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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Because the service was down for like, 10 hours. And people will complain regardless.
  2. http://www.hlntv.com/shows/nancy-grace/articles/2016/01/13/steven-avery-s-former-fiancee-jodi-stachowski-exclusive-interview Well then.
  3. After a few days of listening and going back to stuff that I hadn't heard in ages/haven't heard I've decided this adaptation is my favorite not only Rebel Rebel recording, but favorite Bowie song due to it.
  4. I didn't see a sale end date on the 19.99 with season pass version that I bought, it's a PS+ exclusive so I assume that's what they went with to offset that.
  5. Got an e-mail last night about being in the UFC 2 beta at the end of the month for a week or so. Awesome!
  6. Gah, a friend pointed out that Tim Curry is 69 as well and currently has health issues. This will not happen.
  7. apsham

    Fallout 4

    There are some great perks for melee that break the game basically - the one where you take less damage and deal more standing still and the one where you take less damage while sprinting. Then you basically just zip your next target, stand still and murder them before heading to the next.
  8. I have Project CARs thanks to think weeks sale and Driveclub and I'm really eyeing picking up a Thrustmaster T80 just for the hell of it.
  9. Whelp, looks like the pre-orders for Hitman have been canceled for one reason or another. The official twitter says that the game is still scheduled to launch on time however.
  10. I've been watching this pretty non-stop. I love how Bowie as a person could create chances to include his persona just by being him. I relate these clips and the songs the Conchords did to be just as much Bowie as them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc4efBM_9JM
  11. I was in love with Disgaea 5 almost instantly due to the second level having a very clear Hulk Hogan quoting luchadore looking guy in a red and yellow outfit, calling everybody "Dude" and "Brother" but then you meet Red Magnus. He's been in three cutscenes/skits so far and he's already: - Used the word jabroni constantly. - Talked about going one on one with the Supreme One. - Referred to a minion using the words "roody poo candy ass". - Has considered "shining something up real nice".
  12. Get me that on PS4 and I'll be a happy camper.
  13. Oculus is fucked anyways - I think a lot of the other companies that have come out with similar concepts have far better looking prospects than the Oculous does. I don't think that VR is a fad in the same way that I see 3D televisions and things along those lines - I think it very much has a future but I just don't think the Rift is going to be what everyone hoped it was going to be way back when.
  14. I'm guessing whoever runs the EWB Racing group on Driveclub doesn't log in anymore.
  15. It doesn't just extend to Boba either. The hunters on that ship were all interesting in their own way, and people were practically begging for expanded universe to expand on their stories.. and what people came up with were pretty damn good in all honesty. When I had to downsize my collection of large scale figures, I only chose to keep IG-88 and Bossk because they are fuckin' amazing. IG-88 landed in the Shadows Of The Empire game, but aside from book and graphic novels - Bossk wasn't touched at all.
  16. It looks like PS Plus, PS Now and video rental extensions are coming down the pipeline as an apology for the outage. No word on how long yet, but officially posted by the PS twitter.
  17. Great research right off the bat with their first item being one of the first things mentioned in the series. A lot of that is either misleading, commented on from the writer's perspective which makes some things seem more 'fact' than they are or already gone over with evidence proving contrary from the reddit, which I would assume should've been a required resource for an article like that.
  18. It was back last night for most people, a bit before the time that you posted for me.
  19. It's an optional step in the crossdressing part of the game. At a certain point, probably after you go through the first bits that tell you you need a) a dress and b) a wig, you can collect other bits. Underwear is one of those and you can get it by talking the guy who's nervous about going in... he'll give you his pass and you go in, choose a room and basically a cutscene happens. One of them is the one that people were talking about, there's another one where a girl comes in and you pass out and you get woken up by a big, burly man doing CPR on you, etc. Depending on what room you go into, you get a different pair of underwear and if you want the Don to pick you - it's beneficial to have certain pairs, etc. I don't even really know if it's necessary to have that result - if anything it's just a hidden little quest. A lot of things are going to get lost in the model upgrades which is why I think some people were apprehensive. Cloud's very overdone "turn to the camera and shoulder shrug" for instance will more likely than not just be replaced with a surly comment. I don't think it's a bad thing, it just means that there is going to be a big tonal difference and just because something is changed or left out doesn't mean "OMG CENSORSHIP".
  20. That's not even the maddest that I got throughout the whole thing.
  21. PSN is down across all platforms since this morning and still no word of why exactly that is.
  22. Dammit. That would've been way easier.
  23. Okay, maybe more than a second because I didn't have a video editor and my upload speeds are crap. https://youtu.be/rNR6vkNvqrQ
  24. Pfft. Give me a few minutes.
  25. apsham


    I think if you spend a certain amount at the bakesale as well, the spiders will inform her that you support the cause and the fight won't happen.
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