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Everything posted by apsham

  1. Just as. I pointed that out earlier - even the plates for the food are Coleman. I didn't know Coleman MADE plates.
  2. I've decided that my second book is going to be Tarkin by James Luceno which follows the career of the eventual Grand Moff Tarkin starting at five years after the Empire rises to power. It was the first Star Wars novel I purchased when I got back into reading and I'm glad to finally get around to it now. For as little screen time as he had, Tarkin was always an excellent bad guy in my mind.
  3. That's the one that I wanted to start when I wanted to get into Gaiman - but at the same time I was having a problem with longer books and decided to go with shorter ones and work my way up to that point. I'll be getting to that ASAP to get ready for the series.
  4. I was always put off initially by the idea of Gaiman - I think I associated him too much with the work of Tim Burton (just by proxy - due to similar themes and visuals) who I despise as a creator. But that was an old idea of mine and one that I wanted to get away from so first I read Neverwhere and really liked it so I picked up Stardust and honestly I think I liked it quite a bit as well. Maybe it's due to me having a hard time getting into fiction previously - a lot of the concepts that I like come at a really high comprehension level and are associated with the idea of reading something more than once to 'really get it'. Gaiman's books are like watching a movie in my head and I really like that - I instantly comprehend everything and it just feels so natural. His is a writing style that concepts with me a lot because of how witty it is... I was always scared that it would come off as really trying to be something that he had read or seen before in the way of being forced but I never really got that vibe the whole time. He states in the foreword to Neverwhere that he's looking to write books and create stories that give adults the same feelings they had reading fantasy as a child and I think that it works on that level for me.
  5. Oh. I never knew that was a real person, I just figured it was someone big in universe. That's stupid as fuck.
  6. First book down! I blasted through Stardust quicker than I thought that I might - turns out I left off last night in the right place and ended up in the perfect place to blast through the climax and need to finish the story. I'll decide on something new tonight while will be a littler easier since I've rearranged by bookcase.
  7. Yeah, they can basically go fuck themselves and their reddit egos.
  8. I'm really struggling to find the want to get back into the game after being away from it a bit - even after the big stuff coming from Chapter 9. Every time I think of it, I think of the camping system and the fishing system and how all of it feels a bit more forced than it probably should. Everything is an event and is well done in that respect, but all it serves to do on that end for me is point out how little else there is to do in the game.
  9. It's entirely piggybacking off someone elses work - the length of time that it took to do is irrelevant when they could have spent time to make something themselves instead of relying on the name value of Issac to get any attention at all out of it.
  10. I can only really force myself to read when I'm in bed at night - sometimes last year I just wouldn't bother but I'm going to try and knock out at least a chapter every evening now.
  11. I'm going to try and do a longer form novel and a shorter one (something like Coraline, which I am currently reading beside Stardust) to make sure that I can hit my target so hopefully - all things in and done with, I'll go over 24.
  12. The club has built in features to set monthly books or so - no real need to force people to read certain things, but we could have it as an option.
  13. Created a club so we can pal around on Goodreads. https://www.goodreads.com/group/invite/207890-ewb-book-club?invite_key=d154fb3ff49be5ddaaf81d5017ac604b2d994266&utm_medium=email&utm_source=copypastegroup
  14. My bookcase says I need to get around to this. Last year I didn't hit my goal at all, but it increased throughout the year and I'm going to set a goal of two books a month this time around.
  15. Same here - that was the best way to play it for me.
  16. Those ones are the best and almost the most infuriating because it was at that point that I realized that I would have to go way above and beyond to figure out some of the later ones, haha.
  17. It was too soon - could've been a bigger thing once VR hit and was refined.
  18. I like the idea - but I don't think I can set things up months ahead of schedule, that seems oddly limiting and something that will lead to burn out and forcing yourself to do something really quickly. I might take a look at a list of games and see what I can do with it.. because there are certainly things I need to finish or 100% and we're rounding near a dry spell.
  19. Batman Telltale series is tomorrow's daily deal for the XB1 - picked it up for 12 dollars/7 pounds.
  20. Fantastic Beasts for sure. Assassin's Creed looks a bit generic to me, and while I wouldn't exactly say that it's stalkerish/rapey as its made out to be by that statement, Passengers is kind of run of the mill.
  21. I've always loved Battlefield as a concept and as a visual more, yeah - but I've always had issues with the way that the games end up playing out in the end. In other games you can do well without a squad for the most part and if you get out of the action you're usually right back into it, but when it comes to Battlefield each game is kind of a crap shoot for the most part when it comes to that kind of stuff.
  22. Mad Max was a GOTY contender for me, loved every second of that playthrough and I almost never finish games.
  23. I'm dying because I made the mistake of playing through this with my girlfriend watching - so I'd just do side quest stuff when she wasn't around and advance the story when she was. I thought I had more to do in the middle of Chapter 9 and to a pretty big part of the start that was basically 45 minutes of no breaks or saves and I can thankfully go back to the start of that, but I can't do any side stuff until I get past that. With the holidays being what they are we haven't had much time to game together so god dernit.
  24. Major Nelson is advertising that The Biggest Sale Ever is going to start on the 22nd - and I believe it's slated to run until the 2nd, so the exact time frame of the Steam Winter Sale as well. Interested to see what it's going to be like, Xbox sales are usually pretty good.
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