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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I figured. The thug chatter hints to it a lot.
  2. For a game that gives you prompts for things all the time - I've had some AMAZING moments that the previous games can't even touch based off moments where you aren't told what to do. For example, chemical planet spoilers.
  3. Where can I find them? Xbox inbox? or email? I actually have no clue, haha.
  4. Getting around in the batmobile is kind of a pain but I feel I may get used to it. And... is this five times the size of Arkham City? Like is there anything other than the three islands? Because.. it doesn't seem all that huge.
  5. Next gen has done this a fuckton of favours.
  6. Fuckin' hell. I caved and bought in, mostly because I have the day off tomorrow.
  7. This will likely happen to me, Ollieford.
  8. I had all my stuff playable in Rock Band Blitz... so I'm going to guess that I had it all exported. Some of the earlier stuff had weird keys and stuff so I hope I'm good. I am far more interested in Guitar Hero, but if I can use all my old stuff with Rock Band...
  9. That's basically what it was last year with a tacked on mode, pretty sure it'll be even less this year.
  10. What do I have to do to export? I have most of the stuff.. on my 360. But how does that work over?
  11. I am into this. I am headfirst into this, I am so pumped. The stare down between three of the main leads at the end of the episode just got me SO hyped for next week.
  12. HOLY FUCK. I just turned it on and Leonard Cohen's 'Nevermind' is the fucking theme. I am in love already.
  13. You need to be in the Preview program. Add me if you don't have me and I'll send you an invite. Cossbysweater You're not guaranteed to get in, but it's something. I've also read that there is a way to play games that involves going to someone who has played the game you wants profile and doing something there with their "has played" section but I have no clue myself.
  14. The new Batman is out this week as well. Master Chief Collection has been mostly sorted, plus that's a good chunk of game for the price. Elder Scrolls is quite good but can get repetitive. Destiny, meh, not my thing.
  15. I had originally wrote and thought it was just Peter Parker as well, but at the same time that is just an odd thing to have written in.
  16. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Holy crap. And they're not even that essential compared to other games like this.
  17. Some more Sony documents were released on WikiLeaks - a ton of them and news is starting to come out of them now. Apparently there was a clause in a contract for the Spider-Man movies that stated the character MUST be white.
  18. apsham

    Fallout 4

    On a more interesting note - Fallout Shelter. Has anyone else had the chance to see it in action or play it? I mentioned earlier I was watching a friend at work play it - and while it ran a little bit janky at times it looked REALLY interesting and with the news coming out that it's coming to Android in "a few months" I think I may have found my new time waster.
  19. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I called on the magic sky fairy to lend a hand here. What kind of fucking evidence? Your insistence to be an absolute prick about this in a "oh, that's so Sean" type way is infuriating. Five bits of conversation ran over by people who are INTENT on hating the game stands for about as much as making smarmy allegations when alternatives are brought up when the system is used in other games. Not to mention the thread that you ripped that from on Reddit containing the exact same kinds of things that I'm saying here.
  20. apsham

    Fallout 4

    What kind of fucking evidence? Your insistence to be an absolute prick about this in a "oh, that's so Sean" type way is infuriating. Five bits of conversation ran over by people who are INTENT on hating the game stands for about as much as making smarmy allegations when alternatives are brought up when the system is used in other games. Not to mention the thread that you ripped that from on Reddit containing the exact same kinds of things that I'm saying here.
  21. This time around, I've heard you can basically fly around once you fully upgrade your glide ability which is a welcome addition.
  22. In general the perception from any review I've read other than Polygon's (*shudder*) crazily positive one refers to the Batmobile combat portions as used FAR too much without any real evolution. But luckily you are only really forced to do them in the main story.
  23. I wish Shamrock would just stop, I like the guy too much to just see him going out there doing stuff like this. On the other hand, Kimbo just needs to stop because Kimbo.
  24. I picked up WMMA 3 because I really want to see the company put the rest of their titles on the damn site instead of that antiquated system that they're using now. Plus, the last WMMA that I played was the first one so I'm hoping it'll be a big enough jump. I am picking up Modern Warriors 17 - anyone recommend other mods that would compliment the game?
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