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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I've tried listening to The Black Tapes and Limetown but I can't get over the acting in them, blah. I hate that Lore episodes are so short. I do have to say that I am like, 20 minutes into the first episode of Pistol Shrimps Radio and I am loving it already.
  2. I fell off somewhere with Regular Show sometime during Season 2. I always mean to get caught back up but I have so much other stuff going on and I feel like the episodes just kind of became one note after a while. There was some gold in season 1 though and I always invite any chance to listen to Mark Hamill.
  3. That's kind of the way I saw things happening with the Online and why I had little interest in sticking around for it, blah. I'm a firm believer in either one or the other - put all of your energy into either a fully fledged single player game or a fully-fledged multiplayer game. Otherwise, unless you're talking about the cookie-cutter stuff like COD, you're looking at a situation where you are trying to shoehorn in the single player elements or vice versa. Not that Online can't be fun, I just figure it could be a heck of a lot better had it come way down the road. And maybe we could've got a playable version of the real ending to the main story.
  4. I went ahead and picked up Jackbox 2 this morning and I am hoping that my raid crew decides that they don't want to raid tonight so I can get into that instead.
  5. Yeah this is probably going to be why I don't end up getting it. My friends will be on Destiny with me and Halo between themselves so I won't even have anyone to play with all that much really.
  6. That's pretty much every first person shooter. That's likely there to stay.
  7. I decided against it for now - but I'm leaving it open in the future. Right now I have to focus on work and I already have Destiny to eat my time up outside of that.
  8. I feel like Mario Maker is all I'd play and then the NX will come out and I'd look like an idiot. But on the other hand I kinda can land one for like.. 130 dollars.
  9. Gah, Mario Maker is so damn tempting and they're even selling the Wii U in a big shiny yellow box with the game and the retro Amiibo!
  10. I got to put in a few matches - and I love the way they made it feel. Firing the blasters is just so damn satisfying and the mechanics of the game are just flat out amazing. I'm still on the fence since I don't really like competitive shooters much these days and the single player options are just straight up AI battles.. but damn, they put some GREAT work into this game.
  11. It just went live for me, so hopefully it's downloading and will be available to me when I'm home in a few hours.
  12. It's open, yeah. So hopefully it's smooth sailing?
  13. I think this goes up in 30 minutes on the XBOX store? Or I just can't access it online.
  14. It's strong language to say "I won't buy it because ___" isn't in the game. But anyone like that.. I really don't think they would've bought the game on release anyways. I mean, they shouldn't either way. You play as that worker once and then what?
  15. Other than removing people that are no longer with them or they lose the ability to have in due to contracts and other such things - I can see it remaining the same and growing. The 2K strategy seems to be more about building up what is already there year in and year out and allowing that to be the selling focus instead of "this year you get to have ___, ___ and ___" which was apparent with the yearly excitement over "WHICH LEGENDS WILL BE IN THIS YEAR" when all of that stuff started with the THQ versions of everything. That combined with the ability of modern consoles to allow more than previous generation in terms of space and storage - I'm really hoping that things keep moving ahead the way they are.
  16. Never. I will certainly be making one if not.
  17. Yeah, I really didn't expect them to be full showcases. I'm just excited that all the workers, areans, etc will be in. And I'm still buying the game.
  18. I only read the 30 wrestlers thing and couldn't watch the video. Now I have. SAVAGE AND ROBERTS SHOWCASE? FUJINAMI AND FLAIR? NATURAL DISASTERS IN GAME!? ZYBYSKO AND ANDERSON!? Holy shit, I am game. A lot of that is going to have to bring in some more WCW arenas as well.
  19. I got down 300 and some of mine last night - a lot of them in the story showed up as unpurchased until I clicked on them though, which was odd but luckily I have a good memory of them. Have you heard anything about Blitz? There was no export for that - and they pushed all the songs to the store after it came out. A lot of them I thought I had I didn't.. because they were built into Blitz. I'm wondering if we're shit out of luck on those ones.
  20. Yeah, Unity is getting better and better and we used it on base because it was a build once and you're done kind of thing, I have no worries there either.
  21. Ey! Good for him. What We Do In The Shadows was my movie of the year.
  22. Their gameplay preview and proof of concept video showed an engine that wasn't exactly polished, but was pretty much what I was expecting.
  23. ..I'm starting to remember that myself actually. That may have been a thing right from the start. I remember buying it again digitally too so I wonder if that'll count for me... oh well I suppose I'll just find out tonight when I get home.
  24. I just assumed there wasn't a Rock Band 3 export because of this quote "All existing Rock Band DLC, including disc exports from Rock Band and Rock Band 2, was compatible with Rock Band 4 within the same console family" and the idea that there wasn't a way that I am aware of, of exporting the Rock Band 3 content.. unless there was one for Blitz which there actually might have been.
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