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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Just lemme know/invite me when we get something together. I'll likely do something else in the meantime.
  2. I totally can. In fact I'm on now but I'll pause until you're ready. Ellis and Larz and I played earlier today. @Maxx
  3. There is some really fluid stuff in there - I love it. From moves ending in a sit down position, to how fluid the match ending stuff is - it just looks a heck of a lot better. I'm happy I put all my faith in the second iteration being a lot more polished.
  4. The other button than the one that gets you into the iDroid - the 'pause' menu as it were.
  5. Played my first versus match too, won handily and I did well on the team. I like the Arena because there aren't any roles to fuck up.
  6. I think I'm quite sure Apollo is my guy.
  7. Frankly the only reason appeals to me is that I hate losing, and I feel like I'll get my ass handed to me in PVP. But yeah, once I start getting more comfortable I'll likely head straight into PVP.
  8. I played a few games and I'd say that I'm sold. A few questions: 1. Auto-Skill and Auto-Buy - do I just leave these on? Seems to work out well enough, I mean - especially in Co-op. 2. It seems I can buy from anywhere - is that so? 3. I assume most people play the PVP stuff? I'm kind of intimidated greatly by that but I can get on with it I suppose. 4. What is a good God to start out with? I tried playing the Rain God fella and I liked him but I mean - there are so many others I really have no clue. Enjoyed the experience far more than any of the times that I have tried to get into League in the past. Having a controller in my hand and camera behind me helps greatly.
  9. I actually quite enjoy Smite, and I think I might try to get into it. Try to decide by the end of the weekend if I want to by the God pack.
  10. Collateral damage? I couldn't go in with a grenade launcher simply because I wouldn't want to injure someone I could extract. Having a good team is pretty important moving forward to be able to unlock some of the really good stuff. Besides, to take a grenade launcher it's either a sniper or machine gun that you are sacrificing anyways.
  11. I have just never in my life been able to sit down at the computer and think about booting up a game like Grand Theft Auto V or Max Max - and I've tried again and again. Steam tried to do the whole 'Big Picture' thing but my computer is still in my mind for other things. Nothing about the process really seems all that much easier to be honest - I can get automatic updates and everything of the sort on the console without the complications that I have had with the computer (hot swapping drivers to make certain games work, messing with settings to find what works optimally, in earlier times hoping that my 360 controller was even going to work properly with the games) all with more access to friends. I still love sitting down to play anything that primarily needs mouse control (like Crusader Kings II or Civ5) or simpler games like Rouge Legacy but ultimately, my console is going to be my go to and I think I'm likely going to keep up with them as they roll out until the two eventually converge.
  12. Mad Max and other games like it need to set a trend. Every game MUST come packaged with a Capture Mode now. ARMBAR~! No shit.
  13. Are you talking like - computer gaming specifically? I've tried to get into the PC stuff but I just can't do it for anything past the niche stuff that you can only find an audience for on PC. I've pretty much accepted that I am going to be console until I die or until something can copy the straight up ease, aesthetic and support that something like the Xbox One gets in all aspects. Now if we're talking about games in general, for a long time now I have been thinking about exactly what Maxx has posted for quite a while. I'm actually excited to see what everything is like when people our age get up to where our elders are now.
  14. Kick them while their down to wake them up, but as they come to, point your gun to them while their down. Snake will say "Freeze" and they'll stay on the ground with their hands on their heads. They'll stay like that until either their found (so I take them away and hide them), or until an alarm is raised, or until you leave the map ...no shit? For real? I put a few people into that position before but I assumed they'd get up as soon as I was out of eyeshot.
  15. I'll check next time I'm on - but I'll have a ton of kills. I have this thing in games like this where I'm paranoid that if I KO or put someone to sleep they'll wake up and fuck up everything for me at a later point, so if they aren't going to be extracted to be used on Mother Base I will absolutely most of the time finish them off.
  16. Same as the Witcher. He'll just show up outta no where unless you're kinda close and looking in his direction, then he'll run to you.
  17. It was just suggested that a workers attitude be dropped because he swore on a CHIKARA show. This is from one of the biggest contributors to that thread. Give it up guys, it's done.
  18. D-Dog is a god for finding anything and marking it.
  19. You can replay story missions, yeah - and you can even see what you missed. It's mostly stuff that depends on how you perform in the mission or stuff that would've helped you perform the mission better anyways. For instance, there was one where I was supposed to take out a whole bunch of heavy armor. The first time I missed one and it was mission over, and on the way to extract I died so I had to do it over again. This time I got them all and it said I could go.. but wait, they sent even bigger stuff out to get me. Other times I guessed where the objective was and got it right.. what I missed was a step where I could've found some intel or interrogated someone, etc.
  20. I did that stupid dumb mission, tried to go further away and it told me I was leaving the mission area. I got zero warning that I was, it failed me and dropped me fully out of the mission.
  21. I know on PC you can throw in custom music. I'm not even sure if they're doing that here but I hate that I could do this anyways.
  22. Yeah that's the thing with this game. Far Cry 4 told you to scout the areas, it didn't really matter all that much if you did though. Spotted once and the whole place knows where you are until the end of time. Sniping with Sniper Elite was pointless - the areas were quite linear and once again, even though it was supposed to operate on the "go to the last place we saw him" principle, those motherfuckers still found you easy because of how linear the areas were. This game gets all the stuff like that perfectly right. One of the first things it tells you is that hey - if you alert a base, they probably won't chase you down if you run or ride far away. But they WILL radio it in and all the bases around you will be more prepared for someone coming along. That's what I fucking adore about this. I spent 45 minutes on a mission because I was sniping and moving, sniping and moving - and then when everyone moved inside I went in close and lured them out one by one with my silenced rifle.
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