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Everything posted by apsham

  1. I thought it was foundation because the main thing they lauded about it when it was announced was base building.
  2. Just reading that now and it's so true. Even when I saw him live in an arena full of people it was this really odd experience that I have never had with live music where he was speaking to the audience and aside from a joke here or there when something happened - he was talking to the audience, but no one in particular and it was so easy to believe that he was talking just to you. In a room full of thousands of people and me in the bleachers furthest back from the stage.
  3. Ahahaha, I saw that posted around before but I had no clue what it was referencing. That is amazing.
  4. Ohhh yes! Even something small like the 'ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO NOT LEARN THIS MOVE' screen being gone is something huge for me. I haven't found this yet - but I'm interested as well. http://www.serebii.net/sunmoon/pokepelago.shtml
  5. I think that the thing that is getting to me is oddly enough one of the features that I like the most - Pokemon has never had a 'here is the next objective' feature before and I welcome that greatly since my play schedule is all over the place. But knowing where the next little mini-cutscene is makes them seem a hell of a lot more frequent even when you get past all the introduction stuff. I give that a pass because I mean - every Pokemon game is someone's first and they are targetting a lot of different people with this release. But the objective marker is something I have considered when thinking about this.
  6. I am so glad that gyms as they were are gone. The monotony of going to next town, doing the gym, etc - has so far been alleviated. The removal of HMs as well is such a breath of fresh air.
  7. I just got through the first kahuna as well - had a long car drive last night and I took advantage of that. I'm currently doing: Litten (having a hard time letting it evolve) Gastly Pichu Rattata Meowth Yungoos I'm waiting for Yungoos or Rattata to evolve so I can put Rockruff in there instead though.
  8. Pokemon Sun & Moon could very easily slip in there for me as well.
  9. Yeah, Meowth being my favorite I was instantly excited that the house Pokemon this time around is one.
  10. Oh absolutely Cody's Theme is the entire reason that the entire album got stuck in my head - I'd start it and get busy at work and let it run and now I pretty much need to have the whole thing on loop. The album doesn't end all that well for me, I don't mind American Garbage but the last two tracks are kinda eh... but the whole thing is a concept so I accept it for what it is.
  11. AJJ's The Bible 2 and Watsky's x Infinity were the only two things I think I really got into this year.
  12. Gah - shit changed drastically again? I was going to give the free weekend on XB1 a shot but I'm somewhat tired of these living, breathing games that are constantly tinkering in pretty big ways.
  13. Steep open beta this weekend! From what I can tell it's The Crew but walking around a mountain and snowboarding, skiing, wingsuit, etc.
  14. Well contemporary really just means something that is happening in the present. So to me that just means someone who is still making films.
  15. It's a necessary step. 3DS won't live forever and this is the start of bringing the series over to the Switch.
  16. I am in love with this game. It's everything that a modern Pokemon game needs to be while at the same time giving me the nostalgia of playing the series for the first time.
  17. Despite all the stress at work this week and the fact that it's not over until tomorrow's work day is over... I am really excited that there is a new Pokemon coming out and my god I want to stay up to play it when it unlocks at midnight.
  18. Rumor on the Spiderman game is that it won't land until 2018.
  19. Excited to turn on my 2DS this morning and see my Pokemon Sun pre-order at 4 days to unlock. I was unenthused when I went back to play Omega and felt really annoyed by the flow of that game - only to start up X on a whim and enjoyed the flow of that much better.
  20. You can only fill up the 5GB it sets aside, yeah? That's easy to do with some of those town overhauls/new locations.
  21. Err yeah, that was what I originally liked about it until it started to make Pitt's character shine in the light no matter what. It was a weird set of morals.
  22. Everything I have seen on preview feels a little.. off to me. It seems like everything they are showing or have had YouTubers play boils down to a few moments of "ha! isn't it neat they put that in the game" and I've yet to see if it's going to be something that wears off after some novelty or not. I'll look into it but more than likely when he's half-price.
  23. apsham

    EWB Film Club

    I'd like to jump in on this whenever possible.
  24. Uhhh, I got about halfway through Fury today and while I was initially impressed at depiction of war that didn't look to glorify anything - the whole 'he's gotten us through some shit' part after: Made me uncomfortable about the direction of how we are supposed to think of Brad Pitt's commander, and then the whole. Left me pausing the movie and wondering what the fuck Ayer was thinking.
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