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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Hunt coming out to Express Yourself and Lesnar coming out to Enter Sandman only made me think of this. Also, Canada has stolen Brock Lesnar.
  2. I've given up on gyms. It's clearly the prior posting money around here who are taking them, so I'm just going to focus on collecting.
  3. POTG can also be from shutting down enemy ultimates and stuff like that. You'll generally get really deserving ones for the most part - regardless of the fact that they're ultimates, they serve their purpose and most times I find that they take places during crucial points in the game. Console would have a TON more Torb POTGs though.
  4. You've pretty much covered anything that I'd have in my library for that kind of stuff. Dungeons of Dredmore is older and is more traditional rougelike than stuff like Throne, Issacs but it's still pretty damn fun.
  5. Just randomly caught a 270 Parasect which I am going to use to destroy the gym next to my work.
  6. I popped the album on and the second that the intro on Cynical broke into full on riffs I knew this was going to be a fucking return to form. Excellent stuff.
  7. I got pulled in regardless and now I have to decide between Subnautica and Stardew Valley after selling enough cards to add to my existing balance.
  8. I'm up for more Cohle in any way I can get it.
  9. On the contrary, I hope they make her MORE robotic and introduce it as a storyline.
  10. I don't think I can remember a thing about Digimon other than an episode where they are in a desert and then there's a bus there or something?
  11. Eh, upscaling isn't all that great or something to brag about really.
  12. It's fitting since the rest of the game looks like a "hey, what's cool to the kids right now?" mentality.
  13. Supercard syncs to your Facebook or Twitter so you should still have all your progress on Supercard, I believe.
  14. I really like the in fight explanation of MOVEZ because I always forget in between Pokemans.
  15. I was having the VR discussion with a friend last night and I agree for the most part. I've played some VR stuff and while it's a neat "oh, look at that" moment... there really isn't all that much that just grabs me straight off the bat.
  16. I'm spoiled now and I really can't enjoy the game without a team of at least 4 people grouped up. A friend and I were playing tonight and lost nearly every match to teams that couldn't communicate, people who couldn't bring themselves to change their character selection choice for anything. When you are sitting there and we're losing a King of the Hill match... playing Tobjourn isn't going to help ANYONE.
  17. NX is rumored to be shown for the first time at TGS - but we'll see if anything comes of that. E3 has become less and less important over the years and Nintendo really led the charge with that. They want to get eyes and hype on Zelda and Pokemon, which really I don't think anyone is going to criticize and they'll save the NX for a more low key and publicized event.
  18. I dunno what it is, but this is just a really meh show so far even with some cool tech announcements and stuff. VR is of zero interest to me, 4K is a buzzword at this point and Nintendo refuses to insert anything about the NX in a face palming move that I still don't understand.
  19. To explain further - the teraflop thing isn't necessairly a huge marker of performance but it's a sign of an amazing step in the right direction. The PS4 was 1.84 TF and the XB1 was something like 1.33 TF and you all remember the "oh PS4 is far superior" fight over that whole business. Rumor is there'll also be an octo-core processor and you're talking about something that is being made to sell the console gamer on buying a gaming PC without really knowing it.
  20. The PS4 (current version, not the Neo that'll be announced later) performs at 1.84 teraflops. Scorpio is aiming for 6. Which is absolutely insane for a console. It's essentially aiming finally fully bridge the gap - consoles are going to be PCs now. This has been Microsoft's direction for a while now and it's becoming a reality.
  21. You seriously underestimate the people who like Gwent.
  22. I hate good Tracers and I absolutely despise any Mei.
  23. I was having one hell of a time shutting down a Bastion every time he caused a problem for our team - one of the best feelings I've ever had in a shooter is yanking down a troublesome Bastion with a Roadhogg.
  24. I played some Overwatch last night with a full team of 6 and my god, we absolutely destroyed. You have no clue what you can do with a team who knows how to play objectives, communicates and has a well selected roster. There are still a few maps and characters where we fell short due to the other team switching to all Tobjourn and Bastion's - but at the same time, pushing a payload to the goal without it ever being contested is pretty nice as well.
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