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Everything posted by apsham

  1. It's 9.99 you'll never regret, you misers.
  2. They've flat out said that it won't affect the deals though. Frankly, it's unhealthy the way that people act/spend during those sales so eh.
  3. It's ultimately good for the consumer really - you can just buy the games that you are interested in at the start of the sale and actually play them instead of sitting around waiting to see if they're going to be cheaper for a week and a half or so. Maybe not so good for the game companies themselves... but at the same time, what happens to some people during the Steam sales isn't the healthy thing in the world.
  4. So for some actual Steam based news - the way that they do sales will now be changing. Instead of having flash sales, specials of the day and any other instance where the prices go lower for a limited amount of time without the sale itself - anything that will go on sale will be at its "most competitive price" for the duration of the sale. Things will still be featured on the front page, but they won't be any cheaper before or after.
  5. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I like that Rad-X/Radaway actually has a use now. In previous games I refused to go anywhere that had RADs but they're all over the place here with one huge section of the map nearly constantly giving you rads.
  6. I'm all in for Wild Run, looks awesome and while I've barely got to the new stuff I can see myself spending a lot more time in it now.
  7. I did do pretty amazing in the Hoth versions of Walker Assault but once again it was a situation where 90 percent of my team didn't give a shit about objectives/communicating or anything of the sort.
  8. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I accidentally made it to Diamond City last night, got overwhelmed but a guard told me about the Combat Zone and I knew from glancing across my guide that I'd find a companion there so I decided to do that instead. I like her.
  9. This is just.. so fucking hard to get a handle on. It looks amazing, it feels amazing but the experience is just outside of my grasp. The single player stuff is tacked on and useless, I mean absolutely useless. Even the mode that isn't a Horde type survival thing is basically the same exact thing with aimless wandering by the AI so that makes it a purely multiplayer thing. But that's okay - if you read reviews that is exactly what you're getting into. But the multiplayer experience is so very dependent on other people and whether they're playing well or just being total asshats. The game is also balanced in a way that's going to make sure that you aren't too frustrated.. but at the same time it doesn't seem to leave a lot of room for you to dominate consistently either. At times it can just feel empty outside of the 40 player modes. Ack, I dunno. What keeps popping into my head is "if this didn't have a Star Wars skin on it, I wouldn't like this".
  10. Just finished episode 3 - fuck, I love their comedy style. I never got to see a lot of Mr. Show so this is giving me reason to want to go back and do so.
  11. I grabbed it for the One. Going to see what it's like and if it doesn't settle well with me, I'll put it towards Just Cause 3. They fucking nailed the feeling - there's a lot of care put into the game and it looks amazing, I just don't know how many people that I know will be playing it.
  12. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I have a day and a half on this game and I still haven't gone to Diamond City. >_>
  13. I just found out Fallout 4 has no level cap, I'm so happy.
  14. w/ Bob & David is amazing and so is the new John Mulaney special.
  15. Don't know what you're talking about in particular - but saving only in certain locations is something that works for specific games and it'll never change because it can lead to no-win scenarios, depending on how the game is constructed.
  16. So in a very interesting and almost unprecedented note - The Crew: Wild Run comes out tomorrow. It's basically an expansion pack that adds some things to the game like bikes, more challenges, etc - you'll see it in stores because you can but it with the base game at a reduced cost. What makes this special however is the fact that if you own the game - you'll be getting an update to it tomorrow anyways and it includes Wild Run's advanced graphics and dynamic weather system. The new graphics are on the left, old on the right.
  17. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Holy shit. The Billy storyline. GOTY.
  18. I really wish the regular sized new 3DS would just come out here already. None of the Animal Crossing ones landed anywhere near here which is a shame. I don't care about the faceplates or anything like that, I just like the size. The comfort of a 2DS is not worth giving up for the awkwardness that an XL mode gives me.
  19. In retrospect, Holly was the exact kind of fighter who was going to take the title from Ronda. Everyone else that she has faced psyched themselves out and tried to rush into everything - Holly on the other hand had a cool head, took things at her own pace and this is the first time that Ronda has had to deal with something like that. You could tell how nervous she was from the second she stepped into the octagon too - unbelievable that she pulled it off, and fuck - forever there at the end she was more concerned with whether or not Ronda was okay beside the fact that she had just done what was 'impossible'.
  20. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Better guns come when you expand to other areas, I love the new variety and I've used more guns than just standbys like in the old games. The variations you can do to them are excellent too.
  21. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I'm getting tired of my nice guy, help everyone and see the best in people run. I wanna steal things and tell people no.
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