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Everything posted by apsham

  1. She's the one who fawns over you at the beginning, right? I mean, the whole Nohr family does but her overly the top so. I figured that her boob window would get a cutscene. I don't know if it's related - but you can upgrade Lilith's Shrine. I did so once and it said she could become an even stronger dragon now. I don't know if that is related to your issue or not.
  2. Yeah I've seen the guard thing. Little shields that finish and break as attacked. I should do more reading up before I play again.
  3. Could you explain some of the new features Sousa? What's this different with Pair Up? Isn't there another option when you put two people together now as well? And is there some kind of thing about using one character too much? Sometimes after I attack my people get a negative arrow.
  4. There indeed are. They aren't as OP as last time, but they're there. The female/female S rank relationship is with one of them, I believe.
  5. Pretty sure you just keep them in the back row and have units come back for healing.
  6. This was basically the career mode from Legends Of Wrestling II. You'd choose a territory, you'd get a cut scene with that territories promoter and then you would spin a wheel, a random storyline would be selected and you'd be slotted in. It was kind of neat to be honest - and it was entirely random who you'd get slotted in with.
  7. I think I'm just jaded with a lot of modern games. It's just another set of hallways, another set of walls to hide behind and the RPG elements just aren't enough to get me into it. It's well made and well designed but I just feel like I've played it a million times over.
  8. I went and confirmed - and yeah, it actually is equal with the console versions which interests me a lot now. Good to know. Issac uses Flash for its engine which is crazy outdated and not very optimized - that's why they had an issue with not being able to put the expansion onto the N3DS version. I'd say that Terreria would be fine for all future updates.
  9. The EB Games employees that I explained it to yesterday had no clue how it ultimately worked either. Granted that information regarding it hasn't been all that forthcoming from Nintendo as far as I can tell, but I could at least find the information out there that stated the "if you finish one you can but the others digitally at half price" but the redundancy of having both in cartridge form is something that I am really happy that I found out about.
  10. Is the "full game" on the 3DS version and how does it run? The idea of having it mobile interests me a lot actually.. but only if it has all the content of the PC and console versions.
  11. The rogue system is another thing that's a bit off. You can shoot someone by accident and not go rogue, but often times people found that others would shoot them the maximum number of times before going rogue and bait you into a firefight that made YOU turn rogue instead. That whole thing is going to be a very interesting meta game to balance.
  12. Fire Emblem Fates Okay - so here's what I understand as far as that goes. There are two hard copies out there in the wild tomorrow - Conquest which is meant to be a bit more of a hardcore experience with less HP/gold being pushed out for instance, and Birthright which would be closer to Awakening in play style. Both games are the same up until Chapter 6 where a split occurs - and you take the path of the game that you chose. In total there are going to be three paths: Conquest Birthright Reveleations (DLC, not available in a physical form and sees you take your own path instead of aligning with another kingdom) Each game is said to be the length of Awakening for anyone calling foul about this.. odd way to sell the game, but apparently you get the hours of gameplay out of one that you would with the previous installment. There IS important information if you want to get the whole shebang and make it feel like one game the way that the Japanese have it and the Special Edition people will have it. DON'T BUY TWO PHYSICAL COPIES. That is, if you want them all on the same "cart". Instead you'll want to buy one of the games physically, and the other digitally. I know my local EB is allowing you to buy a digital code for the OTHER game if you pick up the first as a physical, and I believe the eShop is doing the same. I also read that if you miss this deal and beat your copy of the game, you will be offered the chance to buy the other(s) for a 50% discount. If you buy TWO physical copies you will have to play the different paths by switching carts. If you do it digitally you can select which path after Chapter 6. This is as I understand it.
  13. I didn't like the idea of the Dark Zone because it seemed like a trolling wonderland and a place where I could build up a ton of rage - but as I'm lead to believe, the dark zone isn't necessary to get certain gear, it's all attainable in the standard game - so that changed my mind a bit. I'll be hitting up the beta as soon as I can to confirm but it's a likely purchase for me.
  14. The positives aren't even unique to the game.
  15. Sites say April 5th, digitally March 15th.
  16. I've watched some awesome gamplay. It's landing at a time where I likely won't have time to play it, and if I'm not going to buy on launch I'm going to wait for the price to go down knowing the way that Ubisoft sells their games - but it looks freakin' awesome and a change of pace that was much needed.
  17. Deadpool was excellent - there was no question in my mind that Reynolds absolutely nailed the character with the perfect voice and everything. I was super into all the characterizations. I wasn't expecting how much of a But I didn't mind it, I was only scared that people would react negatively to it.
  18. Heh, so I wasn't crazy. Excellent.
  19. Actually, I've rarely heard people talking over the game - which could be an issue if you're trying to get things organized but that's hardly ever going to work with huge teams anyways and you can easily just leave everything muted or just not play with any kind of chat unless it's with people you know and you're usually fine. Objectives are pretty straight forward.
  20. I remember the car chase but I apparently didn't have any details about it right - I thought OJ was driving and that the cop pursuit was far more intense than it actually was.
  21. 3-6 hours and pricewise.. if you're PS+ and I did the conversion right it's 12.43 for a little while.
  22. So what are the general thought on the Final Fantasy 13 trilogy of games? I recently hauled out my PS3 and because games are so cheap I'm going back to ones that I never finished, never gave a fair shake or never played. I am quite sure at some point I played 13 all the way until you get down to the planet and the game opens up a bit more (I think that's what happens if my memory serves me right) but I remember absolutely NOTHING of the story other than some locations here and there. I'm in the frozen crystal lake and we've just left Snow behind. I'm enjoying myself but I can probably only play for an hour or two at a time.
  23. I don't do it a TON myself and it's a varied system because a company can put in good achievements or really shitty achievements - but I don't see an issue with trying to get as much as humanly possible out of a game that you've spent a lot of money on.
  24. This is hard, I was originally going to do just pure bands to make it easier but now that I've read that the main post says artists it's hard as hell. I'll go with: 1. Matthew Good / Matthew Good Band 2. Say Anything 3. Jonathan Coulton 4. Barenaked Ladies 5. Watsky One or two could rotate out at any point I think, but I'm pretty happy with that list in general.
  25. Sounds like an IGN review.
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