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Everything posted by apsham

  1. 25GB? That seems tiny compared to what I thought it would be.
  2. I thought I would have that issue too, but Sutherland did great in GZ.
  3. Ahh good, it's authentic then.
  4. I'm going to hazard a guess based off a hunch - they already have the footage of Owen and when they created it, he was alive and consented to it. In this case they would have to basically commission 2K to create the Owen Hart model and Martha might have to okay that?
  5. I am so, so very happy with this.
  6. I have barely paid any attention to anything coming out from this game at all and I am so damn excited that I was able to.
  7. I might have the week of the 2nd off before my new job starts. I would be so happy if that happens.
  8. Ohhh. I like me those clothing physics.
  9. Yeah, I'm going for my strong stats. I don't see the point of strengthening their weak points when 9 times out of 10 I'm likely going to be able to play a card that has that start as a focus if I need to.
  10. They aren't doing a special edition this year - naw.
  11. And make sure you spend all your training points that you get from leveling the card up, yeah - basically.
  12. Woo! They brought in JR for Steve Austin's Showcase mode.
  13. It's weird seeing the biggest draws for the UFC being the ones who are most involved with creating larger than life "storylines" - exacerbated by things like rank leapfrogging and an odd rankings system to begin with. Granted this has been very gradual and something that people have seen coming for years now. It's especially interesting considering Dana writing off pro wrestling considering its very roots.
  14. No way it's worth bothering to run one with everyone still constantly changing their decks, network issues, etc.
  15. Very poor screenshot to judge quality, but fuck it - in case you were wondering what time period of Kidd/Cesaro are in. Fuuuuuuck yeah.
  16. Was just coming to post that. Everything looks a lot smoother than normal in that video, I like it.
  17. Not shocking with a ton of new people coming back to play it or finding out what it's about for the first time, etc.
  18. Where? I can't see it on his feed and a quick search didn't bring up any articles.
  19. I think they're useless for the most part if you're comfortable in your tier. You're never really playing against other people who'll have them so using them to train is better than having them sitting around useless for me in the KOTR.
  20. I just thought I would share this because I didn't see a note on it yet and I had to have a co-worker show it to me. If you go to the top left filter bar during training, you can actually use the enhancement cards to train up your card. They don't show up in the default Normal queue and I am super glad to have that use for them.
  21. Everyone keep this in mind when Proing. The 'played in games' stat that gives you a permenant boost, needs to be fully up there to get max stats on a pro card. Meaning that if you have two Sasha Banks - you'll have to get one of them all the way up, then switch it out for the other and do the same if you want full pro stats. A bit of a pain in the ass and in some cases the difference is negligible, but damn.
  22. The addition of the possibility of two tag team matches per game is throwing my strategy off. One of my loyalty cards was a super rare Bushwhacker Luke.
  23. There a pop up that tells you that you are deleting all your cards that make you eligible for season 1 play - and if you go guard from there it unlocks all your cards and makes them trainable unless you have a season 1 set as your champ.
  24. Son of a bitch, I'm stuck doing a god damn fusion that's going to end tomorrow morning. Grumble.
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