has come out in ages.
  15. You have to stumble across something, which at first may seem entirely unconnected. It's related to the bog, and you can get to it through following a story quest involving a sorceress Geralt knows.
  16. Anyone want anything? I have all these unredeemed keys from Humble Bundle Also, Pirates and Beyond Earth aren't included in this question. Just haven't gotten around to downloading those yet Could I get Absolution pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease? And maybe MOH on Steam as well.. need a shooter.
  17. I've finally got the game and my feelings are similar. There's a lot of side quests which are saying I should be at least 10 levels higher than I currently am. The whole alchemy, oils etc part of the game is a bit overwhelming as well. Yea, I really don't understand the oils, mutagens etc...that much either Oils can be crafted and applied to weapons to do bonus damage on certain types of monsters. You can look at the Bestiary and see the different classifications of monster, there's an oil for each one of those. Mutagens are basically multipliers on the character menu. There are four sections, each has three smaller slots and a larger one. You can put a mutagen in one of the larger ones and if you put skills of the same colour there, the benefit that it gives (green does vitality, blue does percentage of sign effect and red.. haven't gotten one yet) multiplies the more of the same colour are in the same grid. Mutagens can also be used in crafting recipes, and you can combine lesser ones to make greater versions as well. I've finally got the game and my feelings are similar. There's a lot of side quests which are saying I should be at least 10 levels higher than I currently am. The whole alchemy, oils etc part of the game is a bit overwhelming as well. Once you get a bit further you will be absolutely swimming in side quests so don't worry. There are like.. a bajillion job boards around not to mention the ones you keep walking into.
  18. Not that I was saying the game was actually LIKE that - meerly stating that there were benefits to not taking money - but a 50/50 split would ruin it for me if a game was structured like that. It makes the idea of a second playthrough almost entirely pointless to me if I am just going to experience the game in generally the same way.
  19. Don't think it's a 'be careful' type thing. I mean, GOG is run by the people who made the game. Might just have an issue with those free offer versions.
  20. At the same time, in most cases I've found where you can refuse money - the other people are ten times worse off than you. Not to mention that not taking money can lead to a path in the quest where you can get more than you would've been paid OR find some awesome gear instead.
  21. I never thought I would enjoy being constantly poor and scrounging for whatever I can find and having to sell the stuff that I thought I would be holding onto to repair what I already have - but it does kind of add something to the game. Witchers used to be highly sought after and paid, now most people hate them and don't want to pay them fairly for their time - you even have the option in some cases to not take money - and that adds another layer to me. Geralt isn't a monster that hates human contact - in general people being pieces of shit tends to affect him - so those times where he goes against Witcher code and possibly doesn't take money to me could be played off as him trying to change perceptions so people will actually.. you know.. like him. Having all these different ways to make money is kind of awesome, and I'm happy that I'm not just running around with my pockets full at ALL times.
  22. I played for four to five hours the last two nights and for every quest I finished, I received like.. four more. Every time I try to just go to where a quest is, I run across random events or two more quests as well.
  23. Just ran into a pub fighting champion by the name of Georgius "Piledriver" Georg. The name running the fights, Master Claytop wanted to fix it. I love this game.
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