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Everything posted by apsham

  1. They already filled in that plot point, I did it myself. IN DARK FORCES. IT WAS KYLE KATARN. My childhood is a lie.
  2. Have you read the book Tarkin? Great read for an underappreciated character.
  3. It's.... alright. Battle system gets really boring and exploitable after a while, I was never able to stick with it all that much.
  4. Because it's a feature god dammit, and the value of a console is derived from how many features it has.
  5. Aye - Celebi was the second.
  6. http://www.sierrawallpaper.com/
  7. My Nintendo (new rewards program) and Miitomo (new smart phone app) are out today.
  8. Pop a vote on here. I've considered multiple accounts just to get more on it. https://www.gog.com/wishlist/games/discworld
  9. Sid Meier's Pirates! is the 2005 version. Pirates! Gold is one of those 'oh hey, now we have a slightly better version of the graphics' deals bit in the late 80s and early 90s. https://www.gog.com/game/pirates_gold_plus https://www.gog.com/game/sid_meiers_pirates But yeah, the 2005 version is the on sale one.
  10. apsham

    The Punk Thread

    Probably the best place to ask. Female vocalists akin to Brody Dalle or Joan Jett. Pass them along.
  11. I got a free ticket for BvS. I walked out, I just.. that was terrible and I had better things to do. I'm glad I had it and didn't just give in and pay for anything on cheap night. Everything that Maxx/GoGo said is so on point that it hurts.
  12. I like his videos - but dear god is that a terrible title when he states "well, this actually helped the industry" and his number one contains "well, it didn't really effect the industry".
  13. One of these nights I'm going to log in and people are going to be asking something reasonable for a Meowth.
  14. This is about as close to Road Rash as you're going to get - and it's very well reviewed. http://store.steampowered.com/app/300380/
  15. Yes, I too wouldn't be bothered if another game was made in the series. But I also wouldn't mind if there WAS one made.
  16. It's still up there in price but I think it's still supported quite well so I might check it out next pay. My NintendoID is MichinokuDriver.
  17. What are peoples still playing on the Wii U? Grabbed Mario Maker for sure.
  18. I'm at the point where I never want to see the word "server" ever again when it relates to my games.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Wl_uQOABxg
  20. At first I thought they made it easier by having the option to have what direction was what transition on the screen - but even at the lowest possible difficulty I couldn't keep the CPU down.
  21. Whelp. I know of one particular newsworthy blowhard who doesn't have a high opinion of minorities and culture different from his own.
  22. Ubisoft's fastest selling game of all time. Really didn't see that coming.
  23. Beta for Fable Legends was supposed to start like - this week. So it's a really odd move and a really odd week for Microsoft in general with the other stuff that hit.
  24. There wasn't a side until someone jumped in and made it about sides. This is the issue.
  25. Peter Moosebridge is all that was ever needed.
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