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Everything posted by apsham

  1. They essentially still make the MUA games.. it's just that there are the more profitable Lego series games now. Not the same thing really, yeah - but with a quick overview they're essentially the same thing when it boils down to it. I'll always miss collecting all the costumes and stuff in the MUA and X-Men games.. not to mention that the combat wasn't THAT much more advanced but it was still a hell of a lot less repetitive than the Lego series games. That and you could cheat endlessly once you got Green Goblin and just fired from his glider.
  2. I ran into the same issue with the stuff that I was working on for the military. A lot of the older people in the demonstrations couldn't handle that kind of stuff, and it was just a 3D environment on a wall.
  3. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Wood -> Floor There are ones that include concrete that I use for most walls and stuff. There are ones that look like docks almost that don't require concrete. But essentially, they can go into the ground, walls and other stuff. It's how you can easily bridge the broken parts of the Castle wall, for instance.
  4. apsham

    Fallout 4

    Foundations are the key to almost everything. Makes building walls and stuff so much easier.
  5. This is probably the most I have ever wanted to play one of these games.
  6. Rocket League makes my heart race, so intense.
  7. Watsky for the positivity ALWAYS.
  8. I won't doubt that for a moment, I got dizzy playing that damn thing.
  9. I really wish they'd change the OS on this thing. Even if it would just allow me to have multiple rows it'd be great. PSN is apsham in case anyone doesn't have me.
  10. I never for the life of me get this - Fallout 4 is probably the most packed within a space game for quite some time as far as I've played. Even if it's just a shack there is usually a story that you can piece together from everything that is laying about. I've found that with just about every location - named or not that I have come across. Even in games that are big for scale with little inside such as Just Cause 2 the massive scale of it all makes it more fun than just 'walk a short distance' to get to the next place. It can be done wrong - like if the game world is too big and you don't have a good enough way to get from point A to point B but at this point it's a genre like any other. Guess you're either going to like it or not.
  11. So in the recent Sony sale the Sword Art Online game that was out on the Vita before the new one that just came out was cheap so I picked it up. Most people said to watch the anime first so I started on that - episode one. Love the concept.
  12. Gauntlet is great, especially for local multiplayer which is such a rarity. I haaaaate getting Episode 1 of a 5 epsiode game for free though.
  13. After playing the BETA, it's something that I think I could only play with people I know because I can guarantee random scrubs are going to treat this like any other shooter and make this a not very fun experience.
  14. I came to make the same post - haha, I have Rocket League now as well.
  15. I've never played an Uncharted game. I have the collection now. Am I in for a good time?
  16. apsham

    Fallout 4

    You're telling me. I never let one get close before and one did the other day and just.. yuck.
  17. Fucking christ yes to Zoo Tycoon. I bought the shitty new one on sale for 5 dollars and even that was a waste of money. Fucking christ yes to Zoo Tycoon. I bought the shitty new one on sale for 5 dollars and even that was a waste of money.
  18. But the inital CODs had a bunch of awesome scenarios where you played as French, Russian, British and Canadian soliders as well. Actually - at this point what I would want from a WW2 COD would be for them to go through the older games, find all of the best set pieces and recreate them with todays graphics. Paratrooping, D-Day, Soviet sniper missions would looking amazing this day and age. I'd love the chance to just jump between different characters and settings because then they wouldn't have to tie together some narrative and just let the events speak for themselves.
  19. apsham

    Fallout 4

    As long as you are taking RADs, you will be healed - BUT at the same time the RADs bar is growing and eating up your health bar. Which.. isn't really all that great. I assumed the same as you did from reading it. That combined with the earlier perk that doesn't give you RADs from swimming anymore.
  20. I'm really, really going to miss the old Servo voice - but I am so, so excited for this.
  21. apsham

    Fallout 4

    It literally says something like "rads heal you" as a description. It's so high up in requirements that I assumed that they didn't still hurt you too. Ahh, yeah - it says:
  22. Mmmhmm. I am a huge fan of the show, but the way that it airs - it's impossible for me to even get excited about new episodes when they're spaced so oddly apart.
  23. apsham

    Fallout 4

    God dammit. The level 9 endurance perk is useless. I thought it might help to block RADs but.. damn. What a waste of like 4-5 level points to get up to that.
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