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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Tales Of Zestria is on the PS3 and PC as well.
  2. Annnnnd I bothered. My friends reminded me of EB Games 10-day policy for my Onyx card so if I don't like it, I'll just put the money on Fallout 4 instead.
  3. Really? Holy crap, you would've despised the loading times last year. This feels pretty standard to me.
  4. Heh, little stuff like being booked in a match and the match never starting because your rival came out and attacked you during your entrance.. that's the kind of stuff that MyCareer needed to break things up. I'm all game for that.
  5. Stuff like that is why I am glad that they are going to curate this stuff more.
  6. The games I've been playing with the computer have been my best in the whole series so far - due to the limited reversals and such. I'm still on the fence about fatigue - I feel like it slows things down a bit too much but it DOES allow for some pretty amazing scenarios at times. I'm not getting reversed too much (and there are sliders for that) but I DO find the computer getting just as down on reversals as I am so that's a good balance. When you see that the other player is out you can go crazy with your moves.
  7. I never touched them myself either, much preferred the better loading times.
  8. I don't know if I like the creepy robot they replaced Renee Young with.
  9. I lost a tag match but it was fun and I can't be blamed because my partner was Baron Corbin.
  10. All my friends who play Halo are way, way out of my league and it kind of kills the experience for all of us so I didn't bother.
  11. I'd say it's a get for sure - buuuut I don't know everyone's priorities and what else you're picking up, so you can wait for a price bump if you want? But even if it's just 10 dollars off I think it's worth it.
  12. Between that and the "Seth Rollins taking a countout loss" thing I was very impressed from the start.
  13. That's what I meant. I was playing as Cesaro/Kidd and when I went for the pin, Ceasro was sprinting towards Jey Uso before he even got into the ring. He tackled him and I got the three count.
  14. Have you done the fist fighting rings yet? Awesome animations and combat in those.
  15. I don't believe so, no. You do work some tag matches there however. OH! And on that note. Tag matches. I pinned an opponent and get this... MY TAG PARTNER STOPPED THE BREAK. This is unprecedented.
  16. I only got into it a little bit, but I'll give you my experiences so far. You start out by creating your person - the load times on changing stuff is excellent now. I mean that - it's like ten times better than it ever was before. If you want to preview something it goes over to the left and onto a 'dummy' of sorts. You can see what the item looks like and when you move your cursor the next item is almost instantaneous. It was a smart compromise to use a featureless model and it makes everything fast. The 'make your name for announcing' stuff is pretty good too - it's not syllables anymore so it sounds more natural when Lillian calls it out. That's going to be pick and choose based on the combo of course, but most that I tried before settling on mine seemed fine. You then pretty much move right into a training match with Enzo - it just shows you the old/new meters and stuff. Nothing big there. From there you are allowed to edit your character and join a hunt for a title. At first of course you are forced into the NXT title but that only makes sense anyways. At any point once you get past that thought, you can choose between the IC, US, Tag and World titles and hunt those down - going through rankings and storylines to get to them. Pretty awesome. The game is also tracking stuff to get you into the HOF as well. I went ahead and gave myself a preset move list, did my entrance and moved straight in to my first match against Tyler Breeze. It was at the Performance Center (where Albert DIDN'T yell at me the whole time) and that won me a shot at going onto an NXT show - that is where I'm going to pick up. Love it so far.
  17. Shoehorning in relationships is just the fucking worst and it has ruined so many shows for me. Others I am used to fast forwarding past any of those subplots.
  18. Syndicate flows really free with the combat, it's nice because it feels more like the Batman style of fighting - you are attacking and not feeling like you are queuing up attacks. The enemy health bars are nice too - they'll glow yellow if they're counterable and get locked down with bars when they need to have their guard broken first and this usually happens before or instead of a button prompt - I've just started to ignore those entirely actually. When you get surrounded it's still WAY too much for you but that's the way it should be - at least until you are fully upgraded. There's also a neat "almost finish off a guy/girl" aspect to it where you can stun someone once you get them in a near-death status and then take out two people at once. There are skills/perks that deal with putting people into near-death and taking out more at once.
  19. Absolutely adoring the game so far. Although I have been thinking of turning off fatigue has it only seems to affect me - the computer doesn't seem to have a hard time with it but maybe I need to change the way I'm playing just a bit. This is the first year I think that I am going to get into Universe as well.
  20. Whelp if you told me that the most nail biting match of my wrestling game career would be Stardust vs. Mark Henry on a random RAW I would have never believed you in a million years.
  21. Even a lot of reviews for Halo 5 aren't up yet. I think there's a lot of focus on stuff like events where select groups can play games these days.
  22. There isn't an embargo at this point, places are working on their reviews but I've noticed a recent trend of taking time with stuff like that. Polygon's provisional review policy amongst them.
  23. Over the top excited for this, firing it up now. Heh so the first match I played was Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins as the game finished installing. It was a very good back and forth thing, and after Rollins kicks out of a spear I was ready to hit him with another. He rolled out of the ring, did some frustrated animations and at about the 4 count I went out and chased after him. He avoided me and once I finally got my hands on him, he reversed and by then it was the 7 count so I went back into the ring. He walked up the entrance ramp, stood there and did the frustrated animations again while I got the count out victory. That's fucking awesome.
  24. Guess I was wrong - the report that I saw it from was wildly off and it is coming to One.
  25. The fuck is with fighters only going to the PS4? That's kind of shit - I mean Street Fighter I didn't give a crap about, but Tekken 7 was announced for PS4 in addition to the known arcade release and it's the only fighting game I have ever given a shit about.
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