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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Just starting American Crime Story now, past the long opening and I can already tell I'm going to love this.
  2. If anyone has a code (err, are they region specific) I wouldn't mind a shot. Just dug out my copy of Omega.
  3. So I dusted off the 3DS again due to Fire Emblem coming out soon. In the local stores it's showing two different versions of the game.. like a Pokemon Red/Blue kind of thing. What's with that?
  4. Actually I'm pretty sure the Fine Bros shit is an anomaly because there is almost nothing left to really get all that up in arms about now - they've pulled back on the concepts, they're still out of touch (but what's new) and the company is just going to go back to doing stuff without announcing it which is pretty out of sight and out of mind for most people. And the other thing that people were on the edge of their seat waiting to bitch at was the possibility of Fullscreen locking down any of their other channels from saying anything about the issue - but both Rooster Teeth and Funhaus have done videos on the subject, explaining why it was a stupid decision so eh.
  5. apsham

    The Witness

    The reviews are over the moon and they have me interested - I especially like that everyone has said so far that if you're frustrated, the open world nature of it means that you can move on, learn something new and come back to the puzzle with new eyes which really makes for a very, very rewarding play structure. I'll wait for a sale but I'm very interested.
  6. E3 has been dying for a while, and I'm surprised that it took this long. Little by little as companies pull out it's just going to make less and less sense. From a company standpoint, it makes a heck of a lot of sense for the bigger guys to do isolated events where all eyes are on them. Maybe E3 will stay around as a way for smaller companies to showcase some of their products but it's hardly what it used to be.
  7. UFC 2 is pretty frigging awesome. The UFC 189 opening is pretty top notch, fights go on longer naturally and the new modes seem pretty excellent. I like how my knockouts look like they land more, that's a very top notch thing. They traded having a Fight Now option with 4 or so people with having the whole Welterweight division (CM Punk included) and a Practice mode. Didn't feel the same but I guess it's probably due to letting people play more fighters and not having to package in the entrances, etc. You can also do online and start the MyTeam kind of thing they have going. Ooh! And they have labeled what stick movements will get you into what position. Top notch.
  8. Ohhh! UFC 2 closed beta code just came in! 11.1GB download but then it's straight into seeing what it's like now. I haven't really read a thing about the changes that they've made since the last one, so I'm a bit excited.
  9. I got the collection with my PS4 and I.. just couldn't get into the first game. I wanted to power through it, but I just couldn't really bring myself to do it. I'll buy it again later once it goes down in price.
  10. Going back to the old games after Absolution was hard to do for me - being in a disguise that I should have NEVER been picked up on and getting fired on because I passed an invisible imaginary line just took a lot of the fun out of it. It became more of a puzzle game than anything else with systems like that - even if you're found out in the wrong costume in Absolution, most areas will see guys coming over to you first and not just instantly firing.
  11. Wait, drop in quality for Absolution? They finally got civilians recognizing you and systems like that right in that game! I was totally in for Absolution (although maybe not for missions that were straightforward as hell).
  12. Season 2 starts soon as well so it's a good time.
  13. While I find the who "60fps/30fps" debate eye rolling, it doesn't refer to the gameplay speed in the news articles - only streaming capabilities.
  14. It was only shocking to me because I recently found out how humble Tyson is in general when it comes to people saying that he would've wrecked in his prime in MMA, with his basic reply being. "What? No." But I'm not complaining - if they're going to throw someone at us for pre-orders and stuff it could be worse. Can't wait until my BETA code arrives, should be sometime this week I think.
  15. The thing that makes me question those reports the most is the stream capability of 60FPS/4K which just seems needless if their stuff isn't going to be 1080P but eh.
  16. Current NX rumor purports that the NX will work with smart devices and even rival consoles. Pretty hard to believe but damn what a game changer that would be.
  17. There aren't any letters on my credit card.
  18. Mike Tyson is going to be in UFC 2. The fuck.
  19. The "PS2 on PS4" section of games uses the right side for start and the left side for select - I like using it as a start button regardless.
  20. They would release a day later than everything else.
  21. I'd almost think that would be a benefit for a Star Wars villain.
  22. Naw, I played pretty much all day and never lost connection over here.
  23. Well it's getting re-released on the PS4 here soon so you can do it again!
  24. And now Steven Avery's mother is coming out to say that she doesn't think that Teresa Haibach is actually dead. That'll get you far. Regardless of Nancy Grace's horribleness, the general consensus across the reddit community for this is that Jodi doesn't exactly seem like someone who is lying, and honestly I'm not all that against the idea that Steven Avery is as harmless as the documentary portrays him as.
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