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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Microsoft accidentally leaked a side panel image and it looks like the new Battlefield game is going to be a WW1 game. Confirmed by the saltyness of the Battlefield developers on Twitter.
  2. Yeah, I liked the Overwatch BETA - really nice feel and really well made and balanced but at the same time I have Destiny and DC Universe to occupy most of my time so a full priced purchase of Overwatch isn't really all that high on my list of priorities.
  3. Chucklefish is helping the Stardew Valley developer and console ports are going to be a thing. I am so very happy.
  4. It's a lot more difficult than your standard city building sim due to the factions that you have to keep happy - not only internal but external.
  5. I bought Tropico 5 on a sale once. It's.. basically a good game to get for free.
  6. And that was after it was being SOLD weeks early by shops.
  7. What Ellis said. They are super powerful and barely use any energy. Otherwise look up a suggested boss order. They'll tell you what bosses are weak to what weapons, making it a bit easier.
  8. Unless you've been consistently retro gaming, no one is ready for going back to Mega Man. Especially when the first one is especially brutal, feature wise.
  9. The rumoured specs for the NX and the Playstation 4.5/Neo/4K are supposed to be very similar but I mean - yeah, I want to know more about what the hell the NX is actually going to be. And even then - if they aren't getting third party developers on board and/or making other strides, I don't really know if it's going to be worth sitting through another generation of Nintendo products. All signs are pointing to something good at least.
  10. Get it, get it, get it. Games like it haven't been made in my mind since Pandemic Studios went out of business.
  11. Oh yeah. You can change everything about your player character. Look for a plastic surgery place.
  12. I feel stupid about this - but I swear when I saw the first trailer for the live Jungle Book, there weren't any voices except for Kaa and I was excited at the prospect of a version of the movie where there was very little dialogue and just beautiful scenery and action scenes. And then I saw the second trailer before it came out and all the voices were SO GOOFY and I should've known it was actually going to be like that.
  13. Google Play Music's interface switched to purple today, nice.
  14. And he in fact decided not too and wasn't asking for a pass.
  15. Axiom Verge is on Vita now. And holy fuck is it fun.
  16. Crazy amount of respect for the guy, and fuck - I don't think I'd ever be the same myself if I witnessed something like that... much less the fact that it wouldn't be someone who does the same thing that I do.
  17. Features like "you could be the first person to explore this planet" make people's minds and excitement go fucking crazy. It's really easy to overlook the fact - and it is a fact - that there are going to be a handful of different 'styles' of planet and then they're all just going to look the same anyways.
  18. I think that's been a thing for a while, just without a clue as to when it's happening.
  19. Anyone playing Salt & Sanctuary? I'd holding my breath for the Vita release.
  20. That's the delayed wind resistance from how fast he was going.
  21. I have a Logitech F310 that I use for everything. I adore it. Can switch between direct and xinput with a switch on the back which is golden.
  22. I think I've accepted now that the people who created the games that I love are now executives or retired and it's their "let's do it bigger and better than ever" followers that are doing things now.
  23. God. I wonder if those missions would still be as impossible to me today as they were back when I played it originally.
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