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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Good system I think. Must be pretty automated too if they were insane enough to roll this out before the sale.
  2. I like the premise and the actors in Silicon Valley - but I don't think I could watch it from the way most people talk about it. I'm starting to lose interest in that kind of cringe show.
  3. I know how you feel. I'm at the point where I think I'm just going to pay someone to play all the games I don't have the time to get to.
  4. Light purple, Dark blue, Yellow, Teal, Dark Purple, Light blue, Orange, Turquoise, Blue-gray, Red, Light grey
  5. 12 was one of my favorites and I'm sure it still would be if I JUST GOT THE CHANCE TO PLAY IT AGAIN DAMMIT.
  6. I adored The Shield and felt the exact same way.
  7. The Rock is starring in a remake of Big Trouble In Little China. OH MY GOD YES.
  8. Wiki stated something along the line of; "For instance, while the Brave Sword allows its user to attack twice, it also lowers their defense and magic defense stats by 4." And yep, every turn. That's just so.. odd.
  9. They've also made it so weapons don't break - but stronger weapons give you a disadvantage. In the same breath, there's a second weapons triangle "with swords and magic beating axes and bows, axes and bows beating lances and hidden weapons, and lances and hidden weapons beating swords and magic" The bathhouse features are: And Casual mode returns along with a mode that is sure to make those who complained about casual mode spontaneously combust (no pun intended) because Phoenix mode resurrects people EVERY TURN.
  10. I'd still pay for it because of awesome service and the downloading songs aspect, which is essential for work.
  11. Nothing better than force blasting a bunch of candles out at once. Take that, peasant.
  12. I thought a cameo was confirmed relatively early.
  13. Upcoming patch fixes for console.
  14. Oh you can? I was just going off what I had heard. By the time I remembered the DLC I was already equipped with Enhanced Feline School armour so it was a moot point.
  15. I have never seen the universe give a consumer a clearer sign.
  16. Neither of you are responding to the subject matter that I'm trying to defend, so I'm pretty much done with the topic because you are arguing with something that I agree with you on - I'm not talking about anything to do with a movie's quality as a moving picture, how it is being made or the sensibilities behind it. And I apologize if you think I'm taking your words out of context too, I'm not really trying to - I was trying to respond directly to the notion that it's silly to write something off because you don't like the aesthetic it purposefully tries to give off. I seriously hope you don't try to argue against the idea of seeing something and knowing that it's not going to be something that you want to see. Edge of Tomorrow was something that I didn't have any interest in so I didn't queue up to see it on opening night. Some people said that it was good so I waited until it came out on blu-ray and watched it at a friends place where I thought it was alright, but still not something I would've spent money to see in the theatres. I much preferred seeing it like that and I'm still happy that I decided not to go see it based off anything I had seen from the makers of the movie beforehand.
  17. Every Wednesday for a couple of months free DLC goes up in the store, and yeah - the first week there was a set of armor. Granted you had to get the plans and craft it but still pretty neat. There's also beard/hairstyle stuff, an alternative look for Yenn and a new mission.
  18. PS4 Console + 3 Months PS Plus + Witcher 3 + The Last of Us + Project Cars = £263.97 https://docs.google.com/document/d/15WVXoPym5viGklLcBZxpD9-nvY1sEBrMJ6MOy3uBh58/edit User in the comments on reddit stated that Last Of Us and Cars was put into a separate order that he canceled, making the PS4 and Witcher £200 if it doesn't correct itself.
  19. "The silliness comes in if you don't watch it simply based off promotional photos, I think." Is what I was directly replying to. The unofficial pictures could be taken out of context, seeing actual footage and sanctioned pictures come out - I can get the feel of the movie. I can have notion of what it's going to be like. When I see a trailer, I can see if that matches and if it doesn't - I probably won't go out of my way to watch the movie. It's not all that big of a thing. There is no prediction here that movie is going to be bad. I have ZERO interest in seeing Casablanca or Citizen Kane. But I don't assume that they are bad movies.
  20. It's a moot point anyways - Phil Spencer called out the rumor and the guy is pretty straightforward when it comes to stuff like this. And did anyone actually BUY one of the PT PS4s? I only ever saw it reported that people were putting them up for stupid prices, not that anyone had actually bought one. But then again the way that it becomes reported those two things become one in the same.
  21. I don't think it's ridiculous to say "I watched the trailers and saw the promotional shots and this movie doesn't interest me" because there are a ton of movies coming out, week after week and no one has time to get caught up with them. If the material that is being produced to make you want to see the movie isn't doing its job or having an adverse reaction.. it's not insane to say "I'm not going to bother with this movie".
  22. I'm seriously starting to believe I've stumbled on something with purple sounding like the whole cat noise thing and I'm going to refuse any other answer.
  23. Isn't there a single player mode (albeit short and easy) I thought I saw it reviewed. And that pro controller thing is hilarious because local stores were bundling them at a discount with the game.
  24. I don't know, I think PURRple makes sense.
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