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Everything posted by apsham

  1. But the mod is just a series of name changes and stuff isn't it? It still works on the base mechanics of the game.
  2. Funhaus does a show where they get a random Steam game to play and they landed on Ryland's superhero game today.
  3. A lot of the talking has been taken out and made optional with audio tapes - you'll hardly ever get long cutscenes in the middle of a mission. If you played Snake Eater when it originally came out it was the version with the camera that was set in stone and since they remastered that, all the games have had a controllable camera. Controls are better than they were then as well.. honestly, time has seeped in and given it a better run of things.
  4. Well I mean, it's Homefront. I never had an ounce of good faith in that from the beginning - no clue why they thought bringing that back would be a good idea.
  5. In addition to this a good half or more of the movie was predicated on him absolutely NOT revealing anything about his past, then he was separated and then shit was way too real to get into that any more than it already had been. Although I am REALLY happy that he told her and didn't just let her find out like so many other movies would do.
  6. And christ, some of those games work without the tablet screen so they could be NX compatible depending on how that swings.
  7. I tried Final Fantasy XIV - and boy is it ever pretty but it feels so 'old MMO' that I can't really enjoy it after messing around with new, fresher takes.
  8. I started Marvel Heroes 2016 last night and chose Squirrel Girl as my free unlock - holy shit does she ever feel broken. The main attack I'm using is just a power where she points and sends squirrels out to attack people and they've just been destroying rooms full of guys before they can get a shot off on me or make it to me to attack. I like how the game lets you play everyone else up to level 10 before you need to unlock them too - it's VERY Diablo-esque especially with the constant loot, general ease of the game and modifiers on enemies and enemy groups - but I'd say you almost get TOO much loot - you can easily fill up your inventory and deciding what is good is a bit more of a thinking process because not only does armour reduce damage but it provides a bunch of perks - including unlocking abilities earlier than you regular should and other perks. A piece of armour can give a lot of perks - but it won't show you what you're losing if you switch from what you currently have. And I meant what I said about Salt & Sanctuary - everyone needs to go out and buy that game NOW. It's an amazing 2D cross up between Dark Souls (right down to menus and fonts and game systems) and a Metroid-vania (just because of the verticality of levels and the way you progress through the world) and it just feels so good. It's from the husband/wife team behind the Dishwasher games and Charlie Murder.
  9. This guy does amazing documentaries on YouTube.
  10. Salt and Sanctuary is out now on Steam and I suggest you all go buy it right meow.
  11. I might give it a roll since my better computer/internet can get it downloaded and playing quite fast. Nice to have something like that to jump on every now and then.
  12. It was clicking in one of the sticks for FF7 - if you are using a controller. I think it was the right one? The other one gave you the health return, etc. I think some people are saying press F1 for keyboard.
  13. Does the Steam version of IX have that speed up thing?
  14. apsham


    Yeah I'm actually a huge fan of the mutli as well - no radar, no bullshit, just go in and arena battle.
  15. I'm kind of doubting that people are as gung ho about the whole shin-dig as they seemed to be.
  16. Eh, then the full game comes out later and people can buy it that way. If you haven't experienced the levels and the scale and scope of them I wouldn't be so quick to say you wouldn't want to right off the bat.
  17. apsham


    Let me just tell you something. You put in this game and while you're sitting on the menu all you hear is pounding rock riffs that get louder and louder, telling you to stop doing whatever you're doing and just fucking play this game. So you start it up, you choose your difficulty and you find yourself chained to a table. Fuck this - you rip those chains off, cave in the skull of the demon that was coming for you and you find a gun on the floor. Blast the others in the room with you and get out of there. You look for a run button but fuck that, you don't need a run button you're already moving fast as hell. Next room, boom -there's your suit and you get a flash forward of the carnage in front of you. Next hallway you kill a few more bastards and then you find a god damn shotgun on a fallen marine. You take that and before you see any enemies you shoot it and you get that feeling that you got when you first played the original Doom. You go into the next room and you find the new Imps. And you fight those bastards.. they're jumping all around the room and they're throwing fireballs at you and you're just ripping their jaws off as soon as you can catch up to them (your best way of getting health back on the fly) and you're just blasting away because fuck reloading your gun, who has time for that? You move into the next room after all that and there's an elevator but first there's a little hologram. Oh great, story... but wait - the Doom novels were actually pretty awesome and this sounds like stuff from that and it barely lasted 5 seconds. Get in that elevator. DOOM flashes across the screen, the riffs pick back up and just as you see the surface the music cuts out with you cocking your shotgun - and if your preferred method of opening doors is finding the blue keycard, you're about to have some fun.
  18. apsham


    Their reasoning is sound. The reviewers, the proper ones will need to experience the full thing once multiplayer servers are switched on. I'm behind them 100% on this - and any reviews you see out today/tomorrow and people who rushed to get the hits for being the first ones out there. Oh and if you buy physical, do yourself a favour and flip the insert.
  19. apsham


    The few reviews that were pumped out overnight and stuff pegged the game at around 15-16 hours.
  20. apsham


    If you would have told me a couple of years back that someone was going to make a new Wolfenstein game and it was going to be one of the best games of the year - I would've told you that you were absolutely insane. Well now there's a new Doom out and by god - even if it's made by different people, it's still published by Bethesda and I'm going to give it a shot. I'm going to grab it after work today purely because I still play Doom to this day and this looks a hell of a lot better than Doom 3. I'll be picking it up at EB so I can do my return juuuust in case but with a lengthy single player I'm pretty pumped to get into it.
  21. It's Civ. It'll be 4 dollars in a month.
  22. I'm just happy to find out that motherfucking Phil Lord and Chris Miller are doing that movie.
  23. It's supposed to be a ground sheet cape, which were standard issue from 1971 forward.
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