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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Honeybee Inn was entirely optional anyways, and I feel like the segments in there that would have been funny with crude character models would just be awkward as hell with hyper realistic ones and especially the aesthetic that the new game has. Eh.
  2. Do yourself a favour and don't look into the wikipedia article for wrongful convictions in American history. I spent a good amount of time on that tonight and just.. nope.
  3. Dean Strang and Jerome Buting are seriously fucking amazing.
  4. This is shot and edited so well - anyone who enjoys Making a Murderer should probably listen to Sword and Scale as a podcast as well. I get the same feel, even if S&S isn't all that investigative and instead tells the story of the crime/crimes along with real audio of interviews, 911 calls, etc.
  5. It's optional as well - but yeah, it's rock-paper-scissors. If you both choose the same one you get the push into the corner or against the ropes spot where the referee splits you up. If you lose the initial button press you go on the defense.. you have to find the sweetspot and hold it there to fill up your bar faster than the other wrestler. If you're in charge it's the exact same, except you can hit the strike button up to three times to pause and kind of change where the spot will be next time.
  6. It does really require a lot of time - the maps are so vast and you keep getting quests left and right.
  7. Purple bar? That's stamina - that can also be turned off. It starts out something like light blue, I believe? And then it goes to a darker shade once you let it fully deplete (it builds back up over time, especially if you walk or don't move) but once it goes down a level it can't go up. Purple is the last stage of it - if that empties your guy will stagger after a move which will kickstart the charging of the bar, stop you from running, etc. The reversals are above or below that.. they're yellow and segmented. They turn another colour when they're charging up but that's easy enough to see.
  8. 2. The pinning system is new this year, yeah. You get three chances (sometimes only two if you're really damaged) to stop the bar. 6. The bar at the very bottom of your guy's UI? That's your reversals. It can be turned on or off, but basically most guys have 3 or 4 while others will have 5. Once you do a reversal, the bar empties and then recharges. If you have no reversals left - you don't even get the option to hit R2.
  9. Androids were super freaky in it. I feel the Alien is good.. like... way too good. Never tried the Novice mode but most of that game was me stuck somewhere, way too afraid to move.
  10. I also enjoy that the default world title feud is between Hulk Hogan and Mr. Perfect and Hogan has apparently taken the "I'm going to play the heel coming down to watch your match and distract you" route after getting pinned clean in a non-title match the week before.
  11. I put a lot of work into making my Universe personalized - I have two splits where one is Hogan Era and earlier along with Attitude Era debuts and the other is Ruthless Aggression debuts up to today and most indy workers I can find. I only started doing the first show (which runs off Saturday Night's Main Event") and the feuds it auto-set up are amazing. It set up an IC feud with Rick Rude and Ultimate Warrior that interjected Randy Savage into the mix - but then it also created the much vaunted Tom Zenk vs. Kurt Angle feud we've all wanted to see.
  12. A post deconstructing the towel incident and a few others partially covered. The reddit itself is pretty informational... understandably one sided but conversation is reasonable enough.
  13. Prosecutors are calling foul on information that was omitted from the documentary series. And surprise surprise, Anonymous or someone claiming to be has 'proof' although their date has come and gone.
  14. It was emailed to people - no word on PS3 or Vita games yet but the other PS4 game is Hardware Rivals which is a car combat game.
  15. All the guides said don't rotate - just hold down as soon as it starts and move left or right and that is supposed to get the bar moving in that direction. Others just say hit left or right.. but that does work. If I hit it, my area will only go that far, it'll never touch the top so I don't understand for a minute what people are trying to say. Regardless had another awesome loss last night. I was playing a tag team cage match, Shawn Michaels (me) and Triple H as DX versus the Brothers of Destruction. Triple H got out of the cage first, much to my dismay so I let Undertaker get out and went 1 on 1 with Kane. He stopped me and I narrowly avoided a loss so I beat him up until I got my special and went up top for an elbow drop. He sprang to life, stood up fast and grabbed me on the way down for a chokeslam before climbing out.
  16. Yeah I tried to follow guides and I still can't get it.
  17. apsham

    End of the Year 2015

    I think everyone owes it to themselves to listen to Matthew Good's cover of Kate Bush's Cloudbusting from his album that came out this year. The only thing I can find on YouTube is the demo version so I'll provide a link to the Spotify player for anyone with an account to that.. you'll also be able to find it on most other streaming sites. Regardless... the emotion in this version of the song is way over the top and watching it live was one of the highlight's of my year.
  18. Let me into your crappy club for jerks.
  19. apsham


    That's pretty much all this thread can be, haha. I've played through multiple times and there's still stuff I don't know.
  20. Wet Hot American Summer is so fucking good, especially after you watch the movie. I wasn't aware of the film myself until the series came out and I cannot believe that I missed it. So many great stars had their debut in that film, it's nuts and pretty much all of them coming back for a prequel? Amazing.
  21. I didn't see it in the sales or anything but Driveclub with the season pass is 19.99 for PS+ members. I picked it up, installed and requested to join the EWB Driving group.
  22. Was playing as Tyson Kidd trying to get the IC title off Ryback. Thought I had the match in the bag and then this happened.. god damn I love this game sometimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SyNweuv_uDY
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