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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I kind of cringed and cringed hard when I read a review and read the phrase "tank stealth section".
  2. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Yes. Magic is as likely as using a shoulder button for alternative conversation choices that are only available in certain situations.
  3. apsham

    Fallout 4

    That whole wheel thing is skewed though, because there could be just as many choices or additional intelligence based choices that are keyed to other buttons, like Bioware does theirs.
  4. I think basketball and wrestling commentary are drastically different in the sense that calling the match the way that it WOULD feel natural would be hard to do with all the action going on. Basketball is pretty evenly paced and as a developer, I can at least conceptualize putting in some of the longer talking points in certain places - while in a wrestling game, a number of variables can happen at any time and it would either result in commentators ignoring something or being cut off way too much to feel natural. Not saying it can't be done, but it's likely something that needs to be worked out and fully conceptualized by a team before it can begin.
  5. I'm really hoping that my Fallout 3 refund ends up coming in soon, there's some stuff that I really want to get.
  6. I don't know why but I'm just not all that excited for this one. I loved City even, and I didn't mind Origins for as much as I played it but unless there's a huge shift in tone I'll probably wait until this one drops in price.
  7. That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for. Also if you can't think of full albums, songs will work as well as a side feature. EDIT: In actuality I should probably do songs with albums as the feature.
  8. Howdy there. Like many of you I find myself swamped with music - there is so much of it available I have no clue where to start and I end up listening to the same old stuff time and time again. I was sitting around this evening and I started thinking about how interested I can get in a particular artist or album from time to time, spending time reading about them and what was happening at the time - and I figured I would have a little project on my hands. I want to start up a blog where I go over the history/reasoning/story behind a particular album before reviewing the album itself. I have this annoying thing where I want to find a project or extra reason to do anything that I can eat up my time with - so fire away and give a little blurb as to why you think a particular album would be a great candidate. Any genre and time period is fine.
  9. It's all Mario Maker with a little bit of mashing on the Home button for good measure.
  10. Hitman is killing things because people are telling him to, but then he thinks maybe he shouldn't but then he has to again. Story taken care of.
  11. For those interested about that new Hitman game but wary due to the concept, they have come out to say that there will be no DLC or microtransactions - all of the extra content will be free.
  12. If you get Vampire, you should mod it because it was kinda unfinished at the time of release. A developer helped to finish it.
  13. They probably just weren't "feeling it" and decided to do it at "their own pace".
  14. I could stomach incomplete, but just wrong is stupid - taking the graphic down. A better one will likely come later.
  15. Oh. That's... hmm. I had no idea that it was open, I only saw Fable Legends. >_>
  16. Speedrunners is super cheap today. I wish I hadn't spent all my available money, but thems the chops.
  17. And if you get upset, download the cheat mod and just go nuts to let out some steam.
  18. You're supposed to use one and give me the other. Major Nelson told me.
  19. I just dropped a Preview Program invite to every One owner that I had on my list (well, everyone who upgraded to a One avatar at least) just in case y'all aren't part yet.
  20. There used to be a graphic here. It was incomplete at first. But also it was inaccurate. Shit.
  21. They tend to use "exclusive" as "console exclusive" - it's a common term on the wikipedia pages for game release lists.
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