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Everything posted by apsham

  1. The mechanic is unique but man, that could get annoying fast. I loved Colossus and couldn't finish Ico so I'm kind of split.
  2. The whole 'aren't we so clever, GAMES NOT LIKE THAT OTHER... thing... that showed... games' tone is fun again this year.
  3. I need my preview to update RIGHT NOW so I can play Nuts'n'Bolts.
  4. First 100 what? Like... the first 100 compatible games for backwards compatibility. Do I need to own them physically or if I have it digitally, can I just download it THAT way.
  5. I have a lot of digital 360 games, I wonder if I can just download those to the One - does anyone know?
  6. It says that the Preview members (yay me) have access to the first 100 - can I buy them from the store and download them? Or do I need physical?
  7. Most of the companies announcements are before the actual E3 event these days.
  8. That better be a step towards a 3DS 3-pack because as landmark as that is, it's not a great game in the least and I'm one of the biggest Mother fans going.
  9. That sounds pretty cool. Potentially get involved. I've had my eye on that for a while - seems like something that could be right up our alley and it supports a lot of players.
  10. If they kill Alex off there will be more time for Boo... theoretically. This is the only justification I need.
  11. I wanted to buy a mount and I saw that it was only a couple dollars more really and I could get the bonuses as well so why the heck not. Really, I don't associate any of the things that I hate about other MMOs with this.
  12. I gladly decided to try a month of ESO Plus - I'm really impressed with this game.
  13. The last day usually brings back a good number of the deals. Don't think it's all of them, but there are a lot.
  14. Fallout 3 GOTY and Crusader Kings II/EUIV DLC for me.
  15. apsham


    Oh you still have quite a way to go.
  16. Holy shit, that's a crazy price for Prison Architect.
  17. Bethesda accidentally streamed their rehearsal and announced Dishonored 2 in the process.
  18. Rule is - if it's on Flash sale that is the absolute lowest that it's going. You're pretty safe to say that if it's one of the Monster sales (I think it is) or even a daily that's almost a guarantee too.
  19. I know there are currently two of us in the Ebonheart Pact.
  20. Really happy that it let me skip the tutorial - I'm glad that melee is fun too otherwise I'd be upset.
  21. I thought Black Mesa was up on the first day?
  22. But you could've had the complete XCOM bundle instead!
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