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Everything posted by apsham

  1. apsham

    Elden Ring

    I'll give you the standard names of the endings, plus the general steps that you need to take or avoid to do them. Essentially, there isn't a "bad" ending. In a lot of the ways there is good and bad in most of the endings like a good chunk of the Souls games. In most cases, you'll always have a chance to get and use the 'standard' ending but the others require interacting with or using a different item at the point where you are at the very, very end of the game.
  2. The lyrics to this song are amazingly over the top creepy.
  3. There's an official Dark Souls RPG gamebook coming out and even though I have zero intention of playing it - I almost need to own it.
  4. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    Came in to say that British Bulldog and Doink in the latest pack are top notch but... then this happened. Good lord people. This is top notch stuff.
  5. This is the case yeah. I don't think that'll ever change either tbh, from what they've said in the past.
  6. I have spent three years hoping for this on every Direct that comes up and it was exciting to see it finally happen. Persona is bitter sweet. It's coming to the Series X with better performance and visuals - and since I have GamePass - at no extra charge. Much rather play it on Switch... so who knows. I'll probably still buy them. Especially Persona 4.
  7. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    Yeah trying to manage logos and stuff like that and with the jank of the 2K system for handling that stuff has led to me putting a ton of time into making a roster, clearing out anything "unused" and losing most of the custom textures on my guys which kind of sucks. I find often times a lot of these CAWs look good and then in motion, they look off - or even in the reverse. Something static in the editor looks off but when you actually get it in the game it's much better.
  8. apsham

    EWB Musicians

    I came to the realization slowly that - at this point I've probably spent at least 25 years now knowing how to play the guitar in some capacity and just kind of enjoying it. I still get out my acoustic and play stuff every now and then, but I don't think while playing for myself or performing - I ever really enjoyed playing the guitar all that much and I was never 100% invested in learning more advanced techniques because I wasn't ever really super into pulling them off. I've gone through period of trying to learn piano/synth and I've REALLY wanted to get into making beats and stuff like that. Growing up I had friends that played every instrument and I don't know why it took me now into my early-mid 30s to understand if I want to do those things now... I can just do them. I always wanted to sit behind my friend's drum set when I was growing up and have them just teach me, but I knew that it wasn't a feasible thing for me to do when I was school even and even less so when I moved up to the city. But bass man, bass. That's another thing he played and played in a band. And after watching a friend on Twitch pick up the bass and stream with it every now and then, I've kind of been re-invigorated. I looked into the fact that I can get mini-amps and a ton of different setups in order to practice even in an apartment. I've always been a fan of rhythms so I don't know why I didn't just ask around about this until now. I reached out to that friend since he still lives in the area looking for some advice - I think I have a starter bass picked out, and he's even going to lend me his old bass so I can get hands on with it for a little while to see if it's something that I'm going to want to take up, but I can already tell that I've waited WAAAAY too long on this and just need to get under way with it.
  9. I think right off the tope of my head about... four come to mind. 1. Los Campesinos! No Blues Can an album; Make me come to terms with the fact that I was depressed Help me deal with the passing of my father's death Give me some lines that I used moving forward in life Inspire my first tattoo and a creed of sort that I'm probably going to carry the rest of my life The answer is yes to all of those and this album did it for me. I realize that this is a very personal thing, and not all of it came together at the same time since the album came out in 2013 and little by little I kind of pieced these things together - but this is absolutely where I sit with it today. I listen to it front to back and think about these things every time that I listen to it. There are tracks from Los Campesinos! that I like more on the whole (save for As Lucerne / The Low) which is the highlight of this album for me but man, this is 10 songs, 41 minutes just straight up in and out. I adore this album. 2. The Mountain Goats The Sunset Tree I don't even feel like I need to say all that much on this one, most of y'all hear either probably feel the same or at least understand why a lot of us think this way. I think that Heretic Pride comes really close here too and on a different day, I could very much put it beside this one. 3. The Cowmen The Cowmen + Bad News EP I am kind of pre-disposed to liking this weird ass country/garage rock/blues mash-up band and I'm including the EP that they put out along with the main album because that's pretty much the extent of their catalogue - and that I listen to both of them together almost always. In particular, I always listen to Shovel and then go through the self-titled album, and back through Bad News just to hear Shovel again. I don't get tired of it, pretty much ever. 4. The Pixies Doolittle There was a period of time where I didn't know what Pixies songs were on what album, and every time I thought of a song I wanted to listen to - I just kind of eventually found out that it was on Doolittle. Now for the most part, I just listen to Where Is My Mind? and then just let Doolittle play all the way through afterwards.
  10. There was an RTS in 2000 and an FPS in 2005. Nothing really mind blowing in either case.
  11. It tried to sell itself as something like Destiny or Borderlands with third person sword based combat - which weirdly just brings it closer to the top down action RPGs that those kinds of games took inspiration from but... yeah it just wasn't all that interesting.
  12. I'm all in for the Crisis Core remake and that's about it - and that's mostly because they just made it prettier and kept the same gameplay. I have little to no faith in the FF7 Re-everything project stuff in the long run - but Crisis Core was an unexpected and lovely little surprise.
  13. Fucking brilliant showcase. Went about the speed it needed to, no one really pushed too hard on stupid concepts, and some great games on show.
  14. apsham

    WWE 2K23

    Buddy was aligned with Seth Rollins who was the Monday Night Messiah before he left the WWE.
  15. Hard resets can fix a lot. The Switch basically never gets shut off unless you do it yourself, so it's good to just do that every once in a while anyways.
  16. I don't think that game is Fable-centric. It's just generally Arthurian legend themed I thought... IIRC correctly it's the one that didn't have classes and for a while after it came out at least, it had an amazingly broken economy.
  17. I was playing Warhammer 40K Gladius - Relics of War because it had a free weekend and it totally clicked with me enough to go ahead and pick it up. It's basically a 4X game if you took all win conditions other than military victory out (which I mean, kind of works with the 40K universe) - it's pretty tightly put together in that sense and I spent a lot of time with it recently compared to other things I've tried to pick up. It kind of feels like Starcraft made into a turn based game.
  18. I can't wait to play Winnipeg's Gate III
  19. It's really a shame that you don't have the new edition because it essentially doubles the number of endings you can get. Off the top of my head from that list there's a few more things you can do;
  20. I don’t know if i can watch that. Fuck, it’s so eerie.
  21. Watched the first episode of Obi-Wan and will probably move on to the next once I get some work done. Episode 2 down now as well.
  22. The current method of paying 5 dollars a month or so and getting access to all of the expansions is a pretty great way to try it out with all the bells and whistles too.
  23. It was simultaneously the most hilarious and heartbreaking thing I've watched in a long time.
  24. While waiting for work to land in my queue this morning, I decided to fire up a movie - I never really have the want/chance to do that - but I was scrolling through things on Disney+ and realized I hadn't actually gotten around to seeing Jojo Rabbit which just made me remember - as rare as I have the want to watch any movies or TV shows? Absolutely anything that Taika Waititi touches makes me think "Oh yeah! This is why people like this kind of stuff".
  25. Aye it's been announced for well over a year at this point. Even if you don't have the game, you can buy the game as it goes on sale for like, 10 dollars or less with all the DLC included and you'll get it when it lands.
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