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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Whelp. My character got messed up - she's entirely gone. Remaking a Nord on the Ebonheart Pact I guess. Grumble.
  2. I hear there's someone you can go to (bag icon on the map) that lets you buy more space.
  3. So this finally came in. Pre-bought it at a killer price and although I still feel slightly foolish - I think that if there is one show worth spluring on, it's this one.
  4. Unless I'm misunderstanding you, the first two seasons are definitely in 4:3. It wasn't initially shown in 16:9 but they have the shots.
  5. Honestly, I like the ideas of no chat and random teams because the one thing that pains me about FPS games online is the fact that you could have one really well co-ordinated team that will destroy you no matter HOW well you do.
  6. From what I remember, The Wire was shot widescreen for the first two or so seasons but then to cut costs, it went to standard shooting - but still with high quality cameras. The blu-ray release looks great and I am going to buy it ASAP.
  7. They were pretty fast pre-sale to say "yes you're getting it" or "no you're not" and even though I chose the quickest option (not to my credit card, to the Steam wallet) it still takes up to 7 days - so I wouldn't rely on that if you needed to. If you had enough money to buy it again and wait for your refund, I guess.
  8. Basically, yeah - because most skills aren't on cooldowns as far as I can tell. They're limited by your stamina bar.
  9. You know what, I don't think it's as cut and dry as that - because I have a light piece of armor (Sugar Jacket) that does stamina AND a medium (Hazaj's Hauberk) that does the same.
  10. Heavy is stamina based? I would have never assumed.. guess I'll put my archer in medium or heavy then.
  11. Yes! This! It's the only non-wrestling related one that I make sure to get the day it comes out beside Sword & Scale.
  12. I saw people saying it should be ZombiUltimate Edition.
  13. Looks like there might me an XB1/PS4 version of ZombiU coming out. http://www.vg247.com/2015/06/10/zombiu-port-in-development-for-ps4-and-xbox-one-report/
  14. Ended up getting to level 6 last night - I had a period where the servers were being fixed where I couldn't play but everything was smoother after that point. I went with a wood elf archer which is very stereotypical for a first playthrough for me, in the Dominion but I do plan on having one character each in an alliance.
  15. My first impression of all the "war, war is a terrible thing" cutscenes at the start leaned mostly towards me thinking that the game was an attempt to hit a Western market actually.
  16. Kind of boils down to being a cultural thing.
  17. This is just really embarrassing now. Sweet lord.
  18. Go to the support site, or search Steam Refund actually - that site will tell you everything - but basically you select a game, state what your issue is and then there should be a "Request refund" button. You can type out a reason: If you bought in the last 14 days and only have less than 2 hours on the game - you're pretty good to go. I don't even think you would need to give a reason. For anything else, I'd put in a pretty good reason like it wouldn't run on your computer or something. I've had luck on getting things refunded that I got as far back as March. December, no dice however and anything before December you can't even make a claim on.
  19. I tried to get back a purchase from December and they said no to that, but I did get back one from three months ago. Anything older than six months they won't even begin to let you claim though. EDIT: Everything other than the first one I tried has gone through, which is pretty awesome since it was stuff that never ran on my setup or was janky due to other reasons.
  20. We can talk about our hopes about what it will be like, whenever we eventually do get to play it if that suits you.
  21. I like listening to stuff about conspiracy theories, supernatural phenomenon and strange things that have happened - so I followed a recommendation and listened to Steve Warner's Dark City but holy fuck is it annoying. Listening to Sword & Scale is amazing because everything is well told, researched and gone over - but Dark City is all phone calls, and the nut is trying to confirm that stuff like Satanic Ritual Abuse actually occurred.
  22. I looked at the page and it said that the cutoff point for time was 14 days. I might give a little try in.. for science.
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