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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Yeah, all of the games tend to have that some kind of weird trajectory. If you lock on to someone it can help but it's going to follow a certain arc no matter what. A lot of times when you first go through an area - you're probably going to get jumped a few times, that's all part of the game. And then from there on out every time you go to a lamp and reset an area, it's going to be the exact same so parts of it is a memory game. Not really, naw. It's really a game where a guide doesn't hurt at all - as it doesn't even tell you that you can start to improve your character when returning to the Hunter's Dream after dying a couple of times.. or.. after beating the first boss, I'm trying to remember. But yeah - getting primed up on the game can really help enjoyment and it's not really frowned upon, especially for a first game in the series. After that a lot of people like playing the others by trial and error and a lack of hand holding or at the very least - optional hand holding.
  2. The gun isn't really for attacking the way that you would assume in other games to be honest - what you want to do with it in Bloodborne is time a shot with it to stun your enemy and get in a visceral attack that will do huge damage. Either that or use it to stagger something that is chasing you for a moment to get away or re-position better. All in all, Bloodborne is a toss up with Dark Souls 2 for the easiest game of that style so if you're going to get into it - it's likely going to be with this.
  3. I watched the first episode last night and holy crap - my only problem is wanting to watch the remaining episodes in one 48 minute block somehow because I need to know everything that is going on. Every single character I want to know more about, and have some kind of belief that there is more to them.
  4. Apparently it's nearly unplayable on a number of computers - I was going to jump in day one on this one but I'm going to take the Telltale method and wait until everything is out and buy it together on a sale.
  5. That won't be on there until I buy a Playstation. Again. Likely when the game launches and I'm bored one afternoon.
  6. I'm... moderatly happy that I have nothing on my radar at the moment.
  7. apsham

    Fallout 4

    I think it's particularly because if you went the wrong way at the start of the game they would mess.. you.. up.
  8. apsham

    Fallout 4

    VATs is legit for certain fights. It's not like Fallout 3 or 4 gives you a proper shot in some situations.. you can't properly do cover or any other positions and sometimes enemies move in a crazy pattern towards you.
  9. While we're pimping this stuff I want to recommend this to anyone looking for a quality SNES controller. https://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller-Classic-Joystick/dp/B014QP2H1E It's a bit more but man is it ever amazing. A lot of the other controllers don't have the weight that a standard SNES controller had - because parts are simpler and it was mostly empty plastic. These are built with authentic materials and it feels so fucking good. It's bluetooth so it'll work on phones/tablets/computers and can be plugged in to work as USB as well. I got mine at EB Games so you can likely find them there, at Gamestops and Best Buys, etc.
  10. http://www.news.com.au/sport/olympics/rio-2016-olympic-athletes-told-to-keep-your-mouth-closed-when-in-contaminated-water/news-story/45e6ae4643f4dbd4001281f669b898c1 Well that's fun.
  11. My lot slowed down on playing and for me the game just hasn't felt the same since the Ana patch. I got more than a dollar an hour out of my purchase so I'm fine if I never play again in that sense but... eh. I still don't feel great about it.
  12. Controller work around for MUA means I can at least play it now. PC version is fine really besides that, don't have much of a gripe with it so far.
  13. Those are possibilities. I mean you can technically do a split yourself in the previous games and if they don't include the logos you can bet your ass someone is going to hammer them out on day one.
  14. Not very likely. The plan for the game would've been hammered out months ago.
  15. There are reviews stating that the game is rife with controller issues as well - which kind of sucks. I wanted to see for myself so I downloaded a copy and yeah - it's busted like it was when the game originally came out. The DLC isn't included with the first game but it's all there for the second... I'll assume the issues that removed the DLC from the first game on the 360 are doing something there. Games are worth playing but not until controller support is fixed.
  16. Until it comes from Nintendo I don't see the point of jumping on it whole hog as of yet.
  17. This is the same shit that happened with the last Winter games. This is the fault of the planners in Brazil and the IOC in general for letting this kind of bullshit happen. Last time we got to chuckle about weird bathrooms and dogs. This is the shit to look forward to this year. http://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/welcome-to-hell-you-won-t-be-safe-protesting-rio-police-tell-tourists/story-Z8tKNW6o1GpZxGeKUawdmM.html
  18. The Olympics are a joke anyways and even more so this year in particular. If this goes through without some seriously fucked up shit happening, I'll be surprised.
  19. It's out and... damn the bundle is 80 dollars in Canada. I can only hold out so long.
  20. I played Journey for the first time at the behest of my girlfriend and it was amazing. The first area I ran into a fellow player and we just kind of explored around and called out to each other when we found a scarf piece and I lost him moving into the second area - but a White Cloak showed up and that is someone who has essentially 100% the game. He guided me to everything and helped me when I was having problems with the simple 'calling out' to each other button. It was a great experience and we were able to form some neat communication with the call out button as well.
  21. It's not exactly a scene of sex that irks people, it's the implications of it and the fact that it happened.
  22. They were licensing issues but seeing as how this is Marvel pushing it out themselves, I'm guessing it's included.
  23. Nearly half the movie is a prologue of new content that only exists to make the shittiest part of Batgirl's story even shitter and somehow even less focused on her.
  24. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 & 2 out... THIS TUESDAY FOR PS4/XB1/PC. GET HYPE.
  25. Starbound is officially released now and I have to say.. wow. I'm kind of staggered by everything that there is now.
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